Be productive but avoid unhealthy competition.

in #hive-1538502 months ago


In the 35 years of my existence, I have learned many lessons from people around me, either directly or indirectly. Some I learned from experience, while people of the older generation sat me down and told me others.

Earlier in my life, especially during my teenage years, ICT wasn't as popular as it is today. This limited virtual interaction is unlike today, when we have social media of different kinds. The exponential growth in social interaction level in the last two decades, especially, was accompanied by unhealthy competition. The competition brought about individuals trying hard to present themselves as being on par with others or even better than them. The implications are many, including a loss of self-esteem. Youth started doing things for the validation of their peers.

You see someone doing something because his peers have done it or because he has seen many people do it on social media. He would do anything to follow what he sees as social trends to get the validation of others. To the best of my knowledge and from a few practical experiences that I have, it doesn't always end well.

My advice to the coming generation is to do things out of personal conviction and not to get the validation of others or to follow the trend at all costs. I think it's good to have a growth mindset, and in the course of doing that, one may wish to achieve what others have achieved. In doing so, one shouldn't be desperate to the point of doing whatever it takes, irrespective of the illegality.

Many youths today are taking part in internet scams to finance the kind of lives they see their peers living on the internet. Someone who doesn't see life as competition won't go that far.

The coming generation, doing away with such desperate moves, will surely safeguard their future better. Whatever they want to do, they should do it because they need to do it to foster their growth within the confines of morality and legality.

This is applicable to other aspects of life. Don't marry because your friends are marrying. Marry because you are ready for it financially, emotionally, and psychologically. When you marry because someone in your age bracket or within your social circle did, they won't be there when the journey between you and your spouse becomes turbulent.

Some people don't mind what it takes for them to compete with others. In many cases, the people they are competing with don't even know the existence of such a competition.

A few years ago, I attended a burial party where a musician was performing. Two people were spraying him money competitively. They spent many minutes doing so with different levels of applause from the musician and the audience. I went closer to the stage, and to my surprise, I recognized one of the two people spraying money to be Akeem, the meat seller. I was shocked that someone like him could come to the stage and spend that amount of money. The other person was unknown to me, but from his appearance, he would probably be one of the big politicians in town.

A day after the burial was concluded, it became popular that Akeem had spent his business money at the party. For many months, he couldn't continue his meat business. He became sad and angry. He was nearly becoming a shadow of himself before he was bailed out by a kind-hearted and sympathetic individual.

Just like Akeem was sad about the consequences of his action, that is how one who strives to compete with others ends up being.

Unhealthy competition eludes happiness.

You will always be doing things to catch up with a friend or peer instead of working at your pace and striving to be better than your former self. The coming generation should try to avoid unhealthy competition. Don't do things to impress others or seek their validation. Be morally and legally upright in your dealings. Don't be lazy, but don't compete or be desperate about achieving anything.

Work to improve yourself daily, and you and happiness will become inseparable companions.


A day after the burial was concluded, it became popular that Akeem had spent his business money at the party.

🤣🤣🤣 can you imagine! Some people don't care at all, all they want is to compete with another fellow not knowing what lies ahead of them. Unhealthy competition only leads one to destruction and unrest. It's good to compete but with the right growth mindset and also as a way to be motivated to become better.

It's good to compete but with the right growth mindset and also as a way to be motivated to become better.

Exactly. When the right mindset is adopted, it will be difficult for envy to creep in. I hope the coming generation takes more of this.

I pray so.


Sending you an Ecency curation vote

Thank you, @melinda010100

It has become a trend among the youths to get involved in things their peers are doing, it is quite funny when you think of it, everyone has different talent and gifts and for the fact that a person chose to follow another person's path just because he or she believes that it is what is trending, such person will surely have themselves to blame for the consequences of their actions they encounter in the future

Some go as far as to jettison their callings in attempts to measure up with others. At the end of the day, they struggle because they are forcing it. Negative side of peer influence is catastrophic.

One thing i learned about life is that you are in a competition with just yourself. Watch yourself grow and try to work on your self. Unhealthy competition could breed envy

That's the most important. Work and improve yourself without necessarily engaging in unhealthy competition.

I wonder why people do things simply because others are doing. They tend to forget that all fingers are not equal and what works for Abraham might not work for Isaac. This advice is really needed. If not our generation has forgotten themselves and they prefer living the life of another

They tend to forget that all fingers are not equal and what works for Abraham might not work for Isaac.

This summarizes it all. What works for A may not work for B. That's where destiny comes in. If everyone understands this, there wouldn't be desperate moves of catching up with another person.

Hakeem must be such a big joker🤣spending his business money on a musician.

Healthy competition benefits everyone, unhealthy competition should be avoided as much as possible.

Great advice from you babe, future generations will be lucky to read it.

Yea. He used his business money to enjoy some praises and hailing before going back to face the reality. He paid the price for unhealthy competition severely.

A lot of people just want to follow the crowd. They don't want to be left out among their peers and then, end up committing different acts and atrocities just to belong.

Imagine a meat seller spraying money like a billionaire. Perhaps, he was feeling all high and in a party mood, only to regret it after. Exactly the case for others who tread the same path.

Everyone was praising him. The musician demanded for his name and for many minutes, he was calling and praising Akeem to high heaven. It's a great mistake made by many. I see it as self-deceit.