Curate or Delegate Your Hive Power? .:. Late Night Blogging

in #hive-153850last year

I have to share a great post by @jonsnow1983, that I watched a few days ago as I found tons of value in it! It is a podcast video (actually audio) where you can hear Jon interviewing @elmerlin, the creator of Hive frontend! I know, I know... The video is 3 hours long, but if you are chilling on the beach, running, or have some free time take a look and listen to it! You will not regret it!

Personally, I have found many great points in this interview, that have inspired me to create a video about one topic (still didn't edit and publish) and this post that you can see in front of you... These are my thought inspired by that interview and you should check the post out and "find" your view... They have gone through different topics in the interview and I would like to talk about HivePower today as it is closely connected to #MyHiveGoals!

Curate or Delegate.jpg
Created in

In the beginning, what is HIVE POWER? When you stake (power up) your HIVE tokens they become HP (Hive Power) and they give you additional advantages on this blockchain, but also you have certain disadvantages of doing that (you lock up your liquid HIVE for which you need 13 weeks to unstake)... The most important is to understand that staked HIVE tokens give you POWER on this blockchain! I know that the name itself says that, but many people forget about that...

What are two main options that you can do with your Hive Power?

You can curate (upvote) other posts that you like on the Hive blockchain (on any front-end built on it), for which you are "rewarding" other people for their effort, but at the same time, you earn part of your upvote... If you transform all those numbers into the "banking language", and if you are upvoting 12-13 posts (100% upvote) per day, your APR will be around 8-9%...

On the other side, you can delegate (part) your Hive Power to someone else, which means that other members can earn those curation rewards, but continue to be an "owner" of your Hive Power (you can undelegate it)... This is also a nice way to show your appreciation for the work of the other party, giving them part of the earnings if they are doing a good job, providing value to everyone, etc... Also, you can do that if you want to earn a higher APR than with manual curation as some of those projects pay you "dividends" which could be 10-15% APR on your delegated HP... Now we are coming to a dilemma...

To delegate or to not delegate Hive Power?

If I would give you a "black or white" answer to this question, I would be a hypocrite... You can check my wallet and see that I do delegate some HP, but (add your excuse here...) On one side, you can earn more, but what is on the other side? On the other side is POWER! I would go even further with this and say, on one side you have "short-term thinking", and on the other side you have a "long-term vision and commitment"!

Let's go one step further... On one side you have "liquid income" (usually you get "dividends" in some liquid asset that you can spend immediately) for paying your "urgent" things in life, while on the other side, you have a brand, a home for you and your friends that you are building through time, priceless as it is "locked"...

In my opinion, there is no black/white solution to the question from the title... If you go in one direction and only curate posts, you will have to power down and take some profits when you need (if you want to live from this)... If you delegate all your HivePower, you will become "powerless"!!! Some kind of balance has to be made between these two things, definitely!

In a decentralized world, your personal POWER counts a lot! When you have power, you "mean something", you are a reputable member, and you have SKIN in the game... Actually, the last one is probably the most important... Delegating all your HivePower, you are "losing your skin in the game" as you move your "responsibility" for the network to someone else... You are no anymore the person who is asked about the future...

My personal approach to this topic is balanced more towards keeping my Hive Power, but I do delegate some of it to curation projects that care about the platform and promote principles that I shared with them... But, in my opinion, nobody should delegate out more than 50% (rather 20-30%) of their Hive Power... Why?

Well, most of us have come to this platform as we are tired of monopolies, tired of listening to others, and tired of having 0 power to change things... So, if we are here because of that, and we give our power (delegate HP) to someone else, what difference did we make? We have created again the CENTRALIZED system from which we have "escaped"!

Hive Power is your VOICE! Don't lose it eating ice cream, kicking the can, and standing on the sidelines...

Thank you for your time,


PS. This isn't financial advice... Also, I will probably come back to this topic in the future as I find it very, very important to understand... I apologize for that in advance... 😃

PPS. I have posted this in the Hive Learners community without being a verified member... I hope they will not mind... I hope it can help people in building their HIVE portfolio!

pg divider203.png

If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


I am new to this platform and would love to ask how exactly can I earn or get this HIVE POWER ?
Please a reply will go a long way for me

Hive Power is powered-up (staked) HIVE tokens... When you earn (or buy HIVE) tokens by creating content, you will earn part of your earnings in HIVEPOWER, and the other part in HBD...

I would strongly suggest you join some Discord channel that could help you a lot in your first steps on HIVE... For example, Ecency Discord is a great starting point

@melinda010100 and the guys over there are doing a great job in helping out newbies...


Thank you so much
@melinda010100 has just gifted me whooping 50 ecency point
And @mypathtofire also gifted me with RC
Am so grateful for the help both of them has given to me

Be sure and read through the #information-tutorials channel in Ecency Discord! You will find answers to many of your questions there.

You are welcome! I told you that those guys are awesome... Read all the stuff that they suggested and ask questions whenever you have some...
They are great folks to follow on HIVE!

Thank you so much,I will do just that..
You are a great and nice person too
Only reading your article thought me something huge..
It pains me that my upvote has no power to add any tangible reward to your hard effort


Thanks for the !BEER

@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I think a newbie should read this post and be aware of the importance of the HIVE Power for the blockchain. Thank you!

Thank you! I will continue talking/writing about different aspects of HIVE and how they can help people here!


I totally agree with you. I don't delegate out HP, I prefer to vote myself as then I am putting in my 2cents as it were. Also, delegating HP can be tricky because if that person or curation project then votes on posts that could be plagiarized or by an unscrupulous person that is circle jerking, then I'm essentially part of that problem by adding my Hive power to supporting that. Does that make sense?

I don't get anywhere near the 8 to 9% APR with manual voting but I'd rather still vote personally and retain my own voice.

then I'm essentially part of that problem by adding my Hive power to supporting that. Does that make sense?

Oh, it does! 😃 I like that saying with "being part of the problem" and not a solution... Used that quote many times in my posts... With all the noise, shiny things everywhere, and distractions, it's very tricky to realize which side is a "good side" and we can easily fall into the trap of being part of the problem...

I like your point of view and 100% agree with it... I'm not 100% against delegations as they have good sides too, but I'm all for empowering ourselves and not others!

I prefer to vote myself as then I am putting in my 2cents as it were.

People very often say "My vote is just 1c and doesn't change anything", which is far away from the truth... Every upvote is a gesture of appreciation in the first place! It doesn't matter how big it is...

Much !LUV

@emma-h, @ph1102(3/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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aha, this is an interesting topic and you did explain it pretty well. I am gonna make a post on that too 😁. The topic seems to be interesting. Thanks for sharing the link to the video I am listing to that. it is good. Have a great day and week ahead.

!giphy thanks a lot


I am gonna make a post on that too 😁.

DO IT! It is important that we talk about these things... When people come to HIVE they don't know what to do, or how to act, and it's important that we show them different approaches to things here...

That interview is awesome and you will not regret listening to it!


Excellent post, invaluable wisdom for us noobs to be aware of. 👍

I'm glad that my post "opened" some "secret" thoughts and ideas in newbies... It is important to understand how things work and to understand WHY we are doing something BEFORE doing it :)

Thanks for your kind words!

What are your thoughts about dlease? I often delegate my HP with it because I can't manually curate all the time.

I was using it before, but lately, it doesn't have the sense to do it as the APRs are at the same level as curating posts manually... Also, I became aware of the value of picking good projects to support and not just filling random people's orders...

In your case, I would rather follow some curation trail of a good curator project on HIVE, or delegate to some... Following a curation trail with settings to do it over 96-97% of voting power will give you the possibility to manually curate when you can...

I will not do it as you are doing at this moment... Don't know how you got those downvote trails on your back, but if you want to grow here, you should fix those issues somehow and focus on quality...


Can u suggest me some great curation trails to follow?

I'm doing one curation project that you can find at @Ourpick and that account upvotes only quality authors...
Also, you can check @ocdb, @curie, or @thisisawesome


Thanks for the mention Zoltan.

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- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome. (3/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Yes this is a very good topic to help others understand the importance and the difference between curating and delegating. The answer is not always the same for everyone due to what they are going through at the time.

@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @darmst5339. (3/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

The answer is not always the same for everyone due to what they are going through at the time.

It is not the same for everyone, but it's clear that if you want to build your voice/portfolio, and you want to be a reputable creator, you should leave some HivePower and make a difference...

Thanks for checking out the post! Appreciate it!


@darmst5339, @ph1102(2/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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I do both.
My vote is pretty meaningless in a monetary sense as the value is low, but I like the power, not the power in hell yeah look at me kind of way but the power to say yes I like that, thanks for posting.
Someone like you who has a cracking vote value, then it is great you do manually vote and not just copy like a curation trail does.

My vote is pretty meaningless in a monetary sense as the value is low, but I like the power, not the power in hell yeah look at me kind of way but the power to say yes I like that, thanks for posting.

I know that it is nice to receive huge upvotes, but in many cases, the intention is more "valuable" than the upvote "weight" itself... 1c upvote or 1$ upvote should transmit the same message, like you said, "I like that, thanks for posting"!

Someone like you who has a cracking vote value, then it is great you do manually vote and not just copy like a curation trail does.

Just to clarify and to be honest, I do follow curation trails with my account, but they are set up to do their job only if my voting power is over 97-98%, or better said, when I'm not able to use (out of home, not online, etc...)... But, I try to not allow it to be triggered many times... 😜


but they are set up to do their job only if my voting power is over 97-98%

Oh you can do that... that is a sensible idea at least your mana is not wasted!

If you are using

Screenshot from 2023-05-07 17-26-56.png

I was in a dilemma a while ago on whether to delegate most of my hp or curate myself.

I Chooses to curate my friend's post as a way of supporting their content and I only delegate little fraction of my hp to communities project I really cares about.

Don't forget to add more friends to the list and you will notice the snowball effect sooner or later... It is a slow growth, but it's worth doing it!


It definitely worth it and yes, my list keeps growing by the day.

Yes, there is a number of things you could do with your hive, and that's the best thing about the hive platform, it gives you the power to distribute among the other people on the platform. YOu will get equal benefits in doing so.

Agree 100%! The best thing is that you help others while your account grows... or better said, while you and your community grow at the same time!


You also delegate me some RC so that i can perform some task on hive Blockchain, for that really thanks, but my first priority is to get 1k HP i think it's good but it'll take many months to reach that goal 😃

Oh, I completely forgot about that RC delegation, but I'm extremely happy to see that you have used that very well!!! You already have almost 70HP which is a great result!

When you have around 100HP, you will not have to worry about your RCs as you will have enough to do whatever you want... But, on the other side, your upvote will be worth something and you will be able to reward people with it!

Have an awesome Sunday!
Much !LUV

But i remember about that RC delegation. Yes soon I'll be reach at 100 HP. But thanks for your help to take start on Hive.

@les90, @ph1102(1/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Whether delegate or curate, I think it's better to calculate the result for both of them. With a good result, It'll become a good choice for me.


@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @cursephantom. (5/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I can tell you the results right away... 😃 (but it is unclear how you measure "good results... Is it the number of HIVE tokens in the wallet? Your influence? both? or something else?)

  1. If you delegate your HivePower to some project that gives you over 10% APR, you will earn more HP by doing that... in the short term...

  2. If you leave your HivePower and curate with it... + you are creating quality content on HIVE, you will earn more HP, in the long run, compared to option 1)

  3. If you don't plan to create content and you are not interested in actively participating in where this chain will go, I suppose that option 1) is for you...

The 4) option is to balance out your delegation/curation in a way that suits you... 😃


@cursephantom, @ph1102(3/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
ph1102 tipped videoaddiction
ph1102 tipped olympicdragon
ph1102 tipped gadrian
stdd tipped ph1102
ph1102 tipped realitymaster
ph1102 tipped rocksg
bhattg tipped ph1102 (x2)
ph1102 tipped itwithsm
cursephantom tipped ph1102
ph1102 tipped relf87
ph1102 tipped funshee
ph1102 tipped bhattg
ph1102 tipped tengolotodo
@ph1102(5/10) tipped @khinghetz


Thanks for the !LUV

@sissim72, @ph1102(4/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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@ph1102, @sissim72(2/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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But, in my opinion, nobody should delegate out more than 50% (rather 20-30%) of their Hive Power...

That is one of the mistakes I did when I was newer on the platform. Delegate almost my entire HP to others. And even more, to many. Now I only delegate HP to 4 accounts (one of them being mine), and the majority goes to my account. I would delegate RCs to more accounts though. Maybe this market will pick up in the bull market because now it's dead, as far as I know.

That is one of the mistakes I did when I was newer on the platform. Delegate almost my entire HP to others.

You were not alone, and I suppose I did the same when I began... And seeing some of the comments on this post, other newcomers are doing the same... All that means is that I have to create more posts like this and raise awareness about it!

I would delegate RCs to more accounts though.

I have completely forgotten about RC delegations and just before your comment, @les90 reminded me about them... Those delegations are a completely different story and I would be more than happy to delegate it to people who need them...


As a newbie i also delegate my HP to other but than @melinda010100 advised me to not delegate it to others and first established my own account with Great HP.

Melinda is a great role model for newbies! She gave you great advice!

Yes and it's my better luck that i met some kind and senior person of hive earlier

My personal approach to this topic is balanced more towards keeping my Hive Power, but I do delegate some of it to curation projects that care about the platform and promote principles that I shared with them

I actually have a similar mindset as yours - people can check my account to see as well hahaha

Personally, I set a rough 20% limit for delegation to HP. Of the 20%, 10% to liotes.voter, 5% to ecency, 1% to youarealive, and the remaining 4% to the rest. Of course this will change with time, but this is currently my plan.


@ph1102, @relf87(3/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Maybe we are wrong in that HP delegation balance, but I wouldn't go over those numbers...


I think it's a matter of personal preference, no right or wrong :)

Congratulations @ph1102! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You received more than 23000 HP as payout for your posts, comments and curation.
Your next payout target is 24000 HP.
The unit is Hive Power equivalent because post and comment rewards can be split into HP and HBD

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out our last posts:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the April PUM Winners
Feedback from the May Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - April 2023 Winners List
The Hive Gamification Proposal

The way you're saying this interview has a lot of interesting stuff going on in it, I'll try to give it a listen and then let you know how I feel about the new people coming up on the project. Because the problem of delegation for them is too much. To be successful on this platform, one has to work hard day and night, then one gets success because I have been working hard for the last four months.

You are right... Consistency is the key and it takes time and effort to grow on the platform... But, it is important to help others too, especially those who are in a similar position/rank as you... It's much easier to grow in a good company!

All the best!

@djbravo, @ph1102(4/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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I have almost 200 HP. I delegate to leo voter, so my rcs is nearly at 100%. I can do so many transactions and its still the same. Before i need to add HP constantly !

When you reach 100HP, RC isn't an issue at all... HivePower has a much bigger importance for YOU and your portfolio/brand itself... When you have more HivePower, your upvotes are worth more, you will be able to help others by curating their posts... YOU will choose who you want to support, and not the project that you have delegated... There is a huge difference...

As I said in the post, I'm not against delegations, but try to keep your own HivePower as a bigger % for curating, than delegating to others... For example, the ratio that you have at this moment is a good one... 😉


Yeah, it's a great topic, I touched on it once too and will do so again in the future when I'm a little older again and articulate my thoughts in a new way.

Nothing makes me that sad when I see Hivians who delegate 90% of their HP. Even if they're great projects. That vote they could have given to anyone goes to someone else under different laws, I'd say.

I think if we gave everyone their vote back now, we'd see a very different picture in trends. A lot of people would be left out there. But a lot of people would fly out of there fast. Have you thought about that? I really care about your opinion. Because I like the way you think...

And maybe I'm wrong, which could also be)


Nothing makes me that sad when I see Hivians who delegate 90% of their HP. Even if they're great projects.

I'm running Liotes with Achim, and we do accept delegations to our @liotes.voter, but as much as I would like to have a 1M HP delegated to that account, I would never ask people to delegate all their HP to it... And I do believe that we are running a great project 😂

A lot of people would be left out there. But a lot of people would fly out of there fast. Have you thought about that?

You are 100% right about this! And not about trending pages, but also the "differences" in post payouts... Now we have many people with 10-20$ posts, and then a huge jump to 70-100$... There is no "middle", which is a direct result of whales following each other's upvotes...

And yes, I did think about it and I was planning to do more posts on the HivePower topic as I said at the end of this post... 😀 One of them is upvotes distribution...

Thanks for talking about these things... It's important to acknowledge the different points of view!


@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

I'm running Liotes with Achim, and we do accept delegations to our @liotes.voter, but as much as I would like to have a 1M HP delegated to that account, I would never ask people to delegate all their HP to it... And I do believe that we are running a great project 😂

He-he. True!
Yes, you have a great project. And it will be one of the few that will get my delegation as I grow more and more). I see what you do and who you curate. Some posts I really only find in your collection. That's awesome!

And yes, I did think about it and I was planning to do more posts on the HivePower topic as I said at the end of this post... 😀 One of them is upvotes distribution...

Yes, it's worth talking about. My voice isn't as loud, but I always support the bigger fish when they bring it up. Sooner or later it will have to be solved. Well, or it will solve itself when decentralization becomes clearer. That is, when people like me grow up to at least dolphins, or better yet orcas.)

Thank you also for your honesty!


@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @stdd. (18/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

@stdd, @ph1102(2/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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How many magicians does it take to pull a rabbit out of a hat?
One. It's a trick question.

Credit: reddit
@ph1102, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @stdd

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

When you are little like me it is better to delegate if you want to earn more. When you are a little older, if you create content, it is better to manage your own votes, you can earn much more than curation.

I agree with you that it is hard when you are a newbie on the platform... But, it is debatable whether is worth giving away all your HivePower to someone else just to get a slightly better income...
Even when your upvote is worth just a couple of cents, people do appreciate them and you can get a long-term friend here on HIVE... You can't measure that with anything else...

Happy Sunday!

@yeckingo1, @ph1102(5/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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I didn't understand why I was seeing so many posts in my feed about delegation until I realised that some accounts are delegating out the whole of their HIVE POWER.

This makes sense if you are not active on Hive for any reason but you would still want to maintain the value of your passive investment by ensuring you delegate to a quality project that contributes to the ecosystem: some of the curation projects come to mind.

Another reason for delegating might be to support initiatives that you want to see happening - new ideas, projects and enterprises that help to grow the Hive ecosystem. I am deliberately growing my HIVE POWER for that purpose.

However, the 100% delegation that seems to be going on seems to be about maximising short terms gains (your point) at the expense of building long-term networks and relationships on here; it also loses the mutuality - 100% delegators are happy to accept upvotes, but without contributing themselves through their own votes to the ecosystem and worse, begging for resource credits so they can post (or any other action)!

My own policy is working towards a balance between retaining my voting power as an Orca and delegating to projects that I like and want to support. I delegate to two curation projects, both with an infrastructure and quality standards, because, between them, I can have a much greater reach and support far more accounts than I am able to on my own.

I am also reviewing my delegations to communities: if I like posting in a community and I want to have them around, contributing a subscription fee by delegating seems like a good idea to me. There's a lot of work involved in running a community and it's good to be able to provide some income for the people doing the work so it is sustainable.

I 100% agree with you about everything that you said... After looking into your wallet (how rude?! 😂), it's great to see that you are doing exactly what you are "preaching"! The link to the interview from the beginning of this post was talking a lot about "skin in the game", and standing behind your actions (and talks)...

I didn't understand why I was seeing so many posts in my feed about delegation until I realised that some accounts are delegating out the whole of their HIVE POWER.

Well, to be honest, that was another trigger for me to create this post, and probably will create more in the future with different aspects of delegating HivePower (as some that you listed in your comment)... I found it extremely important to do it, and to discuss more these "secret" powers of HivePower that many don't see, blinded by 2-3% more APR on their stake...

We can't afford to miss the big picture of HIVE... It can be better only if we have HivePower distributed more evenly to people... and delegating ALL our HivePower is doing completely opposite thing and reminds me of our current "real-life" conditions... Empowering others (politicians, banks, big tech companies) and not ourselves...

Thanks for taking the time to write this awesome comment! I'm happy to see people who think in the same way as me... We can make a change, but we have to share our point of view...

Much !LUV

Preaching? How unfortunate 😁 Apologies, that was not my intention.

The discussion reminds me of when there were bid bots. I suppose this is the latest iteration of actions that make sense for an individual but not for the common wealth.

That's an interesting comparison, but it has sense... It was a kind of building a "fake reality" with bid bots...

@shanibeer, @ph1102(5/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Thanks for curating my post! Appreciated!

!giphy you are welcome