Fame on social media has a price.
This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Can You Be An Influencer?".
Nowadays, with the whole issue of globalization and the Internet, networks,social networks have become very fashionable and it is very clear, especially about the new generations, that people have turned to creating content because they find it very seductive to earn a living through publishing, or showing nonsense on social networks. And I understand that it is something very attractive, because I myself dedicate myself to creating content and have been making a living from this for eight years. The issue with this is that there is a lot of work in creating content, from the precise moment in which you think or develop a plan to make the content, to the entire process that goes into preparing to do it, and everything that comes after doing this content. Being an influencer is not something that is simple, that is easy. Perhaps it seems to all these people who see the process from outside as spectators, something very easy, very simple to do. But it's not, it's completely difficult and involves a lot of so being an influencer is not something that I would do, I would not like it, because it requires, it involves many responsibilities being the image. Influencing other people involves having a clear goal and objective, projecting a particular image. In addition to this, when dealing with the public, we must immediately accept that the person who is going to be an influencer is going to be criticized. You will receive positive and negative feedback, and this is something that must be handled very carefully. Know how to behave, and also be exposed because you are publicly recognized. I wouldn't like it if people were asking me for autographs all the time on the street, or that they were asking me to take photographs all the time. It seems very uncomfortable to me that I will NOT be able to go quietly to eat somewhere, or do my shopping daily without having to be interrupted. Or that people are asking me things. This is the problem that most influencers have today. If you ask any of these famous people, they will tell you that they have made decisions, for example in the case of Spanish influencers, they have decided to go live in Andorra, far from their loved ones and the activities that they usually do carry out. But it is precisely because they want to have privacy, they want to be able to live their lives. You have to have a series of values and ethics to be able to communicate what you want to those populations, to those people that you are going to influence. We have to be very clear about that when creating content, these are people we are dealing with, these are people we are going to give a message to, so we have to be very responsible and serious. This is a business that has to be taken with a grain of salt, that has to be managed with care, and that in many cases requires a team that is behind all of this. I tell you this because I have worked as an editor for several channels on YouTube, I have been the administrator of several pages that they have millions of users, this requires management of social networks, it requires an entire team that works together to project an idea and to promote a brand, to give the desired image of that influencer. It is something that requires a lot of responsibility and I repeat: it is something that I would not be willing to do. I prefer to continue making my content without being an influencer, and only that people follow me because they enjoy what I do, they enjoy my honesty and that they simply see me as an equal, not as an influencer but as another cog in society, who is doing his part to help us all have a better life. This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago). Thumbnail image maded using Bing AI and edited with Canva.com
"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."
<< Tim Notke >>
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