Motivation For My Good Grades

in #hive-1538504 months ago

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Research has it that a student spends an average of 30-40 hours of his/her time to engage in school works within a week. This is equally the same time frame spent by adults on their jobs and offices. But one of the major difference between the student and the adult is that the students don't normally gets paid for their good jobs, unlike the cases of adults.

I agree that the student would get there one day but in he main time, it wouldn't be a bad idea for the students to get all the motivation they deserve for performing well in classes. Giving monetary rewards to a child that did well in class is just a way of saying "I recognize your hard work and dedication to your studies, keep up the good work."

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These gifts has a way of performing magic to a students academic's results for the next term. I can confidently say this because I have experienced it first hand on how my Dad promised to buy me a bicycle if I could be among the top 3 in the class.

At that time I was not even making it to the top 10 best student's lists in the class because I felt I could never surpass some of those brilliant students in class, not until Dad made me an offer that if I can make it to the top 3 he wouldn't only get me a bicycle but he would increase my daily feeding money which I take to school everyday.

At that time, I needed a bicycle for fun because I saw other kids also playing with their bicycle, so I decided that I would study hard and make good grades. Finally, the academy session came to an end and when I saw my result, I bursted into tears because I was at 6th position.

Although I didn't get any reward for being at the top 6 in the class, I became used to studying my books and I couldn't deny that they was an improvement in my life. Before then, I had not been in the top 10, but after the motivation and promises for reward, I became a wonder to other kids. Infact, on the next term, I took 3rd position and Dad fulfilled his promises.

For any parent or guardian that decides to be gifting his child for always getting good grades, I support your motion 100%, because giving monetary rewards has a way of pushing that student out of his or her comfort zone. Some students may be very brilliant but they would just relax on their academic because there's no motivation to get them to put in their all into their studies.

At the same time, you are equally building that student into becoming a good worker for future jobs. This is because that student would not fail to give out their best for the company or firm they work for, as long as they are getting paid.

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I know some people would come with the suggestion that you are spoiling the child for giving them gifts for their good grades. But the reality is that you are doing it to show that you do not take their good grades for granted, and with that, you expect them to do more in every academic session.

This was how serious I was when my Dad promised to get me a bicycle if my grades met his expectations. I went out of my comfort zone and studied until I became one of the best graduating student in the school. I felt motivated as a child getting rewards for my good grades, and I would sure do these same for my kids too.

I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)


é interessante a ideia de tentar fazer a criança sair da zona de conforto e realmente buscar apreender! são detalhes que fazem a diferença no futuro.

You are correct friend, some of these reward can motivate them to leave their comfort zone and hustle for more success.

Rewarding a child for an excellent performance is sure a good one but I prefer to give he or she materials suff than cash. Just my humble thoughts 💭

Giving materials rather than cash is also a welcome idea my dear, the goal is to just motivate them to do more.

Yea true motivation is all they need at the end.