If you tend to buy the majority of your items online, you could occasionally receive items that fall short of your expectations. There was also a time when many consumers avoided making online purchases out of fear of not getting what they expected. The majority of online sellers are con artists who often produce and deliver something less than what you ordered. You remember how I mentioned there was a time? Well, it's still the case now, and most people are reluctant to do business with strangers, especially if it's done online.
As a person, I don't like paying for things I can't see with my eyes. I like seeing the worth of things I want to pay for with my eyes before I do, and if possible, if I don't get the chance to see it with my eyes first before it gets to my side, I will ask the person I am purchasing it from to send me a clear video of it because pictures do lie a lot.
I was not like this, but I became this way when I paid for a baggy trouser online during the 2021 Christmas, and what I got was not even a dress I could wear out as a Christmas dress. The trouser she delivered to me was an IBO-made version of the one I ordered, and I didn't like the material used in making it because I knew how much I paid and what I was expecting from that.
I got less than I expected, and I was furious with the vendor I got it from. The worst part of it was that this lady was so rude and annoying; she didn't even beg or tell me sorry, and all that came out of her mouth was that she couldn't refund me the money all because I didn't like the trouser. As in, she has the audacity to tell me that, and truth be told, I was pained and vowed never to buy anything until I set my eyes on it first.
Well, I told a family member about it, and she has to message the vendor and curse her out. I was not able to get the true value of what I paid for, so I can't wear the dress and have to wear my old dress for Christmas.
It was a painful experience, and that experience made me smart and wise. Too bad there are even a lot of people around me who have had one or two bad experiences by getting less than what they expected.
Especially in Nigerian, there is even a slang for that because it happens most of the time to people, which is "what you order versus what you get." Many days, you see a lot of people dragging themselves and vendors online by delivering less of what they paid for. That's how a neighbour of mine got delivered a synthetic wig instead of a human hair wig, and she had to call the person who sold it for her multiple times before she rectified the situation, saying it wasn't her fault but the fault of her sales representative.
To avoid situations like this, I prefer to go miles to see and get what I want😂😂.
Thank you for reading.