Truly, if we look deeply at the damages behind the usage of the internet to individuals and society at large, we might be tempted to call for it to be banned. Many people have been ruined through the Internet, while countless others have benefitted from its usage. Should we now say it should be banned? Wouldn’t we face a total blackout if the internet were prohibited? Aside from its addiction to so many, the Internet has become a fundamental human right since its inception and I will state my reasons below 👇
Access to Information: In this digital age, the majority of people around the globe acquire information via the Internet, in contrast to the old days of reading newspapers or watching local news broadcasts.
Communication: The Internet has made communication easier; sending and receiving messages is now quicker and more efficient than ever before. I remembered my service year when I needed my certificate for something important, and because the security in Nigeria was not a joke, I couldn't take my certificates along to avoid stories that weaken the heart🤣. It was scanned and sent to me all because there was an internet👌
Global Connectivity: We are now more globally connected through the Internet, which serves as a bridge between cultures and traditions that promotes unity, collaboration, and connection1. Among individuals. It helps people to communicate and keep up with societal trends. My secondary school association was formed through the Internet. The charity group organization I belong to was formed through the internet and we have been in existence since 14 years ago and so many more.
E-commerce: Many people have become experts in buying and selling goods and services online; I am proud to be one of them, as my online business has thrived for four years now and still counting.
Freedom of Expression: The Internet has empowered many to express their opinions freely. The youths can express their opinions on things that matter, like politics, sports, and so on. Also, so many marriages have been restored through the internet, and broken hearts have been healed, too.
Job creation: So many people find their daily bread through the use of the internet. I remember my first earnings were from the internet, where I started teaching the Yoruba language to a Yoruba family living in the United Kingdom; I was earning my daily bread steadily without interruption. All teachings were done online. Thanks to internet 👏
How can we protect the Internet as a fundamental human right?
Firstly, abuse and misuse of the Internet must be addressed. Numerous harmful activities, such as fraud, pornography, cyberbullying, and scams, occur online.
Secondly, there should be a governing body to oversee the ethics of online behavior, posts, information dissemination, and digital literacy. We need to move away from the rampant spread of misinformation under the guise of free expression.
Moreover, governments and organizations should be compelled to invest in and expand internet access, particularly in rural communities like my village, where fundamental services are still delivered in outdated ways.
The Internet cannot be banned; it has fundamentally shaped how we approach digital literacy. Everyone is adapting, striving to become experts at using the Internet responsibly. The focus of our government or leaders should be on striking a balance between free access and responsible use of this vital resource.
If such a ruling should be passed, the world would be in a total mess. Internet should be considered a human right for the world to be in a better place. However, moderation and regularization are the code.
The image is sourced.
This is my participation in the #hivelearners weekly writing on edition two of the topic: A fundamental human right.
Thank you for reading 💕