Counterfeit Hearing; But Here Is What Happened Next.

in #hive-1538502 years ago


The news that day was not funny at all. It was about the first time I am experiencing something as such called a bad news and the news did not just sit well with me. We were all shivered and heavily marveled to hear such a thing that our principal has been fired. Someone who has been performing fantastically well and as well greatly contributed to the growth of the school. It was the least thing we could ever expect to happened at a critical period as that when it was about time for the WAEC external exam to begin. And not even that alone. The school owner and our principal are known to be very good friends considering the kind of tight relationship that exist between them. But if the owner fires one of his worker (in this case the principal), what can an ordinary student like me do?

It was my final days in senior class and we were already preparing for the compulsory West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) exam when this news hitted us. Unfortunately, this happened during holidays when everyone was at home and there was no quick way to confirm the authenticity of what we heard. And again the media (WhatsApp) from which the information was disseminated at that time was a new social media everyone of us just got on and many among us just started using a mobile phone as well. So everything that happened at that was just kinda a coincidence. So it caught us all.

So What Happened?

I could still remember how it started. I woke up that morning and picked up my phone to check if i have gotten some messages to attend to and to my surprise my screen was flooded with tonnes of messges from just a single group. It was my school group chat I am in with some other colleagues who we were all in the same class.
“ what happened, what happened, why?, is this true?...
This was the kind of messages i was reading from the group chat. And just like an average human brain will react to such messages, I was curious to know what happened and why my colleagues were sending in such messages. So I managed to scroll my chats back to the top to grab the news and here is what the news caster had to pass on to us;

”The Proprietor just sacked Mr Moses (our principal) yesterday”

It wasn’t really my fault then. I was still very young and could not easily detect on time if a news were real or not. In addition, I am still new to using a mobile phone and surfing the internet and social media with it. So I took every information I got from the internet to be real and authentic not knowing that lies could also exist on this same media platforms.

Anyways, it already happened and I woefully fell for it. It was a regular April fool’s trick that is commonly done on the first day in the month of april. Now I know better and I have experiened more about life. Although i still fall for some form of april fool trick after then. But its all nice and good.

Hive learners.png


Now I know better and I have experiened more about life

I'm glad you can at least learn from the experience, right?!

Yeah I did learn.

Thanks for passing by.

Hehe... There were always times when we took April Fools Day too far and caused a lot of ruckus. You did well though.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Infact I think I almost do not like this April fool thing at all.

Even this last April's own was also very terrible for me. I was dangling around this very hot northern weather at noon. 😂😂

I really just don't like it anymore.

Thanks for branching here Bruno.