Hello everyone!!!
I hope so you all are fine and happy 😊
Having parents in our life is a great blessing of God as we all love our parents so much and we need them in our life. But there's a stage in our life when we need our parents the most. Although we need them all the time but i think when we're child and when it's our childish era we need them most.
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Parents role in our life!!!
When we come into this world, our parents play a major role for us and learn us the bad and good things of life. They try to learn us everything and they gave us many other lessons which we can say manner's of life too. Having both as our guardian in our childhood is the best thing rather then having one.
I think it's the two of them who upbring a child. Absence of one parents have effects on our children life too. If a baby lost his parents like he lost his mom or dad in an accident then it's another issue and it's God's will as everyone has to return him towards the God one day. But if one of them absent on his own choice then it'll have effect on children life.
I see a common example in our society that mostly father's went to foreign country for the purpose of earning money and the mom alone take care the babies and she faced the hurdles all alone. I'm not saying here that dad wasn't there to support the mom as he support her both financially and morally but he is absent physically and mostly we need other's physically.
Now a point reach in life when children become younger and able to understand the things, then he make a conclusion on his own that his dad wasn't there to support him physically like he need his dad to see at his school on his result day, he need to see his dad at evening at home, he needs his dad to see with him in park where other children play with their dad and many other times he needs his dad.
I don't say here that he hate his dad, but he miss his presence everywhere and he wished that his dad also there like other children spend time with their dad. He has all facilities at home and have a rich life style which other children can't afford but he lack his dad presence.
Similarly, in a situation if parents gets separated due to their issues in their married life then it'll also effect badly children life. I see in such cases children become inferior complex and they start to think them inferior from others because other have both parents and they have single parents.
In my opinion, presence of both parents in a children life will give him a healthy life which he wants as children's are the most innocent creature and they deserve the love of both.
That's all for today and it's my entry in this week hive learner contest in #hl-exclusive for the topic #hl-w153e1.