A little mathematics about logical reasoning, Doing senior year back then in high school,we where thought logical reasoning in mathematics but we students back then didn't take it serious,I personally didn't take it serious.I was like what is English such as logical reasoning doing in mathematics.
Well, either I love it or not I did it and passed all because I have to pass not because I really want to know about logical reasoning.
I made mention of this logical reasoning because many of us had make irrational decisions without thinking logically.
I in person is one of those people that made irrational decisions due to not having logical reasoning not until later I realized.
So far in my life,I have made good decisions that I look back to and be like wow this was all me?.
So also I have made decisions that were no where to be grouped, it like a decision in between.
It's either Good or bad, those decisions are there with no where to categorize them,they are just there.
So also I have made irrational and silly decision that I wished I never made.
All these are what made me today, becoming who I am and what people say about me.All these irrational, and good decisions brought me this far.Either by crawling, walking, jumping or flying I have not been the same person I was.I have always been moving towards greatness in every of my mistake and good deeds.
One thing out of my irrational decisions and good deeds I am proud of till date was a scenario that happened during my final class in senior senior secondary School,it a long story to dive at but to summarize all.
We final students proposed a school educational party of departure secularly called validitory service for ourselves because back then my school barely host something like that.if at all it will be done, it will be something made up by the student and done outside the school premises.
But during my set,we want The validitory service done inside the school premises with our fellow students and teachers.
We draft out the proposal and submitted it at the principal's desk.Two days after the submit, the principal called one of the final student representative declining the proposal.we heard the news and was disheartened.we went to our senior staffs for help.they advised us and asked us to host a meeting with the principal.
Everyone other student started pulling out saying hosting a meeting with the principal is not something they can do, everyone was scared there was no one who could confront the principal with the proposal.
Long story short, myself and other student held a meeting with the principal and I decided to represent the student body.We had the meeting and successful convinced the principal.she gave us go ahead with full financial and security support.
I was happy and proud of myself to the fullest,it was a miracle persay but if I and other student had not stand out, probably we would not have gotten a go ahead.This is something I forever will be proud of.
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