Bribery and corruption is a very pressing issue that has continued to damage the society. From the grand corruption of governmental officials to the everyday dishonest favour in businesses. Bribery and corruption can be devastating and choking to the family, society, organization, country, and to the world, it should not be tolerated.
Let us take a look at the meaning of these two words ; BRIBERY and CORRUPTION
According to Wikipedia, corruption is an anti-social attitude awarding improper privileges contrary to legal and moral norms and impairs the authorities’ capacity to secure the welfare of all citizens. Corruption can also be defined as the abuse of entrusted power for a private gain. Corruption can be at ahigh level or at a low level. It dosen’t matter what level it is, how much money is involved, it is still very wrong.
Bribery on the other hand is a crime in which money a favour or something of value is given or taken from an individual or corporations in an attempt to sway decisions. Bribery can take so many forms, including grand corruption, facilitation of payments, business gifts, and so on.
Bribery and corruption in my country
It is quite disheartening to see that bribery and corruption is the other of the day in Nigeria, the supposed to be giants of Africa. In my country, Nigeria, you can’t take three important steps without having to bribe someone in position of authority. Imagine a secondary school graduate who did well in the external examinations (WAEC and NECO) unable to gain access to the university just because he did not bribe someone. In Nigeria, it is very difficult for people of low background to gain admission to university, simply because they could not afford to grease someone’s palm.
The political sector is also in shambles due to the fact that Nigerian politicians find themselves in a strong position of power and wealth. They become heartless and ruthless in almost everything they do without considering the law or the consequences of their actions. Vote rigging by political parties in elections is widespread and corruption is endemic within government. Personally, when Nigeria is preparing for it’s general election, I always say to myself “will it be credible?” Nigerian voters are fully aware that their votes do not count and that the election will not be won by votes or popular consensus. Politicians makes use of armed forces to manipulate elections by scaring away opposition voters. The Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) announced in May 2018, that 603 Nigerian figures had been convicted on corruption charges since Buhari came into office in 2015. The EFCC also announced that for the first time in Nigeria’s history , judges and top military officers including retired service chiefs are being prosecuted for corruption. Imagine!
The corrupt practices of the Nigerian police has been identified as one of the most visible manifestation of bribery and corruption in the country. Yes, they say police are your friends, you can talk to them freely when you need them. I don’t think that is applicable to Nigerian police. Imagine your “friend” routinely extorting money from drivers and passengers at roadside checkpoints, in some cases, when drivers refuse to give them money, they quickly resolve to violence and other serious abuses. Nowadays, Nigerians traveling on the country’s roads, buying and selling their products, running daily errands, or traveling to a far distance to sell their markets, are often accosted by armed police demanding bribes.
embezzlement of public funds is common. Many of our leaders today have helped to boost the economies of other nations by depositing embezzled funds into foreign banks. We have all heard stories of leaders who embezzled huge amounts of money and depositing it into foreign banks
Fraudulent activities is another face of corruption. Both graduates and non-graduates who are unemployed, not all of them lack the skill, some of them are educated and skillful, but because there is no job opportunities in the country,the turn to fraudulent activities such as cyber crime, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and so on. Our youths now scam fellow citizens using illegal means, some even scam foreigners. The level of corruption in Nigeria has made citizens of the country show no respect for the law and Godly affairs
Solutions to the problem of bribery and corruption in Nigeria
Is there really a way to get rid of the problem of bribery and corruption in Nigeria? Don’t you think Nigeria is damaged beyond repair? Well, I don’t. Nigeria can still be a country free from bribery and corruption, it is going to be a very long process. Nothing is impossible if all hands are on deck. Corruption can be reduced by these potential solutions;
1. Institution of strong anti-corruption agencies
Creation of a strong anti-corruption agency is a very good way to fight bribery and corruption. This group should be neutral, anonymous, impartial and should work hands in hands with the government to ensure transparency. Nobody is above the law. Anyone who is caught engaging in corrupt practices by the agency should face the consequences decided by the anti-corruption agency.
2. Employment opportunities
Unemployment is one of the main reason why a lot of Nigerians get involved in bribery and corruption. Government should help create more employment opportunities. A working hands may find it difficult to partake in fraudulent activities.
3. Treating all citizens equally
No citizen is above the law, the rule of law states that everyone is equal before the law. Anyone who acts contrary should be given the punishment he or she deserves.
Are we still the giant of Africa? Being corrupt as the giant of Africa is not a good record, Bribery and corruption Is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the fabric of Nigerian society.