Charity; the impact is most important

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The world has been structured right from time in such a way that different categories of people could be in need of assistance at different times. One can be a receiver today and turn out to be a giver tomorrow, and vice versa. It is good to cultivate the habit of giving, irrespective of what the intention is.

From my religious perspective, it is encouraged for one to always carry out acts of charity without the knowledge of others. In fact, we are encouraged to give with our right hands without letting the left hand know. I have come to identify the importance of this statement. You can hardly find anyone taking pride to be at the receiving end of charity always. Before you accept assistance from someone, there is a slight suppression of your self-esteem internally before collecting such gifts. It may not be obviously expressed in many instances, but it's a common experience.

To control this, it is encouraged to give or receive without the knowledge of others. When done in public, the recipient's self-esteem is punctured to an extent. However, I wouldn't apportion blame to people that love giving charity with cameras around. It might be a way to earn more and do more charity. If this is the case, it becomes a win-win situation for the giver and the people that end up receiving from him in their numbers.

One could be wrong in judging the intentions of others in whatever they do sometimes.

I will dwell more on the impact being made by giving rather than the intention behind giving.

In life, I have come to understand that everyone strives to survive. The needs of individuals vary. Some people are in dire need of assistance, while others need assistance, but they have choices.

Over the years, many Nigerians have fallen victim to terrorism. They live in internally displaced persons camps. When I watch or read about the dire situation of these people, I feel bad for the situation that they are going through. If you give anything to these people in charity while you put on thousands of cameras to capture the moment for publicity sake, I am sure that they won't even notice that you are with cameras. All they wish for is to survive, and the charity is part of their hope for survival. Their situation has made them think less of their self-esteem.

In another instance, someone can reject a gift because it is done in front of a camera. Should I advise that people should keep their charity if the only reason they do it is to publicize it and gain public accolades? No, I won't. Like I said in the beginning, I am more concerned about the impact of the act than the intention behind it.

Once the item is legal, I don't have any reason to kick against any act of giving, irrespective of the intention behind it. The giver should give. It is left for the receiver to either collect or reject it.

For me, I don't render assistance to people for the sole aim of getting noticed and praised. Friends have come to me in public many times to whisper to me to assist them. Before giving them whatever I wanted to give them, I would make sure we left the public arena. I will devise a means to give out anything I want to give out without public knowledge. I have been a recipient of similar gestures from friends.

If someone is about to render assistance to me and I discover that he is doing it for publicity purposes, I would reject it if it is not a dire situation. I love and adore privacy when it comes to giving.

I would like to conclude by repeating my stance. Endeavor to give when you are capable of giving, irrespective of your intention. It is left for the potential receiver to accept or reject the gift. The world is in need of the impact of that gift.


Those carrying cameras are their way of getting back what they had given. Most people don't like giving with one hand and still allow the other hand to see what they have given.

You are right, we should give when we can give.

Yea. The impact is very vital to the progress of society.
Thank you for stopping by.

I love the angles you tackless this matter, indeed we shouldn't judge anyone for the way the person carried out the work of charity, let's leave God to decide which is effective or not

You summed it up. Thank you for stopping by.

Just like you, I mostly don’t want people to know or even praise me for giving but then I understand those who go with cameras. Some of them have to send proof to their organization that they did and others just want what to motivate others to give.

Some of them have to send proof to their organization that they did and others just want what to motivate others to give.

This is very true. That's why it won't be fair to judge anyone for doing charity in whatever way they chose to do it.
Thank you for your comment.

You’re welcome