Memories of a Lost Love

in #hive-153850last month


What happens is what is convenient

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "The Worst Reasons.


"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
<< John Lennon >>

Image from 愚木混株 Cdd20 at Pixabay

The meeting and the beginning of the relationship.

Today I come to talk to you about a personal episode in my life, this is something that happened many years ago, it is about a relationship I had with a girl named Dina, this happened around April 2005.

In those days I was a very reserved person, much more than I am now, so it was difficult for me to communicate and have relationships, socialize with people.

I should mention that for those who do not know, I always suffer from what is called Asperger's syndrome, a factor that makes it very challenging for me to communicate and interact with people because I like to be in my world and in my things, I feel comfortable. Being alone.

But at that time I was in a romantic mood and through a phone chat application I started talking about different things in the chat and I met this girl named Dina.

Everything was going very well, we started talking, we exchanged phone numbers and what happened was that the relationship became more and more serious to the point that we started making long-term calls. I acquired a special phone line with a plan that She allowed us to speak in a limited way on a monthly basis and that's how I communicated with her.


Image from Pixabay

The distance and the visit.

She lived in a place in the interior of the country, it was about 12 hours away from where I lived, so we couldn't see each other very often and I remember that my late mother helped me a lot in those days, she lent me money so I could go visit her and so I did.

The relationship was going very well, I spent almost a month there where she lived, staying of course in a hotel and we went out every day, she showed me everything that Tiger City is and we had a great time.

After staying three weeks I decided to go meet her parents, her parents wanted to meet me and the parents were farmers who lived on a farm and I decided to go with her to spend about another month there getting to know and living with her parents in a remote place. of God.


Image from creisi at Pixabay

Social differences and the beginning of problems.

And what happened was that since she was a very humble person from a very humble family, they are used to that world and I had a higher social class than her, it's not that I was a millionaire or a person with a lot of money but that I did have a higher social class.

What happened was that the relationship was very beautiful but things happened, my mother became seriously ill during those years with dementia and I needed help, I asked her for help to come live with me here in the house and help me with my mother. and that way we could spend more time together, and she obviously didn't accept until I finally convinced her to come.

But my dad objected to it and the relationship was obviously damaged because of it. But most of all because she said that we were from different worlds, from different social classes and that it couldn't work.

She ended up walking away from me.


Photo by Vera Arsic at

The breakup and the consequences.

I let her go because I understood that there were going to be too many obstacles even though her father managed to accept me and that was an episode of which I have made a video in Spanish, telling how the father received me with a machete, because he understood that I went to ask for her hand the day I went to visit them.

I only went to introduce myself to the parents so that they could meet me and the father had understood that I was going to ask for her hand, but that is part of another curious episode that I recounted in the video.

In the end, Dina decided to leave and break up the relationship because we were from different social classes and my heart broke. I still love her today and I would be willing to get back with her if I could, but unfortunately I lost her phone number.

She had a cell phone where she had written down her phone number, it was stolen from me and she had the phone number of her mother, her sisters, etc.

She does not have social networks to be able to contact her again.

However, doing some research I discovered that she is still alive and she continues to live there in that city.

The only way to contact her would be for me to take the risk of going to visit her parents one day and ask her for her phone number, but for that I would have to travel 12 hours and I am not in a position to do so now.

Also, because of my Asperger's condition, I prefer to be like this, to continue being alone and I suppose that these are experiences in life that taught me to learn to let go.

And since I am currently a stoicist, I let things happen as they should happen and I accept them as they are.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



Thumbnail maded using Bing AI and edited at
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite


SAd to know, how it ends, but it was your destiny that can't be changed.

Yes, I'm happy that it was like that, even though it hurts, but that's life, continue.

A touching story @manclar. I really hope that one day, sooner rather than later, Dina will appear in your life again and that you will have the chance that life didn't want to give you years ago.

A hug my friend.

I don't think that will happen, it is very difficult for her to have my number, if she does, she hasn't called me in more than 17 years, I don't think she remembers now, and if that happens, it would be a miracle my friend haha.

It is the wish of a friend, and you can never say that something will not happen, even if it is unlikely to happen.

Getting to that point where you get to "accept" that's it's probably better off to let them go, getting there is never easy. However, once you've made up your mind, it gets a bit easier to actually let them go.
Still hard, not not so hard.

It is very difficult, it hurt and it hurts even today. I keep thinking about what could have been, and wasn't. Do you know what it means to lose your perfect partner? That is a dagger in the heart even for the bravest, brother.




$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nupulse(10/15) tipped @manclar

That was pretty sad! But maybe it was good, she didn't support you much when you needed her help. Not worth it to go for it =p

Yes, the truth is it was better this way, now I'm much calmer, although to be honest with you, I still love her =(, love hurts, and that sucks!

Man, sometimes I think about some girls that I was detached for many reasons, but I would want to see them again because it seems that we ended up not in a proper way, but it is what it is...past now I have a family moving forward

Of course, feeling good and also the maturity you have in assimilating things has a lot of influence. It has been difficult for me with her, she is the one who has really hit my heart hard. Now at 56 years old she is still in my heart. But I know she can't be that way anymore, I'm sure she's with her husband and her family, and I think it's better for her to be like that, I'm too complicated, and old hahahaha

hahahahah For some reason I though that you were younger than me, but now not so sure hehehe. We get old and more complicated for sure! probably if I separate, I won't get with any other person lol

People usually think that I am very young, because of the way I speak and write, I guess that is a factor in my favor hahahaha.

At this point, if I fall in love with someone, it would be my last cartridge. If things fail, I wouldn't try again. We get tired, I guess.

we are complicated and people are complicated... lol

Yes, that's life hahahaha

That's what life is all about
Take it the way you see it, but don't let it bring you down
Try stepping up at any chance you get

Just as you say, life is a process of falling and then getting up, always surround yourself with the right people, because that helps a lot.

Nowadays love is just a word written in books otherwise people deceive us like you faced in above case. I don't know why she exactly left you but it was painful thing when you needed her help she left you alone.

She left me because she said that I was from a better social class than her, and you are absolutely right, love today is just a word written in books, it's a shame that that's the case =(

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Heartbreaks are the worse. Most times it's just better to move on and pretend like they (your ex) never existed.

Yes, I thought about it, but in the end I decided to have a nice memory of her and continue loving her, I fell too much in love, you know, you get stupid when you fall in love.