I remember 21 years ago when my sister had her first daughter around Christmas period (26th to be precise), we were so happy about her safe delivery and seeing a new born baby. So she was named Happiness.
Indeed the birth of a new child should be a thing to be happy about and for that period, that was how she defined her happiness....the birth of her first child.
People understand and express happiness in different ways and experience.
To my brother's wife for example, enough food in the house is her source of happiness. To someone it might be having money, peace or anything.
My Happiness
I define happiness in different ways which I will like to share with you.
Lending a hand: I can go extra mile to help a fellow if it's within my reach and that makes me extremely happy. Something happened this afternoon. I had little money I saved for data but a brother was in desperate need of money and I released the little I had without even considering where I'll get money for next subscription and his excitement gave me happiness.
Contentment Most times I don't get all I desire but I try as much as possible to stay positive and happy enjoying the privilege to even has as much as I could and that makes me happy.
Fulfilment: as a business lady, each time I meet the requirements of my customers I feel fulfilled and happy.
Healthy: have you visited the hospital lately? Oh if you did, you will have every reason to be happy and thankful for your health seeing how people are going through so much agony and pain.
Satisfaction: as much as I love to meet my customer's requirements, I also want to be satisfied when a service is rendered to me. The satisfaction brings happiness.
I cannot overstretch my definition of happiness because it is an inner emotions I express myself to show my gratitude.