Small changes, big impact.
This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "One Car Per Family".
Welcome to my blog. Today's topic invites us to discuss having only one car per family and the implications this brings are really very varied. On the one hand, having only one vehicle per family means that the whole family must be transported with that vehicle. Understanding that the family nucleus is generally made up of two children, the father, and the mother. Today, taking into account that we are referring to a small family nucleus, the father would have to take each of the children to their place of study, to their school. Suppose, in this case, each one attends a different school, so he would have to travel to two different places and then he would have to travel to take his wife to her work and finally, he should travel to his workplace. This implies a long expenditure of time throughout the process, a large amount of accumulated stress because trying to get to each place on time causes stress both in the driver and in the family member. Furthermore, let's also take into account that fuel and resources such as the car's tires are being consumed. So, taking into account this negative aspect and also mentioning that the environment is being polluted with carbon emissions, the carbon dioxide emitted by the vehicle, and the noise pollution from the car's noise, the horns, and all that. So, on this side, we are destroying the ozone layer, we are polluting the planet at the cost of making these people's lives easier, so that everyone can get to their school and work on time. But if we review the history of the world, at the beginning of the world in the age of the dinosaurs, of course, there were no means of transportation, there were no vehicles, there was no pollution. However, humans evolved and created their means of transportation. They invented the wheel and with the wheel, through carriages, we moved from one place to another. There was no pollution in the sense that carriages did not emit carbon gases. So, I believe the solution to this is not to have a law to have one vehicle per household but to create a law in which carbon emissions are not so high and regulate that people do not pollute the environment. So, I believe the ideal here would be for vehicles to have some sort of filter so that the environment is not polluted and that people would not have the need to have only one vehicle per family, they could have more vehicles and also regulate the use of these vehicles to avoid transportation problems and the queues that can form and currently form in different countries. Because we must also see that this regulation can come not only from the side of pollution but from the side of the amount of traffic that is fostered and created in the streets. So, my thoughts on this matter are that there has to be a regulation to limit or rationally use vehicles in case there is more than one vehicle per family and also place these filters on these vehicles. I also believe that a very important factor is to educate people about the sustainability of using biodegradable and renewable resources that do not pollute the environment. A lot of collaboration from people is needed in this regard because the main problem, from my point of view, is that people pollute and because of the large number of vehicles and people having more than one vehicle in their homes, the planet is getting more and more polluted. We are polluting more and more because we do not realize or do not care that the planet is being polluted if, in the end, we are not going to live or see the future of the planet. The next generations will see it and precisely because of having this type of mentality, we are harming ourselves. We must think about the future, we must think about the planet and the legacy that we are leaving, that we will give to those who come after us because perhaps we will not suffer the consequences, but those who come after us will. Thumbnail image maded using Bing AI and edited with
"The Earth has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed."
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This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
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Post translated from spanish to english using Microsoft Copilot