Freedom, trust, collaboration, knowledge and comfort. These are the things I value at work. / Libertad, confianza , colaboración, conocimiento y confort. Estas son las cosas que valoro en el trabajo. [English / Spanish] .

in #hive-1538503 months ago

The workplace plays a fundamental role in people's lives, as it is the place where we spend most of our time. Therefore, it is important to reflect on what are the advantages of our workplace and what elements contribute to make it a pleasant space for us. In my case, the advantages of my current workplace are diverse and contribute significantly to my well-being and productivity.

El lugar de trabajo juega un papel fundamental en la vida de las personas, ya que es el sitio donde pasamos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo. Por lo tanto, es importante reflexionar sobre cuáles son las ventajas de nuestro lugar de trabajo y qué elementos contribuyen a que este sea un espacio agradable para nosotros. En mi caso, las ventajas de mi actual lugar de trabajo son diversas y contribuyen de manera significativa a mi bienestar y productividad.

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One of the main advantages of my current workplace is the collaborative environment that is fostered among colleagues. Open communication and teamwork are essential aspects that make for a positive and productive environment. The ability to share ideas, receive constructive feedback and collaborate on joint projects not only enriches the work environment, but also contributes to the professional growth of each employee. Having co-workers who are willing to listen to you, help you and work as a team makes for a positive and enriching work environment. This collaboration contributes to a sense of belonging and community that translates into greater commitment and motivation to perform assigned tasks.

Una de las principales ventajas de mi actual lugar de trabajo es el ambiente colaborativo que se fomenta entre los compañeros. La comunicación abierta y el trabajo en equipo son aspectos esenciales que permiten crear un entorno positivo y productivo. La posibilidad de compartir ideas, recibir retroalimentación constructiva y colaborar en proyectos conjuntos no solo enriquece el ambiente laboral, sino que también contribuye al crecimiento profesional de cada empleado. El hecho de contar con compañeros de trabajo que están dispuestos a escucharte, ayudarte y trabajar en equipo hace que el ambiente laboral sea positivo y enriquecedor. Esta colaboración contribuye a un sentido de pertenencia y comunidad que se traduce en un mayor compromiso y motivación para realizar las tareas asignadas.


Another advantage is the flexibility and autonomy given to us employees. The possibility of managing our working time efficiently, the freedom to carry out our tasks in the way we consider most appropriate and the confidence of our superiors to make decisions are aspects that I value greatly. This flexibility allows us to have a better work-life balance, which translates into greater overall satisfaction and well-being. In addition, autonomy gives us the opportunity to develop our skills and abilities independently, which contributes to our professional and personal growth.

Otra ventaja es la flexibilidad y la autonomía que se nos brinda a los empleados. La posibilidad de gestionar nuestro tiempo de trabajo de manera eficiente, la libertad para llevar a cabo nuestras tareas de la manera que consideremos más adecuada y la confianza de los superiores para tomar decisiones son aspectos que valoro enormemente. Esta flexibilidad nos permite tener un mejor equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal, lo que se traduce en una mayor satisfacción y bienestar en general. Además, la autonomía nos brinda la oportunidad de desarrollar nuestras habilidades y capacidades de manera independiente, lo que contribuye a nuestro crecimiento profesional y personal.

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Likewise, the infrastructure and amenities offered by my workplace also contribute to making it more pleasant. Large, bright spaces and modern technology are elements that influence the comfort and well-being of employees. Feeling comfortable in the work environment is key to maintaining motivation and performance at work.

On the other hand, one of the things I enjoy at my workplace is the opportunity to continually learn and grow. Access to training and professional development, the possibility to participate in challenging projects, and constant feedback from superiors and peers are aspects that motivate me and allow me to improve my skills and knowledge. This culture of continuous learning promotes innovation and excellence at work, which contributes to the individual and collective success of the organization.

Asimismo, la infraestructura y las comodidades que ofrece mi lugar de trabajo también contribuyen a hacerlo más agradable. Espacios amplios y luminosos, y tecnología moderna son elementos que influyen en la comodidad y bienestar de los empleados. Sentirse cómodo en el entorno laboral es clave para mantener la motivación y el rendimiento en el trabajo.

Por otro lado, una de las cosas de las que disfruto en mi lugar de trabajo es la oportunidad de aprender y crecer continuamente. El acceso a formación y desarrollo profesional, la posibilidad de participar en proyectos desafiantes y la retroalimentación constante por parte de los superiores y compañeros son aspectos que me motivan y me permiten mejorar mis habilidades y conocimientos. Esta cultura de aprendizaje continuo promueve la innovación y la excelencia en el trabajo, lo que contribuye al éxito individual y colectivo de la organización.


Now, if I had to give up any of these advantages, it would definitely be a major blow to my well-being and job satisfaction. The lack of a collaborative and supportive environment among co-workers could generate a tense and unproductive atmosphere, negatively affecting my performance and motivation, so I would have no choice but to quit my job.

The loss of flexibility and autonomy in my job would limit my ability to develop my full potential and carry out my tasks efficiently. Likewise, the absence of learning and professional growth opportunities would make my job monotonous and unsatisfying, affecting my motivation and commitment to the organization.

The advantages of my current workplace are centered on the collaborative environment, flexible hours, comfortable facilities and autonomy in the performance of my duties. These aspects not only make my workplace enjoyable, but also influence my motivation, well-being and job performance. It is important that organizations recognize the importance of these aspects and work on their development and maintenance to ensure the well-being and productivity of their employees.

Ahora bien, si tuviera que renunciar a alguna de estas ventajas, definitivamente sería un golpe importante para mi bienestar y satisfacción laboral. La falta de un ambiente colaborativo y de apoyo entre los compañeros de trabajo podría generar un ambiente tenso y poco productivo, afectando negativamente mi rendimiento y mi motivación, por lo cual no tendría mas remedio que renunciar al trabajo.

La pérdida de flexibilidad y autonomía en mi trabajo limitaría mi capacidad de desarrollar todo mi potencial y llevar a cabo mis tareas de manera eficiente. De igual manera, la ausencia de oportunidades de aprendizaje y crecimiento profesional haría que mi trabajo se volviera monótono y poco satisfactorio, afectando mi motivación y compromiso con la organización

Las ventajas de mi actual lugar de trabajo se centran en el ambiente colaborativo, la flexibilidad horaria, la comodidad de las instalaciones y la autonomía en el desempeño de mis funciones. Estos aspectos no solo hacen que mi lugar de trabajo sea agradable, sino que también influyen en mi motivación, bienestar y desempeño laboral. Es importante que las organizaciones reconozcan la importancia de estos aspectos y trabajen en su desarrollo y mantenimiento para garantizar el bienestar y la productividad de sus empleados.

In this way, I conclude my first week's participation in the Hive Learners community, developing the following topic:

"Employee Benefits: What are the benefits of your current place of work? What are those things you're enjoying that make the place a bit more enjoyable for you. It would be different from every other person, but what's that thing that once it's taken away in your work place, you'll be forced to quit?"

Asi, concluyo mi primera participación en la semana dentro de la comunidad Hive Learners, desarrollando el siguiente tema:

" Beneficios para los empleados: ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de tu actual lugar de trabajo? ¿Cuáles son esas cosas de las que disfrutas y que hacen que el lugar sea un poco más agradable para ti? Sería diferente de cada persona, pero ¿qué es eso que, una vez que te lo quiten en tu lugar de trabajo, te verás obligado a renunciar?"

I hope that in this beginning of the week many good things happen to us, to start the week as we deserve. Best regards to all.

All images are my property and were taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

Espero que en este inicio de semana nos pasen muchas cosas buenas, para comenzar la semana como merecemos. Un gran saludo a todos.

Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Umidigi F2.


I love it when companies take the wellbeing and growth of their employees seriously. They provide vital training because in the end, it's the company that will benefit from it all. When the employees are happy, the company will definitely prosper.

They always take us into account by sending us to training courses related to our respective jobs, which is something that satisfies us because it prepares us to face daily challenges with tools that are useful to us and also increases our knowledge of various topics.

The importance of having a comfortable workspace cannot be overemphasized, if you're not comfortable in your workspace then you won't have the motivation to go there.

You are right, in particular I feel comfortable to have internet, telephone, access to social networks, (essential for collections work), printers, a kitchen and a table to eat quietly. there is even a television of which we make rational use at lunchtime or after work. We are all committed to the company.

With everything you said in the post, I can tell that you are having a good time at your workplace.

All these things are not what many people experience at their place of work and it can be very demotivating. A good working environment, amenities, flexibility and understanding colleagues make work a lot easier and growth is inevitable.

It's really cool when we have an environment with collaboration and teamwork, people generally seem to be happier, even the photo of you all having lunch as a team shows unity, an important point both as I wrote and as I saw in the posts I commented on. flexibility, I think that nowadays there is no money that can pay for that.

Thank you for your kind opinion, at work we are people who have known each other for many years, and we even spend more time in the office than at home. We have certain freedoms and sometimes we work remotely from home!

I am very happy to know that there is a cooperative environment among the employees of your office. I feel that if there is such an environment and good bonding, then working becomes fun and the company also grows well. Such an environment is rarely seen because in today's time office politics spoils the atmosphere of the entire office due to which work is not fun and the employees who do their work honestly have to face lot of problems due to these dirty office politics.

Thank you for stopping by. We are people who have known each other for years in other jobs, and by forming this team we are committed to work for the common good and that of the company, we already consider ourselves almost family because of how well we feel in the company, and we also have a boss who always seeks solutions for the company and consequently for his team, we are seven people who come from banking and we try to help small traders to develop their business.

Wow 😲
That's great
Keep the good work
Keep growing