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Family is the basic unit of society. There's not one person who did not or does not have/come from a family.
My family are the people that I am most grateful for. For everytime I hear sad and worrying stories from people about how bad the symmetry in their homes are, I wonder how my family, not even one person that makes us up, ever turned out different(in a negative way).

I hear people sometimes talk about couples who birth more than three/four kids, and more often, their tones are not complimentary. I understand that their concerns are based on the economic situation of the country, but every time that I hear them, I chuckle.

And then, I think and get confused too, if mine is a small or large family. Maybe it's something in-between. Well, I come from a family of eight. There's me, my siblings and my parents. Are we a small or large family? What do you think? Honestly, they are the best things that have happened to me.
We are a team.

Growing up, my parents ensured that they catered for us just as best as they could, which was really the best. They put us in the best schools around(or even went farther up outside our vicinity) just so we could get proper education..

I grew up in a middle-class family and in a house that wasn't exactly big enough for the numbers that we made up. But it did not matter as we were all happy together, and that only brought us closer.

My parents disciplined us as they knew how best. They helped us through the phases of our lives. They were present. It was also important to them that as siblings, we all looked out for each other. So, it's no surprise that we're each other's emergency dials, advisors, gossipmate, helper, friend, and every other thing in-between. And of course, it helped that our extended family was just as tightly knit, so there was no way that we could not be bonded.

My siblings and I looked out for each other, helped each other, and knew each other beyond words. Looking back, I'm amazed that we never really fought. We had a way of handling our issues that involved dialogue, and it's always worked. Although we grew up in a chaotic neighborhood around the bad guys, we turned out well.
Now, people tell us how excellent a job my parents did in raising us. It's always, "una mama and papa really try o."

We've had our really rough moments, and we were able to come out of it. I know with so much certainty that that would not have been possible if we weren't holding hands and going through it together.
My family gives me so much pride to think of and to talk about.

As we grew older and begsn taking up responsibilities, it's easier for us to get things done. And having us for amd with one another is also a perk. Let's not forget that family gatherings are made even lively because we all bring in our enerfies to that effect.

Coming to my choice, I think that having a large family is just beautiful. However, it's up to me and my partner(as Ican nott make this decision for her/her) to decide how many kids we would want.

I hope that this was interesting to read. Thanks for reading.


I find this interesting to read, I'm not gonna call your family large because its made up of one man and one woman, but when its extends with an extra wife and more siblings, that's when it becomes large.

All right.
Maybe I'll go with this. It makes sense, too.
Thank you for reading.