The benefits and drawbacks of shorter days at work.

in #hive-1538502 months ago

I have been observing since I started working, I think four days of the week are the most important working days for every organization. Let's take a look at Monday for example, Mondays are known to be serious, busy, and full of activities, they continue till Tuesday and Wednesday but when it gets to Thursday, the activities are reduced drastically till Friday which is considered a free day for almost all organizations. I have been to a banking system, worked at a parastatal department, and worked somewhere else before working in a school presently and I can tell, four four-dayly working schedules should be considered.

The long tete-a-tete about the ideal work schedule has been ongoing for years, with some people advocating for a shorter work week while some prefer the five days. I firmly believe that a four-day workweek is a viable alternative to the traditional five-day schedule. In fact, I would argue that it's a better option for many organizations.


Let's examine the current state of Fridays in the Northern part of the country, Fridays are considered a half-day in most organizations, with many employees wrapping up their tasks early to kick-start their weekend and majorly they abandon work activities because of the Jumah service. This means that the last day of the work week is often less productive than the others. By eliminating Fridays altogether, we can consolidate our work hours into four days, resulting in longer hours but more focused work.

Another insight, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that a shorter workweek can be effective. During the lockdown, many employees worked from home, with some scheduled to work only two or three times a week. Despite this reduced schedule, work activities continued uninterrupted, and productivity levels remained unaffected. Even teachers adapted to online teaching, demonstrating that a shorter work week doesn't necessarily mean reduced output.

How can we wake up to work at 3am, and come back home very late at night every day for five good working days without breaking down? it is damn too unhealthy for our living. No wonder, you see people after retirement from service breaking down with one illness or the other🤷 We need to restrategize so that we can live longer in good health. Some people even work from Monday to Sunday, Why? Don't overdo do because of money👌

Will four days be a better option?
Yes, it will.

  • A four-day work week can improve work-life balance that is, a shorter work week allows employees to recharge and attend to personal matters, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced burnout.

  • It can also reduce overhead costs, such as energy consumption, and facilities maintenance and transportation costs can be reduced too.

  • With longer hours but fewer days, employees can focus more intently on their tasks, leading to higher quality work and increased productivity.

  • A shorter work week can lead to reduced commuting time, resulting in lower carbon footprint emissions and a more sustainable future. It has environmental benefits if we operate a four-day workweek

  • Offering a four-day workweek will allow people to take care of their health as they say, health is wealth. More resting days starting from Fridays to Sundays are enough to rest well, go for exercise, and have enough time for the family before working activities kick start again.

Are there any drawbacks?
Maybe yes

  • It can increase the workload compressing a full workload of five days into four days.
  • It could lead to stress for some employees after working for long hours.
  • It could drastically reduce the flexibility of employees.
  • It could affect the economy's output and productivity.
    It might also affect customers' service hours or availability which can reduce the effectiveness of such an organization.

As someone who would implement this policy if given the chance to be the president or governor, the first thing I change is the working days schedule as it's not necessary five days before we can be productive. I believe it's time to rethink our traditional work arrangements and embrace a more modern, flexible approach to our working system to improve work-life balance, enhance productivity, and reduce costs.

It shouldn't be the traditional five-day working schedule routine, we can implement the four-day work schedule by consolidating more working hours into fewer days. However, working five days or four days can be well described based on individuals, organizations, industries, or companies' needs.

I'm an advocate for shorter days that is four days out of seven is good enough and if any day should be removed, I will pick Friday.

The image is sourced.

My response to the #hivelearners contest on Four-day work **

  Thank you for reading💕