in #hive-1538506 days ago

As a text lover, I do have things that I expect from those I send a text to and things I try to do to keep up a good vibes with texting. I’m that one person that will take almost forever to call you but it gets easier if I could text you. At first, I never really had any dos and don'ts when it came to texting until I got busier. Prior to now, I can spend all my day getting to know a stranger without minding how much they repeat stuffs but not anymore.

Using different social media platforms, there is always room for chatting with friends and on almost all my social handles, I have been opportune to chat with and meet new friends but then I’ve also gotten to realize that the older I get, the less I enjoy a lingering introduction. Don’t come to my DM for the first time and ask me to guess who you are because that might not end well. For goodness sake, you were the one who texted first, so you should be the one telling me who you are!

Okay, let’s say you came to my DM and you did an introduction as a normal person would, but you are always paranoid that I don’t check on you, oops! That’s a big turn off for me. Please, if you know you want me to always check on you try and check on me and that problem will be half solved, easy peasy. I never like it when you try to make me feel like I’m he worst person just because I didn’t text first, you might be right that I don’t check on you but saying it to me might only make me not want to change at all because you don’t even know why I’m not texting first.

Finally, when it comes to texting, don’t be too assuming, if you have a question or a problem about something, always ask me about it than just jump to conclusions as that is a big turn off for me. In as much as I can deal with some of these things sometimes, when I’m having a bad day these are serious offenses.

Just like I have my don’ts, I also have my do’s. One of my Do’s are, always having a response for almost everything, hehe. I enjoy texting more when the person I’m texting just have the right responses for everything, that keeps the conversation going and more interesting. Personally I’d not appreciate it when you always don’t have anything to say or contribute to stuffs, I automatically drift away, hehe.

Another Do’s of texting is stickers (nice and funny ones), hehe. I’m a sticker person and I enjoy it so much when someone uses them when they chat with me. I just automatically vibe with you once you love using stickers to complement your texts. When I see people that don’t appreciate stickers, it’s a turn off for me because I’d rather chat with some one that likes them than you that doesn’t.

So, yeah, these are my texting Do’s and Don’ts, of course there are more but these are the few that I can remember at the moment. Now you know what makes texting fun for me and what makes it tiring for me so it is easier to chat with me better! Now I’m wondering what your texting do’s and don’ts are too, just leave your comments below or a link to your post so I can know yours as well.

This is my entry to the hivelearners topic on ”TEXTING DO’S AND DON’TS”.

The images used are mine


You see those "you just forget me" type of people, I really don't like it too. Like me and you didn't check on each other but it's me that forgot about you 😂.

Exactly! If I just see that message, I might not reply you again sef until I’m in a very good mood or maybe you realized your mistake 😌

You! One thing I can boldly say about you is that you don’t call. Someone will need to hold your neck before you call. But, you like calls if the person calls first. Fair enough.

I detest it when a stranger messages me and expect me to ask the questions. Instead of waiting for me, just drop your question and introduction. It is not so hard.

I also enjoy using stickers. I love cute and funny stickers. When I had issues with my WhatsApppp, I was really worried about losing my stickers. One of my texting turn offs is when someone uses ugly stickers.

I’m wondering if I would ever change and start calling people randomly out of no where, it’s only my dad I do that to but it’s even rare.

Yeah, just say your name before I come online or forever hold your peace 😂

Yeah I love cute stickers too and stickers that say the words that can’t be said, hehe

Some strangers have audacity oo. Has someone texted you 'Hi' and you respond with 'How may I help you?' Only for this person to reply with 'Help yourself'.
Those people that complain that I didn't check up on them. Did you check up on me and I aired you? I'm always pissed. But it's not their fault their brain didn't evolve with them. Rubbish 😂

Help yourself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what is that? You didn't block the person. What kind of rudeness is that?

Asap blocking 😂

Eii 🤣🤣🤣
It’s the vawaulence for me 😂. But for real some people should do better

agreed. There are many unspoken rules for texting and I think they differ from one platform to the next. Like I will be faster at replying to a WhatsApp message then a Facebook or Instagram direct message but that's just me. Personally, I dont like that some people expect, with this fast-paced messaging system available to us, that we too have to be available 24/7 and answer immediately.

I simply won't do it. I have turned off the blue tick option on my WhatsApp as well as the "last seen online option." I have a life beyond my cellphone :p

Haha, I see we are almost similar in that aspect of hiding our recipient view on WhatsApp. I was once like that, waiting for someone to reply to an Hi message I sent before saying why I went there in the first place but not anymore.

Thank you so much for your contribution and also sharing your experience 🥰

any new number that I don't have saved, that just says "hi" with no follow-up or context, I block and mark as spam. lol

Oops! 🤣🤣🤣