I running for elections? nah!

in #hive-1538503 months ago


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  I have been a Canadian citizen for almost 2 years now. What did I get mostly compared to a permanent resident (PR)? A Canadian passport and my right to participate in the elections, as a voter or politician. Many PRs prefer not to take the citizenship since the only difference is that PRs need to renew the card every 5 years, and also I had the right to attend to free language classes of my choice (French or English) and also other courses to insert the new immigrant into the country. However, I prefer to get citizenship to be more immersed in my new country. I still regret a bit losing my free French classes.


  We are getting to a new election next year, and I am totally towards fighting for my rights. I think it is unfair sometimes the government treats us. Crypto didn't go to the moon because of stubborn politicians. I would love to have the power to change some policies and fight for what I think is right, but would I accept to run an election for a party right now? No.

  If I run which the probability is very low and I win ( even lower the chances), I probably wouldn't be heard. National Politics have lots of dirty games. For example, I am already tired of the current party in the power of the country, they couldn't deal well with the economic crisis and just made us suffer a lot. However, even if I am unsatisfied I wouldn't do what the opposition is doing in some cases, such as boycotting. The current premier of my province is from the opposition party and she just recently boycotted the new federal dental plan.

  A plan that would help the citizens of the country, helping poor people to access dental care. This is what this new measure is about. But the premier decided not to accept just because she don't want to accept anything that comes from the federal government just because is led by the opposition. Imagine now, if I were in the middle of this fight, probably I would need to take one of the side even if I was at another party. Or I take the side of "hey we are doing what is right and you need to accept it!" or "I take the side of "hey, I don't want to do whatever you want but I don't have any other alternative plan"


  Why I would accept to be in a position where my voice wouldn't be heard, the real problems that need to be fixed would be just ignored because the others prefer themselves in the power and they don't care to no one? Interesting that I feel like that as a voter most of the time. I see people fighting for party A or B, but in the end, what is going to change? I don't have many illusions to the future, no politician in here will make a big change. So in the end, why did I battled to get the voter power in this country? At least I will sleep better and I tried my best as an individual to change something despite the ending result.

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  Eu sou cidadão canadense há quase 2 anos. O que eu ganhei em comparação com um residente permanente (RP)? Um passaporte canadense e meu direito de participar das eleições, como eleitor ou político. Muitos RPs preferem não obter a cidadania, já que a única diferença é que RPs precisam renovar o cartão a cada 5 anos, e também tive o direito de frequentar aulas gratuitas de idioma à minha escolha (francês ou inglês) e outros cursos para inserir o novo imigrante no país. No entanto, eu prefiro obter a cidadania para me sentir mais imerso no meu novo país. Ainda me arrependo um pouco de perder minhas aulas gratuitas de francês.


  Estamos nos aproximando de uma nova eleição no próximo ano, e estou totalmente a favor de lutar pelos meus direitos. Às vezes acho injusto a forma como o governo nos trata. O mundo das criptomoedas não decolou por causa de políticos teimosos. Gostaria de ter o poder de mudar algumas políticas e lutar pelo que acredito ser certo, mas eu aceitaria concorrer a uma eleição por um partido agora? Não.

  Se eu concorresse, o que é muito improvável, e ganhasse (ainda menos provável), provavelmente não seria ouvido. A política nacional tem muitos jogos sujos. Por exemplo, já estou cansado do partido atual no poder do país, eles não conseguiram lidar bem com a crise econômica e só nos fizeram sofrer muito. No entanto, mesmo que eu esteja insatisfeito, eu não faria o que a oposição está fazendo em alguns casos, como boicotar. A atual premier da minha província é do partido de oposição e ela recentemente boicotou o novo plano federal de odontologia.

  Um plano que ajudaria os cidadãos do país, ajudando pessoas pobres a terem acesso a cuidados odontológicos. É disso que se trata essa nova medida. Mas a premier decidiu não aceitar só porque ela não quer aceitar nada que venha do governo federal apenas porque é liderado pela oposição. Imagine agora, se eu estivesse no meio dessa luta, provavelmente teria que tomar um dos lados mesmo que estivesse em outro partido. Ou eu tomaria o lado de "ei, estamos fazendo o que é certo e você precisa aceitar!" ou "eu tomaria o lado de "ei, eu não quero fazer o que você quer, mas não tenho nenhum outro plano alternativo.


  Por que eu aceitaria estar em uma posição onde minha voz não seria ouvida, os problemas reais que precisam ser resolvidos seriam ignorados porque os outros preferem estar no poder e não se importam com ninguém? Interessante que me sinto assim como eleitor na maioria das vezes. Vejo pessoas lutando pelo partido A ou B, mas no final, o que vai mudar? Não tenho muitas ilusões para o futuro, nenhum político aqui fará uma grande mudança. Então, no final, por que lutei para obter o poder de voto neste país? Pelo menos vou dormir melhor sabendo que tentei o meu melhor como indivíduo para mudar algo, apesar do resultado final.

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I understand your point for not wanting to join politics. Yes, politics has done a lot of bad to us, crypto is one of the things they did. I just hope one day there will be a better change.

Maybe they will change their heads sbout that

Don't forget you can now be selected for Jury Duty!

Yes ! I forgot about that! It was in the citizenship test hehehe I think i never heard about someone being called to be a jury though!

That's because they probably throw out the mail and keep their mouth shut

I wouldn’t doubt that happening in Alberta, after many things that I saw around hehe

As bad as tossing out summons sounds, would you rather live somewhere with more unwilling and likely unqualified or bias people as jurors?

Biased people is the worse in my point of view hehhee

Biased people in Alberta? nahhh get out of here!

Well i am talking in general hehhehe! Jury is complicated! I am not a guy used to law stuff but thats what the movies show right ? 🤣

I think your opinion would be different if you were in my country. If you have the power at least you would be safe and if you are good then you can change many things for the betterment of everyone unless you become selfish after getting power.

Money brings power anywhere! The problem is how you get this money that can be tricky for ourselves… in wouldn’t be happy to get public money for me that could be used somewhere else!

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It's practically the same thing in my country Nigeria, I would say the political game here is even worse. The majority of the politicians are corrupt and they always suppress the voices of the very few good ones. Politics is a very dirty game and anybody going into it should be ready to roll in the mud

I guess it is a world problem nowadays! Everywhere politics is dirty and people just go under it!

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A big dilemma, if you want to make a change in a country you would have to participate in politics but despite that you still might not be able to implement the changes you desire. There is never a total win in the game of politics, you lose one to gain another.

Correct and sometimes even do agreements against your will

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