Smartphones in Schools: Necessity or Distraction

in #hive-15385026 days ago

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In live in the technology era and every day we are witnessing something new invention or new technology development. Smart Phone and the internet are two big inventions which almost every one in this world is using or used in past. The smart phone are not just a mode of the communication its has the capability of performing the replacement of many things for our daily life. Its is a complete package of the information and has the ability to store the millions of the books text inside it. When connected with the internet it has many more possibility like AI, which has the capability to answer your questions, write a story for you, draw a paining as requested even solve the questions asked by the teachers. At first it looks very attractive and excited also but if you look at the other side of the story it is making us lazy and our kids are lacking in the fundamentals.


When we were in schools we were not suppose to use the calculator which was one big tech at taht time for doing calculation. We were use to learn the tables, this learning we are using even today also. I am not using the calculator if I to calculate the sum of the amount I have to pay to the shop keeper when I made a purchase. Do you think it may be possible if I was allowed to use the calculator in my junior class. The technology for our use, their is no doubt in same but their should be some restrictions to use the technology. I was in my second year of bachelor degree when I got my first phone, some of my class mate or bath mate were already has the phone and some time we use to borrow it form them if we have to make an urgent call. If the school going students were allowed to carry the mobile phones in schools then this is bring more damage to them then the growth. This will become the reason for more disadvantage then the advantage. The kids will be always distractive in the class when they will have the phone in their hands. The phone has the power of distract even adults then you can think what will be the effect of same on the kids. Think of a scenario when a teacher is putting their best efforts and providing a lecture to the students but most of the students are busy with their phone, chatting with their friends, watching video, making calls etc. In the thinking itself the situation looks so embracing for the teacher, think of the feeling a teacher must have in real life if he or she has to face it.


AI, ChatGTP ate good invention of the era and helping a lots of the people in personal and professional life. But similar to other technologies they have their won advantages along with the disadvantages also. The AI has the ability to answer the questions we asked very effectively and is a good source of the information and search, but the students also use it to make their work easy. Their were many news form around thee world in which the students asked the ChatGTP to prepared their assignment. This is a cheating, using the AI for their study is one thing but preparing their assignment and submit the same is very wrong. If the kids will allowed to use the AI then most of then choose this effort less way to do the study.


Technology is for our ease and make our lives easy, and not to make it complex. The use of basic phone in the school may be allowed in my opinion as this is for their safety and in case of emergency they will be able to contact their loved once. It will not much effect their studies. Instead of the Smart Phone the use of the PC for the study purpose is good idea in my opinion. The smart phone may also be allowed but with restriction as not to use in the class room etc.

What are your views let me know in comment section.
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