Anime vs. Cartoons | The Final Showdown

in #hive-1538504 months ago

Hello readers!

Have you guys ever wondered what really makes anime and cartoons different? I think it has become an eternal question of this world and is especially seen and questioned among kids and teens when they first discover this unexplored world of anime and Cartoons. So, thank you @leogrowth for giving us another amazing topic to write about for today and now, Let us take a deep dive into this exciting imaginary world where anime and cartoons meet reality and discover the unique features and differences that set these two apart. So, what are you waiting for, just grab your popcorn and let us get started!

Cartoons - A World where Physics does not Exist

First of all, let us talk about cartoons. If you can imagine a place where anything can happen and the laws of physics don't get applied there. You can fall off a cliff, get squished by a car or piano and then walk right away with just a funny face and a dizzy head. Yup, That is the magic of cartoons and I am sure if you discovered television in your young days, you must have been A fan of the popular cartoons which used to get aired at that time, from the world Famous Tom and Jerry or Donald Duck!



Cartoons are all about simplicity and fun and they were made especially for children. For example, let us think of Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes, which are now some of the most famous global cartoons. These evergreen shows which came out as first-generation cartoons create a unique brand new world where the rules of physics are applicable seldomly. Characters here can stretch, squish and bounce back without a scratch lime they are jelly balls and not any living characters. As I said above, the cartoon was made just to entertain children and thus, It is all about humor and making you laugh without thinking hard or having to worry about real-world consequences. The characters in cartoons are often exaggerated and given larger-than-life looks and characteristics to make them Iconic and on the other hand, the stories or plots used in cartoons are generally straightforward and easy to follow or understand even for toddlers. So Inception fans may get bored here because you can hardly find any deep or complex plots here—just good old fun that everybody can watch together and enjoy a happy laughter session.

Live-Action | Welcome to The Reality

To understand the gap between Anime and Cartoons, we have to understand live-action shows and movies. Live action is another sector in this realm where real people can be seen doing real things on screen. Think of your favorite superhero movies like Spiderman or Superman or TV dramas like Big Bang Theory or X Files. Here, unlike cartoons laws of physics and Reality are given some respect and credibility and if someone falls off a cliff in a live-action show, at least he would not bounce back and would rather end up in hospital or worse. Things get series when you migrate from cartoons to live-action because every sequence in live-action shows will have a consequence and also, there are real injuries, real emotions and real consequences so while seeing live-action shows, you will sense more maturity in everything.

As you can easily realize after consuming a bunch of live-action shows, Live-action content has the power to connect us deeply with the characters, because they are played by actual humans who live and breathe and not imaginary entities. When we see someone get hurt in live-action content, we can almost feel their pain but on the other hand, we do not feel the same when seeing a cartoon. So I think that it is all about realism and authenticity that tricks your mind unknowingly compared to anime or cartoons. Some Live-Action movies and series that I really loved watching recently are - Atlas, The Boys, Exorcism, etc.



Anime | The Best of Both Worlds

Now that we have a decent knowledge of both cartoons and live-action content, let us now explore the world of anime. Anime in simple words is like a magical blend of cartoons and live-action content that brings out a completely new and unique kind of content for us. It is a unique style of Japanese animation that is generally made not only for kids but for adult mindsets as well. Anime shows can be found very similar to cartoons because they also have imaginary W2D or 3D fantasy characters but unlike cartoons, their storyline is usually more complex and emotional and adult materials Like blood, Gore, Abusive Language or Behaviour, Sexual content are often Shown in animes depending on the story just like it is done in live-action contents. I have also become an Anime lover lately and already loved some of the shows I have already watched like - Attack on Titans or Demon Slayers etc. and I can vouch that watching anime content can be super fun and adventurous for teens or older viewers, but careful as they also tackle serious and sometimes controversial topics.

In anime, you will often see characters having unique attributes like wild hair colors or gigantic eyes, but they are usually seen to be acting or role-playing the characters with very human emotions and challenges. Animes may be called a special breed of cartoon, as they are way more realistic than normal cartoons and give a feeling like watching serious live-action content rather than watching a funny cartoon. The main characters in anime shows may face tough situations, get hurt and go through the whole process of healing - just like what we used to see in live-action content. However, because the show is actually animated and not filmed, it has the power to explore and apply fantastical elements and special effects that live-action can not do in any way. In Anime, One thing you will definitely get is the emotional depth of live-action with the creative freedom of cartoons.

The Big Differences

So, let us now break down by points on what sets anime and cartoons apart.

Story Complexity

Cartoons are Simple, funny and light-hearted but Anime shows can range from simple to incredibly complex while often dealing with serious themes.

Character Design

Cartoons Exaggerated and unrealistic while Mostly focusing on humor and fun, while Anime though also exaggerated, these characters are designed to be more relatable and human-like.

Emotional Depth

Cartoons are Mostly focused on making you laugh while on the other hand, Anime Can make you laugh, cry and think deeply about life.


Cartoons Defy the laws of physics, anything can happen in the world of cartoons but Anime, it mixes the fantasy element with real human emotions and situations.


Last but not least, Cartoons are like the hilarious, carefree friend in your life who always makes you laugh, no matter what is happening in real life. Live-action is your serious, down-to-earth buddy who tells it like it is, I mean the Truth. And anime? It is that awesome friend of yours who can be super fun normally but also is not at all afraid to get deep, serious and superhuman even, when the moment calls for it. So next time you are choosing between a cartoon, a live-action show, or an anime, think about what you are in the mood for. But every time you want something unique or a mix of both worlds? Anime has got you covered!

I hope all of you liked reading my post about Anime and Cartoons and now, it's your turn to tell me which one among them is your favorite one.

Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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I think there are cartoons also available for adults as well and not limited to kids. Talk about family guy or simpsons.

...or rick or morty ;( I know.. but they are only a few compared to anime. But yes, your point is right.

Anime's better by a whole lot. Although, some cartoons do have anime adaptions like sonic and I think avatar. And I also feel both are for different audience, if I was a child I would have argued cartoon was way better 😂

I love your suit

thanks :)