What did I learn from Socrates and his wife? - Go Ahead

in #hive-1538503 years ago

Socrates' married life was not even an inch close to happiness; Rather, it was far from joy, affection and marital harmony, punctuated by countless daily problems with his wife "Xanthippe", who made his life an unbearable hell.

The wife could not accept who her husband really was; Represented by his strange behavior, and his ability to give up anything in this world, in exchange for gaining knowledge and wisdom, and obtaining the answers that he longs for in this existence that raised his many questions, in addition to his permanent contempt for human behavior and their whims and their adherence to worldly pleasures. All this aroused her intense indignation and indignation; She saw her husband as purely a man with frivolous, stupid ideas that have nothing to do with reality.

Socrates was silent and did not utter a word whenever his wife exploded in anger, and began to shout, trying to drag him into a quarrel and quarrels in vain. Insults directed at him!

And when she finally realized that theoretical talk would do nothing with her stubborn husband, she decided to try something practical as a last resort to get him to respond, so one day she filled a bowl of water and then headed towards him and emptied it on his head. The only lock of hair that was covering his bald head to its rightful place as he muttered in a low voice: "After all these thunders, I must expect rain."

What Socrates did is an expression of a beautiful philosophy that shows us that we must move forward in our lives and carry on our journey to the end despite all the challenges that confront us along the roads, and even if not everyone around us believes in the importance of our ideas and dreams and in our ability to achieve the success that we aspire to Sometimes it is the people closest to us who push us to the path of failure, intentionally or unintentionally.

But with all that, we should not take the position of others as an excuse or a hanger on which to hang our continuous failure, and our inability to transform our dreams into a tangible reality. Whoever aspires to the summit and truly real success will not be deterred by the roaring of strong thunder or the torrential rains of the sky, as long as he carries over his head the umbrella of determination to reach the goal.

There is one thing you can do when faced with tough times: move on. Don't let life's challenges break you. Don't let these difficult experiences keep you from pursuing your dreams. When life pushes you down to earth, force yourself back up again. Keep fighting the hardship and take one small step at a time Moving forward in times of hardship is very difficult and difficult. But after some time, you will notice that by taking step by step, you have finally overcome the conflict.

Life can be a difficult journey. Sometimes it knocks you down for no good reason. There will be blows of fate and deep blows of life more. It can be so difficult that all hope seems lost and when you are faced with these amazing difficulties, it is important not to lose hope. Likewise, it is important not to give up during these times. Life can hit you as hard as it can, if you go back and keep on pursuing your goals, it can't stop you.

There are many who complain about how difficult life is for them. They think over and over again, and deeply despise the pain that accompanies them, remorse, anger, and grief over what happened to them. These people feel sorry for themselves and wish it hadn't happened before. They can't stop thinking about how it all happened and what they could have done to prevent it. In short, they simply cannot accept being beaten for life. Their inability to accept what happened focuses all their attention on the problem. This, in turn, prevents them from finding a solution that will allow them to gradually break free.

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