Deep Dive into the Reputation Score on Hive

in #hive-1538503 days ago

Someone who is quite new on Hive, very active, and a quick learner, was wondering one of the last days how does the reputation score work on Hive in detail.

If he didn't find it (maybe he didn't look, I don't know) and he was interested in the subject, I assume the topic is important for many more newcomers who take the route of creating content on Hive.

A facile explanation of what reputation of an account represents on Hive is the score associated with the lifetime of payouts the account received. This explanation is easy to understand by anyone but also not entirely accurate in all cases, as you will see.

Given that the reputation score is more or less linked to the payouts received, it may not be the best indicator of someone's reputation on Hive. If an account receives regular whale upvotes - maybe regardless of the quality of their posts - the reputation score goes up quicker.

If someone doesn't post often but does a lot of important work for Hive, equally may have a lower reputation for creating content, but overall their Hive reputation in the community is much higher.

Also note that we may have whale accounts on Hive that have no reputation (i.e. reputation 25, the one you start with), and yet their wallet says a completely different story. Reputation doesn't say anything about these power users, who may or may not be active, for example by curating others.

If you vote on posts, that doesn't influence your reputation, but it does grow your curation rewards.

That being said, let's go into the details.

Reputation Score Is On a Logarithmic Scale

The reputation score is on a log (base 10) scale and it looks kind of like this:


Newcomers might've seen it's easy to level up your reputation score at first, and it becomes more difficult as time goes by (unless the support on your posts and comments increases significantly in time).

Everyone starts with a 25 reputation score, which is known as simplified reputation. The blockchain really keeps a very high number in its records that is known as the raw reputation. Reputation 25 is kept internally as 1 billion (1,000,000,000), for example. There is a formula to transform raw reputation into simplified reputation, but most people other than developers won't ever need it.

The reputation can go up through upvotes of others on your posts and comments, or down through downvotes. Nothing else affects the reputation score, as it is implemented now.

There is no fixed multiplier of how difficult it would be to progress from one level to the next, as I've seen speculated in the past. That's why it's a log function, it grows faster at first when it's easy and attenuates at higher levels, but the numbers still get astronomical then. For example, for level 26, one needs 1,291,549,665 raw reputation. For level 27, the requirement is 1,668,100,537. For level 75, the requirement is 359,381,366,380,463. Get the picture?

Reward Shares

When curators vote on your posts or comments, they earn reward shares determined by their HIVE Power, weight of vote, their voting mana (about to be changed in HF28), and when they voted. At payout, reward shares of everyone who voted on a post and of everyone who voted in general determine how the rewards are distributed.

How Does Reputation Score Change?

The reputation score changes based on the reward shares of curators AND their reputation. The first part is why it is said it is a metric of payouts received through the lifetime of an account.

However, the influence of the reputation of curators make it a slightly different metric than total payouts received.

This influence on reputation is taken in consideration when downvotes are cast. Here are the two special situations:

  1. negative reputation voters do not affect the reputation of others (but they do affect their payouts!)
  2. only accounts with a higher reputation than yours can affect your reputation through downvotes (so, receiving downvotes from lower rep accounts has no effect on the reputation score)


The reputation score gives at most an incomplete picture of someone's activity on Hive (but aren't all metrics incomplete?). Yet, since it is called reputation, it is the indicator newcomers would greatly value both when searching for new connections to make and as a number they probably want to boost as soon as possible, probably encouraged by how easy it is to level up at first.

I won't disregard its importance but I won't over inflate it either. It is one of the few elements of gamification Hive has embedded at the core level, so let's not throw it to trash. It can still be useful!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Are you trying to say that the reputation for content creation is different from that of voting?

There is only one reputation score. What users know as reputation (with numbers starting from 25 and going up or down), is a simplified version to be easier to read. Raw reputation number can't be easier read by humans, but it's how the blockchain stores reputation.

Reputation score is always for content creation, and is determined by the votes of others.

The Power

How can you judge others for doing wrong when you are at fault? Using power to do wrong and then passing judgment on others who have done no wrong is not only hypocritical but also futile. It's essential to examine our actions before casting aspersions on others and talking about them.

Attempting to deceive others on a blockchain where all transactions are public is foolish. Trying to fool people who have been around blockchains for years is also unwise. It's disappointing to see that Hive is more centralized than Steemit and Blurt. The constant sell pressure on Hive, which comes from those in power constantly printing an unlimited supply of Hive and HBD, is disheartening it's sad selling false hope to many.

Many other coins and tokens have surpassed Hive's market cap and price, with even meme coins which have no use gaining more traction than Hive.

The concept of a decentralized blockchain is about freedom, and it loses its meaning when it is controlled by a select few who misuse their power. Downvoting legitimate users for no reason and spreading lies tarnishes the integrity of the system and contradicts the essence of decentralization.

It's crucial to question the authenticity of Hive blockchain, which claims to be decentralized but is, in reality, under the control of a few individuals who don't care about Hive. The actions of those in control of Hive are shocking, and it's clear that changes need to be made onboarding new users to a broken chain does nothing.

At Bilpcoin, we've been treated unfairly on Hive, with many negative comments and bad treatment in various channels. While many agree with us, they're afraid to speak up for fear of being downvoted and losing income Hive is not a friendly place unless you are part of the in-crowd. Many users on Hive are from poor countries and many take advantage of cheap labour, among other concerning practices we will keep expressing the truth until a change is made on Hive or Hive is no more

It is not easy to increase the reputation, I have been working continuously on this platform for the last two and a half years and when the reputation is high, people give more respect.

Well, that's true. Especially newer people treat others more respectfully based on reputation. I... stopped seeing the reputation score of people, mainly because I know true reputation on Hive has little to do with that number. Just look at the reputation of Gandalf. Do you think his reputation on Hive is only 75? For regular content creators, it might say something, but even in that case, it's not always the best indicator of someone's reputation.

This is very informative. I thought voting on others affected my rep a little bit, so that's a wrong information that got corrected. I guess it does makes sense that the only ones that should affect my rep are the votes on me. Thanks for sharing this info.

You're welcome! I read that was a common misconception back in the day too. So it appears it is important to repeat some information every once in a while for those interested.

It's an incomplete picture, but it does give people a thing to compare to. I don't think there is any other type of reputation out there, and I think it can be useful depending on the situation. I think the gamification is good but I do agree that there are things to improve it.

Yeah, it probably has too many "holes" in it to consider improving it, especially thinking at its history, but also its current usage. If someone has or buys an account with a relatively good enough reputation and has a significant stake, and never posts, they can go on a downvoting spree and make real damage.

But until something better comes up (if it does), it is a metric newcomers most likely focus upon both when looking upon others and to increase themselves.

Reputation score is somewhere in between very important and not so important in my view. While starting out first on Hive, I was so keen on reaching past the 50 mark, given the highest broad category is around 70 to 80. But then, it dawned on me that reputation score is only one aspect of the whole picture, especially from a social and financial viewpoint.

You are right... and it tends to be more important for newcomers, I believe.

the highest broad category is around 70 to 80

That happens because in that range the leveling up of reputation starts to become a challenge. And above 80 one has to be a consistent write (likely daily) and being rewarded well most of the times. Plus, they have to have been pretty old on the platform, since the old chain, for sure.

Right, that category, especially 80 and above is where most of the old timers or Hive OG's are found. It may take a few more years before newer accounts created during the Hive era to reach that high level of reputation.

It really depends. I know someone who joined a little after I was and is now above 80. And I joined at the beginning of 2018, so later than many of the initial bloggers of the previous chain. Consistency and, in a way luck of having some big voters appreciate your type of content (or you) over long periods of time make a difference.

The Power

How can you judge others for doing wrong when you are at fault? Using power to do wrong and then passing judgment on others who have done no wrong is not only hypocritical but also futile. It's essential to examine our actions before casting aspersions on others and talking about them.

Attempting to deceive others on a blockchain where all transactions are public is foolish. Trying to fool people who have been around blockchains for years is also unwise. It's disappointing to see that Hive is more centralized than Steemit and Blurt. The constant sell pressure on Hive, which comes from those in power constantly printing an unlimited supply of Hive and HBD, is disheartening it's sad selling false hope to many.

Many other coins and tokens have surpassed Hive's market cap and price, with even meme coins which have no use gaining more traction than Hive.

The concept of a decentralized blockchain is about freedom, and it loses its meaning when it is controlled by a select few who misuse their power. Downvoting legitimate users for no reason and spreading lies tarnishes the integrity of the system and contradicts the essence of decentralization.

It's crucial to question the authenticity of Hive blockchain, which claims to be decentralized but is, in reality, under the control of a few individuals who don't care about Hive. The actions of those in control of Hive are shocking, and it's clear that changes need to be made onboarding new users to a broken chain does nothing.

At Bilpcoin, we've been treated unfairly on Hive, with many negative comments and bad treatment in various channels. While many agree with us, they're afraid to speak up for fear of being downvoted and losing income Hive is not a friendly place unless you are part of the in-crowd. Many users on Hive are from poor countries and many take advantage of cheap labour, among other concerning practices we will keep expressing the truth until a change is made on Hive or Hive is no more

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.

My goodness brother, this has helped me a lot knowing what I went through this week. However, what I saw with reputation due to Downvotes was some glitches. Since the bot accounts that downvoted me were negative rep it wasn't supposed to affect me but apparently it did affect my rep on PeakD, Ecency And Hive blog . However some friends say my Rep still stays the same and others see it drop. I wonder why that is but the bots keep downvoting me and my new reputation is not affected,.it keep growing and hopefully it will be back to normal state.

You have really explained it so well brother

At least one of the accounts that downvotes you has a reputation of 55. Yours is currently 51. Despite that, since it has a low HP, its effect on your progress is minimal, even at full downvotes. I suggest to simply ignore them. That's the best strategy. Some downvoters feed off the disturbance they cause to those being downvoted, even if that's mainly emotional, without real effects. I see you've taken it well, so, keep going.

You might want to turn off voting notifications for a while, if you can, on the service you use for that.

thank you so much brother I'll just keep going and will be back to my level in no time... I'm making even more good friends and getting better with my content everyday

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.

Hello, Hive community

At Bilpcoin, we are committed to making a positive impact and being a valuable asset to Hive. We have identified areas that require big improvement and have highlighted areas where power has been misused this can not go on. We apologize sincerely if our efforts have caused any inconvenience we are so sorry, and we now wish to demonstrate that we can help to build Hive give us a try a real try. We are confident that we can work together to overcome any challenges and obstacles that we face, as we are committed to seeing Hive thrive we don't won't to see Hive die.

At Bilpcoin, we are passionate about exploring the ever-evolving world of AI art and video and we show that in our work, and we are excited about the future possibilities.

We are transparent and honest in all our dealings, and we use any funds we generate to either buy and burn our tokens BPC or purchase other Hive engine tokens so we are not spammers or scammers. Our ultimate goal is to reduce our token supply as much as possible, and our team members' transactions can be easily traced by anyone it's open for all we have nothing to hide.

We are keen to contribute to the promotion of Hive but how can we right now, we hope to move forward from any past misunderstandings let's move on. We urge you to join us on this journey what changes would you like to see on Hive, and we welcome any input, suggestions, or feedback from the community.

Lastly, to show our appreciation, we would like to offer a 50BPC vote to anyone who uses the #Bilpcoin or #BPC tag, and one lucky person will receive over 1000BPC Vote. However, we ask that spammers and farmers refrain from using these tags.

Let's work together to build a better future for Hive we owe it to ourselves.

Thank you,

The Bilpcoin team.

Written by the Bilpcoin team

The Power

How can you judge others for doing wrong when you are at fault? Using power to do wrong and then passing judgment on others who have done no wrong is not only hypocritical but also futile. It's essential to examine our actions before casting aspersions on others and talking about them.

Attempting to deceive others on a blockchain where all transactions are public is foolish. Trying to fool people who have been around blockchains for years is also unwise. It's disappointing to see that Hive is more centralized than Steemit and Blurt. The constant sell pressure on Hive, which comes from those in power constantly printing an unlimited supply of Hive and HBD, is disheartening it's sad selling false hope to many.

Many other coins and tokens have surpassed Hive's market cap and price, with even meme coins which have no use gaining more traction than Hive.

The concept of a decentralized blockchain is about freedom, and it loses its meaning when it is controlled by a select few who misuse their power. Downvoting legitimate users for no reason and spreading lies tarnishes the integrity of the system and contradicts the essence of decentralization.

It's crucial to question the authenticity of Hive blockchain, which claims to be decentralized but is, in reality, under the control of a few individuals who don't care about Hive. The actions of those in control of Hive are shocking, and it's clear that changes need to be made onboarding new users to a broken chain does nothing.

At Bilpcoin, we've been treated unfairly on Hive, with many negative comments and bad treatment in various channels. While many agree with us, they're afraid to speak up for fear of being downvoted and losing income Hive is not a friendly place unless you are part of the in-crowd. Many users on Hive are from poor countries and many take advantage of cheap labour, among other concerning practices we will keep expressing the truth until a change is made on Hive or Hive is no more

The Power

How can you judge others for doing wrong when you are at fault? Using power to do wrong and then passing judgment on others who have done no wrong is not only hypocritical but also futile. It's essential to examine our actions before casting aspersions on others and talking about them.

Attempting to deceive others on a blockchain where all transactions are public is foolish. Trying to fool people who have been around blockchains for years is also unwise. It's disappointing to see that Hive is more centralized than Steemit and Blurt. The constant sell pressure on Hive, which comes from those in power constantly printing an unlimited supply of Hive and HBD, is disheartening it's sad selling false hope to many.

Many other coins and tokens have surpassed Hive's market cap and price, with even meme coins which have no use gaining more traction than Hive.

The concept of a decentralized blockchain is about freedom, and it loses its meaning when it is controlled by a select few who misuse their power. Downvoting legitimate users for no reason and spreading lies tarnishes the integrity of the system and contradicts the essence of decentralization.

It's crucial to question the authenticity of Hive blockchain, which claims to be decentralized but is, in reality, under the control of a few individuals who don't care about Hive. The actions of those in control of Hive are shocking, and it's clear that changes need to be made onboarding new users to a broken chain does nothing.

At Bilpcoin, we've been treated unfairly on Hive, with many negative comments and bad treatment in various channels. While many agree with us, they're afraid to speak up for fear of being downvoted and losing income Hive is not a friendly place unless you are part of the in-crowd. Many users on Hive are from poor countries and many take advantage of cheap labour, among other concerning practices we will keep expressing the truth until a change is made on Hive or Hive is no more

Hello, Hive community

At Bilpcoin, we are committed to making a positive impact and being a valuable asset to Hive. We have identified areas that require big improvement and have highlighted areas where power has been misused this can not go on. We apologize sincerely if our efforts have caused any inconvenience we are so sorry, and we now wish to demonstrate that we can help to build Hive give us a try a real try. We are confident that we can work together to overcome any challenges and obstacles that we face, as we are committed to seeing Hive thrive we don't won't to see Hive die.

At Bilpcoin, we are passionate about exploring the ever-evolving world of AI art and video and we show that in our work, and we are excited about the future possibilities.

We are transparent and honest in all our dealings, and we use any funds we generate to either buy and burn our tokens BPC or purchase other Hive engine tokens so we are not spammers or scammers. Our ultimate goal is to reduce our token supply as much as possible, and our team members' transactions can be easily traced by anyone it's open for all we have nothing to hide.

We are keen to contribute to the promotion of Hive but how can we right now, we hope to move forward from any past misunderstandings let's move on. We urge you to join us on this journey what changes would you like to see on Hive, and we welcome any input, suggestions, or feedback from the community.

Lastly, to show our appreciation, we would like to offer a 50BPC vote to anyone who uses the #Bilpcoin or #BPC tag, and one lucky person will receive over 1000BPC Vote. However, we ask that spammers and farmers refrain from using these tags.

Let's work together to build a better future for Hive we owe it to ourselves.

Thank you,

The Bilpcoin team.

Written by the Bilpcoin team

@arcange is the source but I won't link the post


It refers to the previous chain. I thought you (or others) might not prefer that. If you'd like the link included, I will.

You can link this post. Except for the permlink, there are no more references to the "previous" chain anymore 😉

Nice! You've updated it! 😀 I just linked it.