How To Comfortably Write A Quality ShitPost..

in #hive-1538502 years ago


Forgive, the theatrical title, I'm sure, you'll find out why I chose it. First and foremost, I do not like writing about Hive, or writing about content that surrounds the anatomy of hive and its ecosystem and this is because I feel it's generally not my scope or area of specialization. Sometimes even when it's done by the pros, it tends to get boring to read, unless there are charts, demographics or the writing itself is colorful and captivating, especially for people with low attention spans. However, whenever I try, I tend to majorly mess it up because I'll never be able to do so introspectively and I might not like the result.

Now there's this creative angle...

I might even feel like I've not given enough details, I ask myself which angle of appeal I might use to keep it entertaining and exciting at the same time, most times when I don't get engagements, it sends the feedback that either my audience weren't impacted or I've not done it well, and even when there is no engagement on one's post, silent feedback can also be a feedback that one's not getting it right.

Although there are times you'd post and you wouldn't get engagements and this isn't dependent on your content but the nature of the chain at that particular time. We have to understand that things like timezone or the time frame when your audience can be available might hamper engagement, but it's probably something you'd have to work out.

So how do people on Hive mostly differentiate between what's a shitpost and what is quality? One word: effort.

However, there's a Catch

This might defer, some people mostly don't care, they just want to set an earning range with a certain downvote size for the bigger picture which is protecting the reward pool. However, back to the discussion. But the truth is quality isn't completely about effort, it's about impact and value. Some people tailor their content to rewards alone and they try to maximize their efforts alone to earn more and make less impact on others with their content or presence, this is why some authors might write lengthy posts and get no engagement or views.

Because they're not Channeling enough energy by firstly recognizing their audience, giving them back the value they get, and creating a systemic ripple effect where everyone wins. One of the reasons why I concentrate on "audience" is that I believe anyone who forms part of my audience should be incentivized in return because I have a big audience base and limited resources, it means I have to put them on top of my scale of preference when it comes to Incentivization for their efforts.

So, being a content creator isn't just about writing long posts and doing great videos, if you don't get the engagement and views, it's hard for a system like 3speak to reward it

We value engagement and views as a huge part of the value when it comes to creating content

In my opinion, the concept of shitposting is a mirage because an audience determines traction, which is dependent on the stake, effort, creativity, or consistency of the author. A content is only as good as the value it offers to a certain kind of audience, because a content cannot generally eschew value to everyone because of people's tastes and preferences, and that's why we sometimes, tilt to a certain algorithm where we create content to suit a particular kind of audience.


The Grey Area Of Lucrativeness

However, there's the argument that a person's area of concentration might not be lucrative enough. But this is different with hive. Every content is lucrative especially when the audience and the networking are rightly done. However there's no guide to being a great content creator on Hive, (you might have that on YouTube and TikTok) sometimes, a lot of people tend to underestimate the work they need to put in to understand that content is only a fragment of the main goal: traction.

As for me, writing is what I most enjoy doing, but I've generally had to switch up my writing style to get traction. This is how I found a niche in mobile photography, talking about phones and writing personal finance. Although we might say Crypto content sells better because of the appeal to making money, sometimes it gets too complicated especially when you have an audience with less appeal for technical content, it's a win-win.


many people try and fail, they, hit the reset button and still repeat the same thing in the hope that they can achieve a different result but it still doesn't yield. Since we believe there's nothing we cannot do when we put our minds to it, there are contents we might struggle to come up with because believe me, you need to enjoy the process of creating if one can be productively Impactful. This is why it's important to create content you'll enjoy while impacting the right audience.

Interested in some more of my works?

The Intrinsic Propensity To Spend Money
Poverty: The Unwillingness To Spend?
A Scenic Bathroom Photoshoot
The Importance Of Having A Contingency Money Plan
Translational Value; What Is Your Worth?
Using Crypto As A Means Of Transferring Will




@josediccus! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @vocup. (7/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I think I read a couple of months ago a post by @ croishelle(an OCD curator)where she basically compiled the views of the different curators(not just for OCD). Most of them in one way or the other said they need to see some sort of effort from you before they even consider curating you. “It’s not about perfect writing, or perfect photography. Your photos don’t need to look professional and neither does your writing. But don’t use pictures that will be eye straining or blurry”. I think I remember something vaguely along these lines. This is just to show how much effort improves your chances of getting interaction and possibly upvotes from the community.

We have to understand that things like timezone or the time frame when your audience can be available might hamper engagement, but it's probably something you'd have to work out.

Lol funny enough, this is something I’ve been trying to figure out for a while. Everyone comes online at different times because of how their timezone affects their daily activities. Finding the time when most of your audience are online is key to amassing potential interactions on your post.

You have confirmed something very important and that is the fact that people who distribute the stakes have different preferences. Inasmuch as this is true, I also think there's an aspect of importance in adding originality and effort. Which is actually the most importance and relevant of all; effort. And we must not forget the aspect of involvement which someone like you, actively bring to the table so much and well too.

As for timezone, I think this one is and individual endeavor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly right! A lot of things are important when people ponder over the quality of a post. Everyone has what’s most important to them, but in the end, it’s not just a single thing.

Well you're right bro, not everything we do or create soothe the taste of everyone, because we can never satisfy everyone with what ever we are doing...

i will not be lying when i say this is very impactful at the same time entertaining to read, sir @josediccus .

Finally, I've got to read about your writing style.
I personally like how you write, and I bet a lot of readers too based on the engagement you're getting. This made me realize to alter my way of writing too to make it interesting as what you are doing. 😊

I think everybody can afford to have a unique writing style, but then we can individually work on it to click with what we have at hand. I'm glad you learned something from this style of mine hahaha

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I like picking topics that are suited to what I like anyway. STEM is my stuff and I like psychiatry topics. I'm gradually becoming a self-thought psychiatrist. To create value you have to experience value in a way and being a medical doctor has really helped me experience things

Well STEM is relevant and moreso on the hive blockchain too, well, this is actually why it's important for a creator to have an in-depth knowledge of what they're creating. The aspect of an audience choice or preference is a whole new topic..

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Sorry, I was so absent-minded when I answered this...but you are very right. I read and make posts...keep myself updated and make posts.

I would agree over and over again that your audience matters a lot just like you have rightly put it.

You do really great in carry us along, there've been value in literarily all your content I've come across. And I do hope to write and be photo creative like you sooner, thanks ✌️❤️

Thanks for your kind words, I only try my best sometimes, some other times, I might not. But it's good to see it's improvement.

I understand how you feel and it's probably why most of my posts tend to be gaming related. I feel more comfortable talking about it and also enjoy the process. I know it won't appeal to everyone but in a way, it does help me as I analyze my matches in Splinterlands and I figure out what works for getting income (rentals/liquidity pools).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a different niche that a lot of people find very profitable too, so I think I find your splinterlands posts to be very enlightening if you ask me. However, I guess not everyone will like the kind of contents we bring as audience and people tend to differ..

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

"because believe me, you need to enjoy the process of creating if one can be productively Impactful."
true!! I agree:)
Well this post was very interesting to read, first I have to say that I do enjoy posts talking about Hive and how or what works and how to do or not do things... but your reflection on how you should talk about it, keep it interesting and exciting to read was a very resonating point to me too ( I guess especially explanations or technical informations can get very long/exhausting) I would also say that your reflection could be translated to most subjects, as the why and for what we create any thing, is super important to attract the audience and the growing outcome for yourself and the audience! It was very interesting to follow your thoughts!

Thanks, well I for one, I do not write about Hive, and this is because I think there are people who knows how to do it better, plus I feel there are different ways too to do it too. However if it's not even insightful enough to me when I read it out aloud, I feel I haven't done a good job though. Anyway, I try, we all try, even if not 100%

Your write-up was very impactful.
As a newbie, I would be lying if I say it has been easy trying to navigate hive as a whole.
It definitely has not been easy at all. Every now and again, I come across posts like this that teach how to get engagements.
Although I have not thought of approaching it through this angle before.
I always just posted what I had in mind, I never even thought of my audience or what they may want to read or how it would impact their lives.
I think this angle is helpful.
Thank you for contributing, in your own way, to make hive easier for everyone!

Well, audience might not be the issue back in the days, but now, it's actually part of the purpose of a content creator. Audience is king, sometimes they determine traction and when you finally get it, you can cajole them to accepting what you originally want to offer. It gets better with time.

Very true. I guess I have a long way to go and a lot to learn.

The constant search for yourself and your own style that readers will enjoy, I think that's something that needs to be at least tried every day here. Listen to yourself and listen to people, maybe everything is at our feet, we just need to pick it up...

Well I guess this is a dilemma, searching for how to appeal to one's audience, while trying to do what they know how to do best. I think eventually finding it is always fufiliing

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Content creating boils down to effort like you mentioned. What's the goal am I creating content because of the reward or I want to create content that I will come back months after to read it myself and be happy with the effort I put into it?

I suppose if we can answer that to ourselves we it should guide us to how and why we are creating content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I suppose if we can answer that to ourselves we it should guide us to how and why we are creating content.

Hahaha I suppose some do not think this, I have seen some ridiculous "askleos" and I wonder if the writers would be happy coming back to read the posts. Basically it's just a bunch of reported news.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ask Leo, I just think it's been used wrongly.

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I think so too, at one point in time, some form of sanitization needs to come into place.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

The timezone and timeframe also matters which I just find out recently. Targeting the time your audience would be available might bring in much engagement to your post and most times, it doesn't go well like that. Even if you write a lengthy post without putting your audience into consideration, you cannot get any or much engagement on it.

Writing to impact others is what that matters because without it, your content might get boring for them.

Amazing, you've got this one just spot on and right. Time and timezone plays a huge role. If you look at the Leofinance community, most of the users are mostly active at midnight and in the evening, I guess sometimes these little details usually go a long way.

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You are right! To me, I think most of those outside Nigeria are much here and we have to consider that too. Thank you 😊

one thing i know is that people tend to comment where money is, i believe most people that receive a lot comment is because they have a lot of hive power. this is not always the case because we have people with crazy hp that engage, post great content and they they receive good comment in return. what i am saying is you can buy your way up or put in the work

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're actually right as well, that's another angle to look at it, but I have some really good content creator I follow and that's because they're good at what they do and not the HP. content is also part of it sometimes.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

and even when there is no engagement on one's post, silent feedback can also be a feedback that one's not getting it right.

Well, actually it's all going to depend on a lot of different factors. Because I know of a bunch of "misfits" who even, when they are creating content for an universal audience, they do it always trying to keep the smalltalk at a minimum.

What seems to me to be a pretty effective, healthy and formidable strategy if what is sought is to separate the chaff from the wheat in favor of a meaningful engagement and truly valuable feedback from that eventual audience who really caught and understood the message in all its splendor of what you really tried to convey through your content.

And with this "strategy" I do not mean that we are looking for engagement and feedback only from within an echo chamber. On the contrary, what is sought is to expand the resonance box so that it reaches the greatest number of individuals with the true capacity to contribute with something useful from which we can genuinely learn something new and not just rejoice in the potential amount of fake flattery, hipocrisy, nonsense messages and smalltalk that does not lead you or anyone anywhere.

In my opinion, I suspect that this is the best "strategy" and most effective antidote to avoid wasting time consuming junk feedback that is not going to nourish you or anyone else. };)

This is not bad at all, however I feel we can individually have different good approach all at one time. To me, I take all engagement seriously especially if it's coherent and meaningful to the context that's being discussed. Thanks for coming through.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Content is only as good as the value it offers to a certain kind of audience, because content cannot generally eschew value to everyone because of people's tastes and preferences, and that's why we sometimes, tilt to a certain algorithm where we create content to suit a particular kind of audience.

Great awareness content. As much as we may not have a guide to content in the hive platform, perhaps there are defined stages on how to interact with the audience when one is a newbie vs when they have settled.

Especially if we consider @joetunex's approach on "why we are creating content". For instance, @zitalove writes what is in her mind while @jfang003 considers what's more sustainable.

On that note, there's probably a thin line between sharing content driven by passion/potential/sustainability vs trends when one is still trying to engage an audience. I guess one should aim for the challenge to strike a balance. What could be more challenging to newbies is identifying your audience.

There are no guides. But we can watch and learn and cultivate some of the formulas that seems to be working pretty much here. At the end of the day I don't forget to tell people to have fun and enjoy themselves as this is not a task neither is it an exam.
This doesn't mean that people cannot find unique ways to do things by themselves because at the end of the day this is what stands out the most. Thanks for coming through.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess one should aim for the challenge to strike a balance

It becomes a learning process as we journey into content creation on Hive, learning about the platform, one's passion, and how to share it with the audience which one has to learn to appeal to them as well as even their time zone as one's audience expands.
So striking a balance in what we do on Hive is crucial.

It is not an easy task for newbies to find their ground and settle in, over time though things fall into place provided there are consistent efforts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah...I get the feeling...I'm trying to find a that I enjoy so much and at the same time produce value to's simple...if you're not really interested in something.. it'll limit how creative you are on a post relating to that'll be doing it alright..but it might just end up being flat and not really creative... but it might still earn a good number of you said there's no real way to explain how things work on hive..

But I believe one thing never fails.. consistency and engagement...when I make a great comment on your'll be forced to check me out and might be forced to drop a comment or even a follow...but that doesn't mean I have gained your audience...if I'm consistent nevertheless... they'll surely be something that catches your attention and you'll be drawn to me...then that connection is created ..

I see most times the same set of people on the trending page...there's no trick to it..they're just adding so much value than the other person that's not. ..and they've built themselves a good audience and support system...

It always works...Been a while I read such knowledgeable display of knowledge (I'm just trying to be creative here) 😂😂😂😂

At the same time, we can just choose to be versatile, learning new things, falling in love with them and mastering how to do them. This is the same with niches. I understand that we have limitations but there's nothing as powerful and and creative as the human mind. The anatomy and it's possiblities are endless. At the end of the day, we can study trends and choose to actually improve.
I love some specific kind of content and I don't shy away from asking people to improve. Because that's everything, we should stand for improvement even if it's challenging. Thanks for coming through. Been a while.

True.. the human mind isn't limiting at all...we can actually learn new things and go as far as to improve on long as we fashion our minds to actually walk towards that part and conform to that niche then it'll start to come so natural...

Yeahhh really been a while, I've been working on a new project.. hope you're good?