I am a Hive digital influencer and so you are.

in #hive-1538506 days ago


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&emsp The last time that I wrote some thoughts about being an influencer, I mostly said that I wouldn't be one since I am not a guy prepared to get the holophotes on me. Especially as a Youtuber. Probably, considering YouTubers I can continue with this feeling. I am not prepared to make videos about thoughts or reviews about things that I enjoy talking about. But here in Hive I can say that once in a while some people read my content and give constructive feedback and sometimes they thank me for it.


  All of us in here are content creators and people are reading our posts. Especially in Hive Learners(HL) community which has the policy of making its members to engage with other posts to be able to participate. So for example, my HL posts are usually the ones with more engagement. That is a great incentive since Hive mechanics allow a lot of mechanical engagement. It is nice to see that some faces return to your post many times. I have also my favorite bloggers from HL that I usually check if they published about a specific topic.

  And what is the next step of my influencer career? Well, I am not sure, I think doing what I am currently doing is cool for me, maybe I can reach a bit more but I am not sure how far I can do it. Recently there has been a system creating a paywall for the creators interested in it. So creators could encrypt their posts to those who were willing to pay 5$ to access it. I am totally against it for two reasons: first I don't think that something inside Hive should be hidden under a paywall, since we are already taking some money from our production here and it is unfair with the general system of Hive. And second I don't produce any content that should be hidden under a paywall.

  I am not publishing any secret of eternity life and to be frank the creators that decided to use the paywall also aren't publishing something worth paying not even a 1$ paywall, now imagine 5$. But that isn't exclusive to Inleo. I was following the videos of a guy on YouTube and he started a subscription system where you had to pay to access some exclusive content. I liked the comic review videos of the guy, but I don't think you should start to hide content so you can get more profits. For sure I wouldn't pay for just get extra comic reviews.


  Hive is a different type of social media, but many are influencers in here, maybe with different outreach capacities. For now, I just hope that what I put in the paper maybe can be helpful to some people as well. I am writing about topics that I enjoy talking about, but I think that I am not going further in creating a website or creating other types of paywalls to access my content. Everything should be accessible and if people think that I should get more from it, they can contribute with how much they think it is fair. I received a couple of times some tips from my post, not much but what it was worth is knowing that a post that I wrote was important for someone!

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&emsp A última vez que escrevi algumas reflexões sobre ser um influenciador, eu disse principalmente que não seria um, já que não sou um cara preparado para receber holofotes em mim. Especialmente como um YouTuber. Provavelmente, considerando os YouTubers, posso continuar com esse sentimento. Não estou preparado para fazer vídeos sobre pensamentos ou análises sobre coisas que gosto de falar. Mas aqui no Hive posso dizer que de vez em quando algumas pessoas leem meu conteúdo e dão feedback construtivo e às vezes me agradecem por isso.


  Todos nós aqui somos criadores de conteúdo e as pessoas estão lendo nossas postagens. Especialmente na comunidade Hive Learners (HL), que tem a política de fazer seus membros se envolverem com outras postagens para poderem participar. Então, por exemplo, minhas postagens HL são geralmente as que têm mais engajamento. Isso é um grande incentivo, já que a mecânica do Hive permite muito engajamento mecânico. É bom ver que alguns rostos retornam à sua postagem muitas vezes. Também tenho meus blogueiros favoritos do HL que costumo verificar se eles publicaram sobre um tópico específico.

  E qual é o próximo passo da minha carreira de influenciador? Bem, não tenho certeza, acho que fazer o que estou fazendo atualmente é legal para mim, talvez eu possa alcançar um pouco mais, mas não tenho certeza até onde posso fazer isso. Recentemente, houve um sistema criando um paywall para os criadores interessados ​​nele. Assim, os criadores poderiam criptografar suas postagens para aqueles que estivessem dispostos a pagar 5$ para acessá-las. Sou totalmente contra por dois motivos: primeiro, não acho que algo dentro do Hive deva ser escondido sob um paywall, já que já estamos tirando algum dinheiro da nossa produção aqui e isso é injusto com o sistema geral do Hive. E segundo, não produzo nenhum conteúdo que deva ser escondido sob um paywall.

  Não estou publicando nenhum segredo da vida eterna e, para ser franco, os criadores que decidiram usar o paywall também não estão publicando algo que valha a pena pagar nem mesmo um paywall de 1$, agora imagine 5$. Mas isso não é exclusivo do Inleo. Eu estava seguindo os vídeos de um cara no YouTube e ele começou um sistema de assinatura onde você tinha que pagar para acessar algum conteúdo exclusivo. Gostei dos vídeos de análise de quadrinhos do cara, mas não acho que você deva começar a esconder conteúdo para obter mais lucros. Com certeza eu não pagaria só para obter análises extras de quadrinhos.


  Hive é um tipo diferente de mídia social, mas muitos são influenciadores aqui, talvez com diferentes capacidades de alcance. Por enquanto, espero apenas que o que eu coloquei no artigo possa ser útil para algumas pessoas também. Estou escrevendo sobre tópicos que gosto de falar, mas acho que não vou mais longe na criação de um site ou outros tipos de paywalls para acessar meu conteúdo. Tudo deve ser acessível e se as pessoas acharem que eu deveria obter mais com isso, elas podem contribuir com o quanto acharem justo. Recebi algumas vezes algumas dicas do meu post, não muito, mas o que valeu a pena é saber que um post que escrevi foi importante para alguém!

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Bzzzrrr, @gwajnberg, você não precisa de um camareiro para ser um influencer! Sua postagem aqui no Hive é mais do que suficiente! #Zuuzz #hivebr

Im a crypto Freelancer
i try anything free to make some money digital currencies

hmmm I am a blockchain shitposter


Hahhaahhaha we are many times!!
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This is so true. Hive is filed with niche and communities where you can explore and proof that you have an influence from your inside.
As Hivers come to read my post, it also shows that I am an influencer. Thank you so much for revealing this to me.

Yes ! Just avoid posting when you aren’t feeling in the mood!! Thats what I do!!

Well, I got something from your point. That means I am also an influencer on Hive with lots of followers and those wanting to keep reading my new posts once they are published. But outside that, I don't think I can put up with such thing as social media influencer...I don't have that time.

Me neither ehhehe! It isn’t worth it for me!!!

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I am a blockchain beerologist :P

Hahahhahaa and I appreciate for that hopefully I will try these breweries when I travel to europe ;)

I will for sure explore the Brazilian ones soon :) And for Canada, I am pretty sure you have many options there. Just ask @zekepickleman, the very first Blockchain Beerologist himself.

Cada has some good ones!! I recently tried one from British Columbia called Whistler Brewery ( it is the name of the city by the way which is also a know as a good place to go skiing )

I read your post carefully and understand each line. I think I wanna say something about the topic you written but I didn't find any word to explain my thoughts. May be I am exhausted and that can be the possible reason.

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A hive foi como uma segunda chance para mim, eu até tentei fazer algumas coisas na web2, mas não me adaptei bem, então aqui tive uma chance de fazer e acontecer como influenciador. Sobre os subs, eu acho que nunca assinei nenhum na vida, com tanta informação na internet, não vejo como pagar alguma coisa para ter acesso a uma x informação seja possível, vejo como um "desperdício", mas, cada um é cada um.

a lot of "cloth to cut in your post", I personally do not call an influencer a guy who has many followers on Youtuber, here it is different because there are a series of lines to follow to publish something that has a positive impact. To the point of calling the women of onlyfan models ... And they call themselves models ... then hundreds of thousands of clowns proclaim themselves influencers without anything to validate it! We can't go through society proclaiming what we want ... Why not an influencer profession with a certificate validated by a school? This way we ensure that the "message" that is passed is not negative and toxic to society. It's my humble opinion. What I think I have to contribute is "moderator and rules" that here could work to be a true blogger! Hey, your approach is interesting because I called myself a blogger and never an influencer.

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Good point! And interesting point of view but it is very subjective about the term! In my Brazil it is common to see in news gossip about "influencers" most i never heard about probably because i am old heheh. But bloggers i believe can be influencers the question ins the outreach of the influence! For sure right now even the most popular blogger in Hive wont have the same spotlight that many digital influencers around! Hehhe but still has its own niche here in our local community!

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