in #hive-153850last year

Newbies Initiative (20).jpg



Newbies Initiative

Hello everyone, and welcome to another round of the Newbies Initiative. Our goals and objectives (as always) is to assist newbies in learning more about Hive and how it works, and guide them down the right path.


Iniciativa de Novatos

Hola a todos, y bienvenidos a otra ronda de la Iniciativa para Novatos. Nuestras metas y objetivos (como siempre) son ayudar a los novatos a aprender más sobre Hive y su funcionamiento, y guiarles por el camino correcto.



The Newbies Initiative will last for three months (90 days) this time around. There are so many changes we have made, and as usual, the participants will be divided into three groups with three leaders for a total of 30 students per group.

We have competent leadership consisting of team leaders and instructors who will be dedicated to mentoring you on the relevant things you need to know about Hive through a series of live meetings on Discord and Tutorial posts.

In the Discord meetings weekly, we will discuss different the topics outlined in this post and you can ask questions regarding what you don’t understand in the tutorial posts provided, and so on. We will provide translation for participants whose primary language is not English, so be rest assured.

After the Discord meeting is held, a task will be given to members every week. This is to assess participants’ understanding of the theme discussed during the week. Team leaders will assess their students and give reports every week on the team’s performance and progress of newbies.

It is very important for the newbies to know that even though the initiative will try to support newbies via curation, votes are not guaranteed for anyone. The intent for joining the initiative is to have fun and learn about Hive.


Esta vez, la Iniciativa para principiantes durará tres meses (90 días). Hemos introducido muchos cambios y, como de costumbre, los participantes se dividirán en tres grupos con tres líderes para un total de 30 alumnos por grupo.

Contamos con una dirección competente formada por líderes de equipo e instructores que se dedicarán a orientaros sobre las cosas relevantes que necesitáis saber sobre Hive a través de una serie de reuniones en directo en Discord y posts de Tutorial.

En las reuniones semanales de Discord, discutiremos diferentes temas descritos en este post y podrás hacer preguntas sobre lo que no entiendas en los posts tutoriales proporcionados, etc. Proporcionaremos traducción para los participantes cuyo idioma principal no sea el inglés, así que puedes estar tranquilo.

Una vez celebrada la reunión de Discord, se asignará una tarea a los miembros cada semana. Se trata de evaluar la comprensión de los participantes del tema tratado durante la semana. Los jefes de equipo evaluarán a sus alumnos y darán informes cada semana sobre el rendimiento del equipo y el progreso de los novatos.

Es muy importante que los novatos sepan que, aunque la iniciativa intentará apoyar a los novatos a través de la curación, los votos no están garantizados para nadie. La intención de unirse a la iniciativa es divertirse y aprender sobre Hive.


Criteria to Apply:

  • Your account must not be older than a year.

  • A maximum of 65 reputation

  • A maximum of 500 HP

  • It's important to get yourself verified on hive learners community, but if not, your application will (may) still be considered.


If you have interest and want to be part of the program, then you have to join our Discord Channel and show your commitment by participating in everything going on there.

Aside general discussions about the initiative, We’ll be having a series of activities on our Discord server, such as:

Games and Giveaways, Active participation and contribution in the Discord activities will give you an edge over other newbies and help you be selected for the program.

Deadline: 16th September 2023

To submit your application, copy this template, edit your credentials in, and submit in the comments. This should show as the table below:

Criterios para presentarse:

  • Su cuenta no debe tener más de un año.

  • Un máximo de 65 de reputación

  • Un máximo de 500 HP

  • Es importante que te verifiques en la comunidad de alumnos de la colmena, pero si no es así, tu solicitud (puede) seguir siendo tenida en cuenta.


Si tienes interés y quieres formar parte del programa, entonces tienes que unirte a nuestro Canal Discord y mostrar tu compromiso participando en todo lo que allí suceda.

Aparte de las discusiones generales sobre la iniciativa, tendremos una serie de actividades en nuestro servidor Discord, tales como:

Juegos y Regalos, La participación activa y la contribución en las actividades de Discord te darán una ventaja sobre otros novatos y te ayudarán a ser seleccionado para el programa.

Fecha límite: 16 de septiembre de 2023

Para enviar su solicitud, copie esta plantilla, edite sus credenciales y envíela en los comentarios. Debería aparecer como en la tabla siguiente:

|Application    |Account    |@ your account
|First Post Published|  date   | [Link](paste link URL to your post)
|Introduction Post| June 10, 2018   | [Link](paste link (URL to your post)
|Hive Power|     Your own HP Without delegation   | Delegation received
|Reputation|    Number rep  |

*I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.*

ApplicationAccount@ your account
First Post PublishedDateLink
Introduction PostDateLink
Hive PowerYour own HP Without delegationDelegation

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

|Aplicación |Cuenta |@ su cuenta
|Primer Post Publicado| fecha | [Enlace](pegar enlace URL a tu post)
|Post de Introducción| 10 de junio de 2018 | [Enlace](pegar enlace URL a tu post)
|Poder de Colmena| Su propio HP Sin delegación | Delegación recibida
|Reputación| Número rep |
AplicaciónCuenta@ nombre de usuario
Primer publicaciónFechaEnlace
Hive Power (HP)propio, sin delegacionesDelegación

Entiendo perfectamente que el objetivo principal de este programa es enseñar a los usuarios a utilizar bien Hive, y los votos del mismo no están garantizados.



  • High-quality newbies posts on the #newbies-initiative-posts channel in the SMILE DISCORD SERVER will receive upvotes.

  • High-quality newbies post published in the Hive Learners Community would be selected for curation.

  • Newbies can ask us anything they want to know about Hive or blogging-related topics in our SMILE DISCORD SERVER under the #help-chat in the "ALIENTO" category.

  • You'll get to know new authors, communities, and initiatives.

  • Finally, by completing tasks, commenting, posting, upvoting, and making transfers, Newbies will beat at least part of Hive's learning curve. They will be ready to grow as Hivers and become part of this thriving community.


  • Las publicaciones de buena calidad de los novatos en el canal #newbies-initiative-posts en el SMILE DISCORD SERVER recibirán upvotes.

  • Los posts de buena calidad de los novatos publicados en la Hive Learners Community serán seleccionados para su curación.

  • Los novatos pueden preguntarnos cualquier cosa que quieran saber sobre Hive o temas relacionados con los blogs en nuestro SMILE DISCORD SERVER bajo el #help-chat en la categoría "ALIENTO".

  • Conocerás nuevos autores, comunidades e iniciativas.

  • Por último, al completar las tareas, comentar, publicar, votar y hacer transferencias, los novatos superarán al menos parte de la curva de aprendizaje de Hive. Estarán preparados para crecer como Hivers y formar parte de esta próspera comunidad.


Final Words

The benefits of the newbie initiative program cannot be overemphasized, and we have trained a lot of people who are now doing well on the bloglckchain today.

However, this program wouldn’t be able to operate without the support we receive from the community. The newbies initiative team really appreciates all the support.

We also say big thanks to theycallmedan and aliento for the curation support they give this initiative.

Remember to join the SMILE and Hive Learners Discord Servers

Palabras Finales

Nunca se insistirá lo suficiente en los beneficios del programa de iniciativa para novatos, y hemos formado a mucha gente a la que ahora le va bien en la bloglckchain.

Sin embargo, este programa no podría funcionar sin el apoyo que recibimos de la comunidad. El equipo de la iniciativa para novatos agradece de verdad todo el apoyo.

También damos las gracias a theycallmedan y aliento por el apoyo que prestan a esta iniciativa.

Recuerda unirte a los servidores Discord de SMILE y Hive Learners




|Application|Account|@stevewealth |-|-|- | Post Published| August 11 2023 | Link |Introduction Post| August 11 2023 | Link |Hive Power| 18.632 |Delegation received |300.00b RC||Reputation|53 |

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @stevewealth you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

Thank you @starstrings01
I've submitted it.

Hi @stevewealth , your application has been received. We’ll review and let you know the status of your application soon!

First Post PublishedFebruary 9th, 2023First post
Introduction PostFebruary 9th, 2023Introduction post
Hive Power77 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Thanks for your application. We will review and get back to you ✅

Thank you

|Aplicación |Cuenta |@literal |-|-|- |Primer Post Publicado| 27 de julio de 2023 | Enlace |Post de Introducción| 23 de julio de 2023 | Enlace |Poder de Colmena| 70.4 | 4 |Reputación| 51.84 |

Entiendo perfectamente que el objetivo principal de este programa es enseñar a los usuarios a utilizar bien Hive, y los votos del mismo no están garantizados.

Hi @literal you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

Hello friend thank you very much for the notice. In that channel I can not write, what should I do?

First postApril 3Link
Introduction postApril 3Link

I eunice9200 understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @eunice9200 , thanks for your response to this post. Kindly edit this application to include the personal statement as directed in the sample above. You can check how wallay did his as an example. Well done ✅👍

Alright, thank you

I have corrected it

Well done ✅

Thank you

I understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

your application has not be received, make sure to copy the link of your comment and share it to the #applicant-links channel in the discord server

|Application |Account |@og-gamershub |-|-|- |First Post Published| 9/8/2023| Link |Introduction Post| 9,8 2023| Link |Hive Power| 10.112 | Delegation received |Reputation| 49 |

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.


Hi @og-gamershub Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon.

Stay tune to this space.

Okay, thank you

Excelente iniciativa, que lástima que ya tengo más de un año en hive.

Todavía puedes aplicar... no hay nada de malo en intentarlo.

First postSeptember 25Link
Introduction postSeptember 25Link

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Thanks for your application. We will review and get back to you ✅

|Application |Account |@omotife |-|-|- |First Post Published|june 25 2023 | Link |Introduction Post| June 24, 2023| Link [hive power]49.5 |Reputation|53 |

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @omotife you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

Thank you so much, i will do that right away

Thanks for your application. We will review and get back to you ✅

I probably won't qualify for the Newbie initiative program. But since I have a teacher from the community watching this perhaps you could answer a question.


We are supposed to support other users on the hl-exclusive topics. Here Aslamrer supported Emreal and kushyzee

How and when am I supposed to do this?

I feel like I'm being negligent on one of my Hive-Learner duties.

Just by going through the posts shared on that channel and leaving a comment, maybe supporting them with a reblog or vote. Then come back to the channel and mention who you supported before promoting your link.

So I just type the @ and name on discord? Seems like I'll have to do a lot of reading before I support my own post.

Thanks, I'll try doing that going forward.

You don't have to support everyone... Just pick the posts you like to support and then you are good to go.

Application Account @mikechrist /First Post Published; August 4 Link /Introduction Post August 4 2023
/Hive Power. 30.038 /delegation Delegation /Reputation 46

Application Account: @nwothini335

First Post Published |2022| | Link |

Introduction Post| 2022| Link |

Hive Power Your own HP
Without delegation: |88.588 |

Received Delegation: |2.071|

Reputation Number: |56|

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi. We’ll review your application and let you know your applicant status soon. Thanks for applying and Hive on!

You might want to take a look at your table’s markdown though. It should look like a table if you do the markdown right:)

First Post PublishedApril 5, 2023Link
Introduction PostApril 5, 2023Link
Hive Power256.72-

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @cyclopshive you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

I followed the instructions. Thank you

Hi @cyclopshive Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon.

Stay tune to this space.

100 % recomendado

AplicaciónCuenta@ su cuenta
Primer Post Publicado15 de agosto de 2023Enlace
Post de Introducción4 de agosto de 2023Enlace
Poder de Colmena4410

Entiendo perfectamente que el objetivo principal de este programa es enseñar a los usuarios a utilizar bien Hive, y los votos del mismo no están garantizados.

su solicitud ha sido vista y recibida, asegúrese de seguir la información enviada al canal #applicant-announcement.

Good day to you, I'm interested, I'm new here, how do I get verified so I can participate in this initiative?

Application Account @mikechrist /First Post Published; August 4 Link /Introduction Post August 4 2023
/Hive Power. 30.038 /delegation Delegation /Reputation 46

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

You made a mistake you will have to edit your post and redo it properly.

Hi @mikechrist you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

|Application |Account |@ginika |-|-|- |First Post Published| April 30th 2023| Link |Introduction Post| April 27 2023 |link |Hive Power| 162.494| Delegation received |0| |Reputation| 59 |

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi. Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know your applicant status soon. Hive on!

You might want to take a look at your table’s markdown though. It should look like a table if you do the markdown right:)

Ohhh nice, @beeeee @fredaa and @seunruth please check this out!

Thank you for the mention @ibbtammy

Thank you☺️

You are welcome!

First Post PublishedSeptember, 2023Link
Introduction PostSeptember, 2023Link
Hive Power0HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

First Post PublishedAugust 26th, 2023First post
Introduction PostAugust 26th, 2023Introduction post
Hive Power0 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @seunnara you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application

Thanks for the feedback @nkemakonam89

|Application |Account |@alghosty |-|-|- |First Post Published| July,4,2023 | Link |Introduction post| July,4,2023 | Link |Hive power| 48.807 | 50 |Reputation| 55 |
I @alghosty perfectly understands that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @alghosty you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application


Application Account @fredaa
First post July 13 2023
Introduction post July 13 2023
HP 54.040 -
Reputation 56 -

I fredaa understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @fredaa you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application

Alright, thank you.

Entiendo perfectamente que el objetivo principal de este programa es enseñar a los usuarios a utilizar bien Hive, y los votos del mismo no están garantizados.

|Application |Account |@ucloveth|-|-|- |First Post Published| 17 September 2022 | Link |Introduction Post|27 September 2022| Link |Hive Power|259.802| Delegation received Nil |Reputation| 63|

I ucloveth perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hello @ucloveth , your application has been received. We’ll review and let you know the status of your application soon!


|Application |Account |@wallay |-|-|- |First Post Published| April 9 2023| Link |Introduction Post| April 6 2023 | Link |Hive Power| 351.384| Delegation received |Reputation| 62 |

I wallay perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Good luck, Mr Wallay.

Thank you so much

First Post Publishedmarch 29 2023Link
Introduction Postmarch 29, 2023Link
Hive Power218.485-

I Deborah-yelemu perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @deborah-yelemu , your application has been received. We’ll review and let you know the status of your application soon.

Okay, thank you!

First Post PublishedApril 25,2023Link
Introduction PostApril 25,2023Link
Hive Power34NIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Your application has been received, and you have been given the applicant role. Kindly check the information that has been sent in #applicants-announcement in the SMILE Discord Server.

|Application |Account |@awuraadwoa20|-|-|- |First Post Published| June 27 2023 [] |Introduction Post| June 27, 2023 | [] |Hive Power| 107.409 HP | 100.435 |Reputation| 58 |

I Lois perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @awuraadwoa you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.


Hi. Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon. Hive on!

You might want to take a look at your table’s markdown though. It should look like a table if you do the markdown right:)

okay thanks

First Post PublishedAugust 13th, 2023First post
Introduction PostAugust 13th, 2023Introduction post
Hive Power31 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @jesuwibelizzy , you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application

Mis Saludos a todos .Gracias por la oportunidad de participar en este proceso de aprendizaje.
Aplicación Cuenta @ osismi
Primer publicación Fecha: 10/02/2023 Enlace
Introducción Fecha10/02/2023 Enlace
Hive Power (HP) propio, sin delegaciones 224.91 Delegación 30.81
Reputación Número 61

First Post PublishedOctober 11th, 2022First post
Introduction PostOctober 11th, 2022Introduction post
Hive Power308 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi. Your application has been received and will be reviewed shortly. We’ll let you know the status of your application soon. Hive on!

Thanks so much

First Post PublishedJuly 25th, 2023First post
Introduction PostJuly 24th, 2023Introduction post
Hive Power10 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @debby-cwm Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon.

Stay tune to this space and also constantly check the discord server for more information.

I love this, I am interested even though I am barely 24 hours on hive.

Since you are interested, then apply. You have less than 24 hours left for the form to be closed. Then send the link to your comment to the Discord server; from there, you would get to meet other applicants.

First Post PublishedJuly 21, 2023Post Link
Introduction PostAugust 20, 2023Post Link
Hive Power1.353 HP100 HP

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @khadijaaya you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

First Post PublishedMarch 12 2023Link
Introduction PostMarch 12, 2023Link
Hive Power177.9190

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @ayamihaya you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application

Sorry, I don’t understand what do I have to do there. I already had pasted the link before

If you have submitted your link in the right channel, they try to always check the application announcement channel for any information for the newbies. Also try to connect with your fellow applicants in the general chat. Activities have been going on there.
Thank you
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( nkemakonam89, aunty-tosin ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

|Application|Account|@cindynancy|-|-|-|first post published 5th May 2022link
|introduction post| 5th May 2022 link
|Hive power|84.735| delegated|100.193 |Reputation|61|

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use hive well and votes from it are not guaranteed

Hi @cindynancy Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon.

Thank you

Congratulations @newbies-hive! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You got more than 1500 replies.
Your next target is to reach 1750 replies.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

Check out our last posts:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the August PUM Winners
Feedback from the September Hive Power Up Day
First Post PublishedOctober 15th, 2021First post
Introduction PostOctober 15th, 2021Introduction post
Hive Power38 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

your application has been seen and received, make sure to follow the information sent to the #applicant-announcement channel.

Noted. I appreciate the privilege.

ApplicationAccount@lovinda your account
First Post PublishedJune 30, 2023link
Introduction PostJune 30, 2023Link
Hive Power21.14950.204

Weldon @lovinda and good luck to you.

@moremoney28 thank you big brother.

Hi @lovinda you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply to my comment after following the instructions.

Thanks to the newbies initiative team for another great opportunity for newbies. I had a lot of fun and learnt a lot during my time in the initiative. Keep up the good work.
@playmaker1 @alghosty @awuraadwoa20 you might want to apply for the initiative.

I gotcha


First post publishedMay 22, 2023
Introduction PostMay 22, 2023
Hive Power45.5050.38

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teavh users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @playmaker1 Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon.

Stay tune.

First postDec 01, 2022Enlace
Introduction postDec 01, 2022Enlace

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @dfreitesp Your application has been received. We’ll review your application and let you know the status of your application soon.
Stay tune.

Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to it.

First Post PublishedJuly 30LinkLink
Introduction PostJuly 30LinkLink
Hive Power34.134-

I @peacious perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @peacious you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply my comment after following the instructions.

Hi @starstrings01 done!

|Application |Account |@edwincj | |-|-|-
|First Post Published| 1st July 2023 | Link
|Introduction Post| 1st July 2023 | Link
|Hive Power| 8.587 | 100RC |Reputation| 49 |

I edwincj perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Your application has been received, and you have been given the applicant role. Kindly check the information that has been sent in #applicants-announcement in the SMILE Discord Server.

|Application |Account |@ meyateingi |-|-|- |First Post Published| April 29 | Link |Introduction Post| April 21,2022 | Link |Hive Power| 272.942 | Delegation received |Reputation| 55 |

I meyateingi perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Your application has been received, and you have been given the applicant role. Kindly check the information that has been sent in #applicants-announcement in the SMILE Discord Server.

Yay!! Thank you 🤗
I'll do that now

First Post PublishedJan 6,2022Link
Introduction PostDec 21,2022Link
Hive power14,227HPNo Delegation received

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Thank you

Hi pyhna your application has been received. We’ll review and let you know the status of your application soon! Is

Thank you 🙏🏽

Hola!,tengo una pregunta esta cuenta que tengo es vieja, pero me retire porque no habia comprendido nada, donde puedo comenzar de nuevo?, me gustaria presentarme y conocer a mas personas en hive!

Me di cuenta.. no has hecho mucho en la cadena. siéntete libre de aplicar y unirte a nosotros en discord.

First Post PublishedJuly 11th, 2023First post
Introduction PostJuly 11th, 2023Introduction post
Hive Power11 HPNIL

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

your application has been seen and received, make sure to follow the information sent to the #applicant-announcement channel.

Noted, thanks.

| Application | account | @ahmedhayat |

| ................. | ............. | ....................... |

| First published post was introduction post | 25 july | link |

| Introduction | 25 july | link |

| Hive power | 44.9 | 2.7 |

| Reputation | 55 |

I ahmedhayat perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use hive well and votes from it are not guaranteed.

your application has been seen and received, make sure to follow the information sent to the #applicant-announcement channel.

First postMay 26Link
Introduction postMay 26Link

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @seunruth , you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application.

Noted! I will do soon as I get back home

Hello @nkemakonam89
I just submitted the link to my comment in the applicant server

Alright, you can do well by staying active in the general chat with your fellow applicants

First Post PublishedNov 5, 2020Link
Introduction PostNov 5, 2022Link
Hive Power250.783 HP0 HP Delegation received
Reputation61.26 rep

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @creativepearl , thanks for your application. You would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Thank you

Done that, thank you so much ma.

First Post PublishedMay 20, 2023Link
Introduction PostMay 20, 2023Link
Hive Power8.073 HPNIL

I @corneliusoke perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

|Application |Account |@beeeee|-|-|- |First Post Published|July 14, 2023 | Link |Introduction Post| June 13, 2023| [Link](paste link ( |Hive Power| Your own HP Without delegation | 84.439 |Reputation| 58 |

I perfectly understand that the main objective of this program is to teach users how to use Hive well, and votes from it are not guaranteed.

Hi @beeeee you would need to visit the SMILE Discord server, and submit the link to your comment to #applicant-announcement channel to verify your application. Reply my comment after following the instructions.

Thank you so much, I have done that