People need a drive for them to be passionate... passionate about work, building financial goals, a life, an ambition or even getting to live their dreams. Contentment, for example, is a drive and this is because some people just want to afford a minimal life. However, sometimes we choose minimalism because we're tired of the endless grind, the war at the top for riches and wealth. Sometimes we choose it (minimalism) because it aligns with our contentment goals. However one of the ultimate reasons is because we choose not to sacrifice our mental health in exchange for something more" after all, what's life without peace, health, or sanity to spend money?
Checking For Proportionality
I'm someone who had a rocky childhood, toxic parents, a wrong motive for survival, and a huge health challenge to keep up with. While my peers were busy going to college, I was working to survive the loop I found myself in. I was born in a generation where a lot of value is placed on doctors, engineers, and pilots, these days, make-up artists, cooks, plumbers, and carpenters are now richer, hotter, and even more sought after. However, I couldn't achieve all those dreams, even if it was wildly believed to be quintessential. However, I've discovered that most of the crazy sacrifices we make in life are to become wealthy. I know a person who is calculating how much they want to earn in the future, however, they fail to understand that sometimes the future changes too much to even reward some of these sacrifices.
One of the reasons why I chose minimalism was because I did not have that energy to burn in the endless chase for wealth, because I believe we're not in a race with time, people, or circumstance. Nevertheless, some people often overestimate their strength and this has cost them terminally. Sometimes though we often grind wrongly, not being overly conscious of our lives, and end up losing what matters most to us. However, some people understand life so much, they spend time studying probabilities and situations. Being motivated by the fear of unforeseen circumstances. One problem with these people is that knowing too much about life often makes us ignore some of the simplest things in life.
Checking The Cost Of Luxury
However we all indeed owe ourselves and our families some comfort and luxury, but have you ever checked what you're sacrificing to acquire that luxury? Is it proportional to the reward or is it slightly higher than it? Have you ever gone to where they're burying a wealthy person? The concern is more about sharing the person's wealth, rather than finding out if the person attained happiness, lived a fulfilled life, or even bother where they're headed in death. This is because we're humans, sometimes we pretend that money doesn't matter, but then it's only a coy to parade ourselves as sensitive people. There's largely no sensitivity for a person who is dead, this is why we must fight irrespective of our endless commitment to find happiness in the little we have rather than sacrificing the life we cannot create to acquire the money we have duly created.
Any End To Familial Commitments?
Family, responsibility, and problems will always exist and we'd never be able to do enough to tackle them. Minimalism should extend to how responsible we chose to be. Some people have a ridiculous number of children and choose to chase peace of mind rather than hard work. This wouldn't work because the moment we choose to be ignorant and irresponsible, we have to give some much to take care of the situations we've put ourselves in. There are heights I cannot get to in life, because of the choices made by my parents, but this is fine, I've made my peace with it. I learned the hard way that competition is futile is you're not necessarily equipped to compete, this isn't to say that we must abhor competition, after all, life's a huge rat race in a bid to seek providence and sustenance.
So I was naturally born to embrace the minimalist life because of circumstances, but my drive has always been to live a fulfilled life, rather than face the unknown probability that might come with time and change.
Knowing Who You Are
However, I've come to understand that I don't seek too much, my parents were not conscious enough and this has tainted my idea of parenthood in general. You see, we shouldn't allow others to make choices of responsibilities for us, we have to be naturally willing to be responsible or not. Some people are driven to work excessively hard because of the numerous financial responsibilities they have and in doing so, they might ruffle a few feathers, making numerous mistakes and so many other things. No one deserves this. When our derive isn't cumbered or tethered to the wrong reasons, we might just end up finding ourselves, our reason to hustle, and how well we need to measure the sacrifices we make daily.
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