in #hive-15385010 months ago

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Before writing this post, I had to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for everything my mother has been doing for me. Honestly, it's beyond words, she's truly incredible. Her love is so genuine, and I can't help but feel overwhelmed by how she would willingly sacrifice anything for her children. It's not just love, but a profound and selfless connection that makes her truly extraordinary.


Before I gained admission into the university, she would come, pray for me, hug me, cry on my neck and tell me she understands how I feel, and that I'll soon forget the pains. She is always, I mean always there for her children, but this is my post, I'll only talk about my mum and I😂

I remember a time that I was so sick, it almost took my life, my mum would come, pray, cry and hug me with a sentence that annoys me "anything that want to do you should do me"😭 Thank God it didn't do her🤣



My mum has been asthmatic since she was young, she grew up in the village, and the only hospital in her village then was a maternity. The only thing they could handle perfectly was childbirth, headaches and a little bit of malaria😅 For severe cases, you have to rush down to the town or you choose to die 😢

Her asthma was severe because she wasn't given proper medical attention. She said anytime her ailment started, she would have difficulty breathing and many times faint in public places. Some of the villagers would think she was a witch and to some, she had leprosy 😭


Her mum(my late grandma) was always there for her to support her. So one day, it was taking her life, they had to go to the town, see a medical doctor. God bless the doctor wherever he is, it was the doctor that explained all that has been happening to my mum. She was given some medications, managed to get an inhaler and they came back to the village.

Inhaler finished, they migrated to using gin as a replicate😂 the inhaler was costly. This is how she roughed it all till she gained admission into the university then.


She battled with it and once in a while if the stress was much, she would faint on campus, I don't even want to think of how embarrassed she would have felt😢

This was how it all continued till she met my dad, my dad took it seriously and made sure she didn't lack anything that would affect her health, he would take her to the hospital for medical check up, care for her, pray for her, they were not yet married this time,the issue continued till they got married.

It was better for some time, but it was always affecting her, she wouldn't even dare do some things, for instance, frying, she couldn't fry fish, fry anything, she couldn't withstand heat, even dust, it was a lot.

The issue took long that I even witnessed. I'm skipping some parts, I want this post to be short, precise and straight to the point.


Oh! I forgot, my dad's a photographer and also a pastor, when it was known that asthma could only be managed cannot be cured, they both ventured into ceaseless prayers, we the children would join at some point, we couldn't bear to see mum feel uneasy.

We prayed for her from the depth of our hearts, till God answered our prayers. She said she had a dream that a doctor operated her in her sleep and the doctor said she could do the things she had fled from due to her ailment.

She woke up and told us about the dream, we were all happyyyy, that's a proof that God has answered our prayers.

Ever since that day, she has been doing fine, she could fry, do many things that she wouldn't dare do normally.


God answers prayers, I don't know the condition you're in, but trust me, God can do anything, he created the earth, stars and all the things that we haven't been able to phantom with our brain. Do you think He that created all these cannot handle your situation? Have a rethink!


Mothers have share the purest joy, lobe and support to their children and family generally. They always want to see that the children and husband are doing just fine.

Ignorance about a thing will lead to more abuse or harm, cant imagine if she had not met that doctor or if your dad had not taking the matter seriously.

Wow! That's a big big big miracle bro! I happy that she got healed and that was a divine intervention she had in her dream.

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Ignorance and lack of awareness could have led to something else

But Thank God she went to see a doctor.

And Yes, God does answer prayer. It can only be God. Happy for you and your mom my bro.