in #hive-15385025 days ago

Life is not fair is it, sometimes we need equality and other times we need equity. It's usually hard when you think about it, when should we allow equality and when should we allow equity. I believe in equity as much as I believe in equality but I also think that there are certain things that can never be equal in this life and one of them is equal earnings. When I was younger I heard a quote that says; if you give all the money owned by the billionaires of this generation and share them equally among the poor, within 5 years the billionaires would be richer than they were 5 years before. This is not because of anything other than the fact that people's mentality and decisions are what makes and keeps them poor.

Image by macrovector on Freepik

If things should change, and a system of equality is to be created I believe that it will only be a matter of time before that system crumbles and fighting that system would be fighting against peace. Let's be sincere to ourselves, no two humans are the same. Not because one is greater than another, but because it's our uniqueness and how we use the understanding of that uniqueness that makes the things around us work. It's never easy to make money, but yet people are making money every single day because they have created a system for themselves that makes people think they have what it takes to solve a particular need. This is the Genesis and Revelations of wealth creation.

So imagine giving 8 billion people on earth $1,000,000 just for the sake of equality. I promise you right there and then a man who has always wished to ride a Ferrari would ask for how to get a Ferrari of $300,000, Another Man would ask for where to get a Ferrari that needs refurbishing for $5,000. He would refurbish that Ferrari with about $30,000 and sell it for the man whose dream is to have a Ferrari for $300,000. This is an example of how the human mind works. When 7.7 billion are trying to figure out the best way to spend, save and invest their $1,000,000 the remaining 300 million are thinking what value they could offer that would earn them more money. In the next 5 years it would be certain that a lot of those who invested money in their dream businesses are out of business, some might even be heavily indebted because everyone chooses to make different decisions on how they use money.

Image by freepik

If a system of equality should be created, it must first outline the things money can be spent on, and the extent it must be spent on. This would mean a lot of people would become criminals at the end of the day when they choose to follow their own desire. When one set of people (usually majority) are thinking how to fulfill their desires, very few are thinking how to best fulfill the desires of others. This is what makes the difference in the world today and the reason the poor keep getting poorer and the rich richer. So at the end of the day you see that the world can never choose to limit the creativity of some for the mediocrity of the many.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Very well said 👏, they'll always be poor and rich people regardless #dreemport

Human minds sha, A poor man's mind is always about how to get his food, car or house that's why they will always be poor. Then a rich man's mind is always after wealth creation, how they can increase their wealth.

You're very correct. And that's why the rich would only get richer

Mmmm, well that’s how it is
Even as at now, you tell a poor man to invest and he says “God will provide” or “he cannot kill himself”.

How unfortunate. People's mentality kills them more than they know

Rich men are never content with what they have and they always have this mindset that the poor should remain poor, humans mindset is something else.