in #hive-1538504 months ago

When I saw the last topic suggestion for this week, what came to my mind was an hybrid of a plant. Naturally, every plant has it’s unique characteristics and flavor but over time, some botanist have come to see that there is need to spice things up a little for some really good reasons and that was how most plant hybrids came about. Working as a career person today, we often find ourselves always trying to hop on any opportunity that suffices because we fear that we might be missing out of better opportunities.

As a person, having multiple jobs is not a bad idea at all but then I will see it as something bad if you are not a master of any. No matter how lucrative you want to be as a person, it is just ideal that you have a place where it seems like you are the only one that can just do that particular thing better. Yes, there are so many people doing that particular thing but then whenever a service is needed in that regards, you are always the first person that comes to people’s mind because they know you will deliver a good service.

If as a person who does multiple things and you are not a go to person for any of those things, then there is a problem and at that point you should start reconsidering your choices. There was a story in which we were made to understand that 3 different people were given talents, to one was given 5, to another 2 and to the last 1. From these three persons, only the ones with 3 and 2 talents made good use of it and the one with just one went ahead to hide his talent. If I want to liken this to what we see around us today, that last person didn’t make use of his talent because he felt like his one talent was not talent enough so he just kept it hidden.

As humans, we are always quick to choose what we see that is more and we feel sad if we end up with the smallest share of things. Here is the bitter truth, there are some people out there that will be so fortunate to have multiple careers and still do very well in all of them but then that shouldn’t make you as a person see your one career as not enough. In fact you might even be more fortunate than those who have so many careers. What matters is that you are doing something and you are giving it your best.

I have seen so many people who are like that man that was given just one talent, they always feel like others are more blessed than them but they have barely even given that one talent an opportunity to show what it has to offer, like that man, they are hiding it because they think it’s too small or it’s just not worth it and they start trying to pursue other multiple careers. Friends, that one career choice is not bad at all as long as you are giving it your best and also to those who are fortunate to have more career opportunities, be happy as well and keep giving your best too.

The only disadvantages of having more than one career is that you don’t give your best to all of them at the same time but that is something that can be managed. While the major disadvantage of having just one career is that you might get carried away by the multiple careers of others around you and that might cause you to not see your career as enough and you might end up not giving your best to groom that career of yours and strive to be the best, instead you might just end up burying it and start following the crowd.

Learn to appreciate what ever you have and treat it like the best you can ever get and you will be fine. All you need to do is keep making research and always make sure to make upgrades when necessary so you don’t even have to worry about that career not putting food on the table and owning a good savings. Personally, I don’t have a particular preference to any, I’m just after giving my best to Whatever I can do. If I can give my best to 20 careers then I will go for it but if I see that I only do better at fewer things then I will as well give my best to those few things and still do just fine.

This is my response to the Hivelearners topic on ”MULTIPLE CAREERS OR JUST ONE”.

The images used are mine


This explains the statement.. A master of all is a master of nothing.

Well said hun❤

Yeah, make we try Dey focus 🤣. It’s mostly Nigerians that do this thing, one is never enough for us 🤣

I'm telling you dear... We're always up for everything 😅

We don’t want to miss out at all 🤣😭


We will be fine 🤣

This statement isn't complete.. it has a suffix to it . " A jack of all is a master of none but better than one".

Honestly, am just hearing the complete statement for the first time 😂 😂 😂

Well.. u're welcome then 😎🙂

Oh.. You aren't hope and i sent you hearts😅

😂😂😂..don't mind receiving them though

I think that today I can do my job very well. Advantages and disadvantages!
I've been trying to improve my career and the possibility of changing careers always comes with butterflies in my stomach, and I don't know if I have the patience to go through all the preparation.

Hahaha, the fact that you can handle it and do well at them means you are capable of it so all good 😊

You're very correct, we can't divide our best if there is anything like that, I believe in mastering one career and being good at it, letting people know us very well for that thing.

Yes dear, I’ve been there before and I was basically speaking from experience. Having just one career is not the reason why we are not doing well, we are not doing well because we think one can’t be enough.

Yeah, they feel multiple is the solution!! It's well

It is well oo 😂

Hmm, you really touched me through this post mom. Of a truth the problem is not having many jobs or a single job, the question is how good are you at them or it?

Many individuals are not successful today because of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) they want to do everything yet don't settle to master any. Both single jobs and multiple jobs are good. The thing is go for what you know you are can do. With time if there is need to adjust them go ahead.

I’m so glad you enjoyed reading through. Thank you so much for your contribution dear, you’ve spoken well too 🥰

You said it all. And that’s just it about life. Multiple or just one. It depends on who we are. Those who are capable of going for multiple careers should go for it. And those who are with one should stick to it too.

Yeah, both of them can help us survive as long as we know what we are doing and know it very well.

It All starts with the mind. I believe in a solitary foundation, a career which is grounded and vast then all other opportunities can just be chips by the side .

Focus on growing one, enough to stand and produce even in ur absence then and only then u can diversify

Well said Marvellous 🥰

Considering my education I will react fisheries expert or scientist and that will be my career but at the same time I can be a online content creator. I can continue worth at the same time although my priority will be my offline career. I think depending on one career is not safe considering the current situation.

Most times I just prefer to look at the long term benefits of things than just the short term benefits. It’s always good to be a master of at least one of all these so you will be one of the first person that comes to mind as regards your career.

Hmmm, you have said a lot sis and you have actually raised very sensible points! When it comes to the disadvantages of having a single career, I really do not think the major one is getting carried away by the others involved in multiple careers. I mean, based on your anology, it is a great point and definetely part of the disadvantages. Having a single career helps one gain mastery and also specification, but can be limiting. If anything happens and the service you have mastered so much isn't really in need anymore, there will be serious problem.

Yeah, that’s a fear but I doubt that your service will never be needed if you are part of the best in that field and that is why I stress the importance of upgrading and continuing in learning.

Well, having more than one career is not bad like I said, just make sure you are very good at one, if possible the best at it.

Yes, I agree


I totally subscribe to the point of being a master of at least one career path even though you might try some others alongside, that is what justifies you as one that isn't unserious but searching for a purpose.

That’s right mama, thank you so much for your beautiful contribution 🥰