Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

in #hive-153850last month


Tax is one important aspect of running a society. In one way or another, everyone pays tax, whether direct or indirect. Direct tax payment is done by the part of the population earning taxable income, which is determined by the law of the land. Direct tax also involves taxes paid by companies and businesses. Indirect tax, on the other hand, is paid by everyone. This includes commodity taxes and the like.

Presently, the tax system being adopted for workers in Nigeria is known as Pay As You Earn (PAYE). In this template, workers pay tax according to their earnings. The percentage ranges from about 5% for some lower cadre staff to about 14% for the workers at the top. The implication of this is that someone earning 30000 naira is paying about 5% of his income as tax, while the person earning about 250000 naira is paying about 10% of the money as tax.

I support this template for some reasons. The first reason is that the impact of tax payments varies among people according to their income. Someone earning 30000 naira and paying 10% tax of 3000 naira would feel the impact of such payment more than someone earning 100000 naira and paying a similar percentage of tax, which amounts to 10000 naira. The latter would have more resources at his disposal to attend to his bills than the former. Many countries adopt this PAYE method, and it is working for them.

Another reason for supporting this template is that one should give back to society in tandem with what one gets from the society. The more the income is growing, the contribution to the development of the country should also grow. If someone eating 30000 naira is paying a tax of 5%, then the person earning 100000 naira should pay more tax to correspond with his earning. His income is growing, so should his tax percentage too.

We have the population of the society that is not paying tax. This group includes the senior citizens, the unemployed population, and the young population that are not working. The tax being paid by taxpayers is used to cater for this group directly or indirectly. The contribution being made by the working population to cater for this group shouldn't be done on a flat percentage. The high-income individuals should pay more tax to cater for the underprivileged.

One may want to see this as an unfair treatment to the high-income earners, but I don't. The reason is that right from the beginning of this world, and presently across the globe, everyone can't be rich. It's not a question of who is hardworking and who is not. If all of us in Nigeria are hardworking, I can categorically say that we can't be all at the same level of richness. This is to say that there will always be variation in the financial strength of every individual.

In addition, I don't think that there is anyone who can decide to be poor because he would be asked to pay more tax if rich. As we make the money, we should be ready to give more to build the society relatively. This is already in practice in Nigeria, and I support its sustainability and judicious use of the monies.


Hmmm... This pay as you earn is not bad ooo. It's a system that would take everyone into consideration. The higher you climb, the bigger the tax bracket. So, it would be open to everyone. Just earn up to that amount.🤔

Exactly. You will be building yourself by climbing the ladder and also building the society. A win-win situation.

No doubt PAYE system is fairer to adopt in a country.
I support that too

Thank you for reading me. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

I fully support this Pas As You Earn Patten.
Just like I said in my article, a lot of people said I'm supporting the poor. Meanwhile, it's balanced system

My brother, it's not a matter of supporting the poor but making everyone have a sense of belonging. Everybody can't be equally rich even if we are all hardworking. It indeed balance the system.

Yeah, it's a balanced pattern 👌

As ur income grows so ur tax should increase, sounds logical but I still think that having equal percentage of taxes is fair since the rich will still pay higher amounts


Good submission dear brother. If basic amenities were available to every citizen, we may not worry about who pays what. Nonetheless, your points are well articulated and everyone should be charged as he earns.

If basic amenities were available to every citizen, we may not worry about who pays what.

The failure to put this in place is what is discouraging the people from paying taxes in Nigeria. The system is faulty with respect to how taxes are being put into judicious use.It's just like giving out charity to someone and subsequently seeing how your gift changes his life. You would be very proud.

However, if the person mismanaged what you have, it is discouraging. If the impact of the tax that we pay is felt, we will be proud to pay more.

I don't think that there is anyone who can decide to be poor because he would be asked to pay more tax if rich

This got me laughing. I agree with you, everyone should be ready to pay tax and the collectors should also make a judicious use of it so that we build a better society. Kudos

You raised the main issue discouraging many people from paying tax - failure to put it into judicious use. If they can improve on this, everyone would be proud to pay tax.
Thank you for stopping by.

God will help us


Hahaha. This is me smiling to myself as I remember years ago when I was working in a private school and got the understanding that I would be paying tax since I earn. I didn't want to but there was nothing I could do about it as the tax fee is removed even before we were paid our salaries.
While we earn from the society, giving back a little percentage will help grow the society back. So, I also like how the template is organized because in the end, no one is cheating another irrespective of their status.

I didn't want to but there was nothing I could do about it as the tax fee is removed even before we were paid our salaries.

The way they handle tax in Nigeria is discouraging one from willingly paying. If it were not that the tax of salary earners are deducted from source, many wouldn't be paying tax and I understand their reasons. Imagine paying tax regularly and still be the one to provide everything for yourself from security, water, electricity and even road in some instances. To encourage people to pay tax willingly, there is a fundamental error that needed to be corrected.