HOW BROKEN DO YOU THINK THE WORLD IS (do you see the word changing for the better or worse)

in #hive-1538506 months ago
Hello guys is how are you all doing today, I hope you are all doing great, someone has me a question today and I could not give an immediate answer to the question because I need to properly think and before giving my answer. The question which says HOW BROKEN DO YOU THINK THE WORLD IS at first, I wanted to say the world would become better over time but after several consideration and looking at how the world has been evolving my answer to this question is that the world is completely broken and it always going to be worse at each passing day.


Like as I had predicted after much consideration my questionnaire was surprise by my response and I assume you are as well giving a deep thought to my response. Like science says to every action there is a reaction so there are more than enough reasons for me to come up with my response which I believe is the must true considering the way the way the world is moving.

Over the years man has been doing everything possible to make life easy but despite the advancement of our technology, our method of education, our method of medication and even our ways of life things have continued to become worse by each passing moment.
At the beginning of time man used to travel by horse, donkey and by foot and they were few or no case of accident, we invented cars, ships and airplanes to make our journeys and movement easier and faster but despite these this has been the been the cause of millions of deaths which happens every day, before you speak of the advantages of these develop their disadvantages are something we can no longer turn our face from.

One may say the development of modern medicine has been a great development to man, yes that right we would all agree. Ou forefathers had none of this medicine, but they lived up to 900 years, now adays most are praying to reach the age of 80, a wish which seems to become impossible now adays. Some may say God has a hand in the reason why we do not live more than 100+ now adays, that definitely true if we are to look at the Holy Bible. But like I had said many are praying to reach the age of 80, a wish which seems to be impossible now adays.


Taking a close look at our present time, we can all agree that the price of commodities last year is completely different from what it is today, and when I say different, it is different in a very negative way to the point that most persons cannot seems to afford what do used to comfortably buy at easy anymore.
Are we to talk about the crime rate, that something we can’t turn a blind eye to. Insecurity and war are ravaging the whole world, and many has lost their belief.

Speaking about the Holy Bible, the Bible has made me to understand that if the world is to become better in the future, then there is definitely no need for the second coming of Christ, but it is because the Akmigthy God has seen the beginning from the end that is why he has sent his son to come and die for our sins.

And once again it is my turn to ask every one of you the question which is before me, HOW BROKEN DO YOU THINK THE WORLD IS, DO YOU SEE THE WORD CHANGING FOR THE BETTER OR WORSE?

Thank you all for gracing my blog with your presence, please don’t forget to leave your answer to my question.