The Dangers of Relying on Performance-Enhancing Drugs

in #hive-1538502 months ago

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Fortunately for this edition, there was a debate at my CDS group last week concerning this particular topic. Some corpers were picked to talk on different topics which I was among. The first corper talked about 'Drug Dependence' and ways to overcome it. He defined drug dependence as an act whereby an individual depends on drugs for several activities. Such an individual would want to take drugs for anything they want to do because they assume those drugs can boost their energy and give them the strength to perform better.

A question popped up from another corper: "what can you say about footballers who depend on drugs before playing?"

This question was answered by our coordinator because she has more knowledge of drugs as she is a member of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA). According to her, she explained how drugs can harm an individual especially when used in the wrong way and for the wrong purpose. After all has been said, she concluded that taking performance-enhancing drugs by footballers or athletes before playing on the field is not proper because at the end of the day, such drugs, when taken continuously can affect their overall health.

There are various types of drugs; some are used for the right purpose and appropriate quantity while others are used wrongly and in overdose, there are people who abuse drugs illegally and their reason is to become high and perform better. My question is, does it mean one cannot perform better without drugs?

What a lot of people do not understand is how these drugs kill the body system gradually, eating up their intestines until the issue deteriorates and nothing can be done except on some lucky chances where some victims survive death. I strongly agree that these kinds of drugs should be restricted. Why do I say so?

The use of performance-enhancing drugs in any sector especially sports is a complex issue and one that is being debated on. While I understand that the desire of these drugs is to improve performance, I believe using them to gain an advantage is unfair because it undermines the integrity of sports.

Even if the side effects are reduced to the minimum level, it doesn't guarantee that its restrictions should be lifted. Everyone is aware of the health risks posed by drug intake, and in a situation for athletes, it could cause an uneven playing field. One thing I strongly believe is that one's hard work, dedication and natural talent could lead one to achieving success in sports. So why does an individual, being under the influence of drug succeed, thereby undermining the effort of the one who didn't take any drug but with constant effort and dedication did his best?


It is important to appreciate the authentic accomplishments of athletes who earn their achievements through dedication and natural abilities instead of praising the ones who were under the influence of performance-enhancing drugs because, in the end, it diminishes the value of their hard work and achievements.

While reading a post earlier today, I went through the comment section and someone asked what happens to supplements if drugs are restricted. In my opinion, I would say using supplements is okay, but it depends on the context and type of supplements one is taking. The purpose of supplements isn't to be replaced permanently which becomes an addiction, but to enhance a healthy diet or training regimen.

Taking these drugs every time to make you perform better and speedy can be addictive and before you know it, such an individual is so dependent on it that without taking the drugs, he cannot perform well. Instead of relying on these drugs, sports should focus on promoting fair play and prioritising the athletes' overall health and well-being while celebrating their genuine achievements and not one done through drugs. It is important to recognise the true value of hard work, dedication and talent of individuals in sports.


Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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Using drug enhancers by athletes is totally unacceptable and very dangerous to their body as well.

That is it oo. Health is important.

My dear
Drug usage to enhance performance both in sport and the other one wey me nd you sabi, hehe is health damaging
For sport own na correct cheating on the side of those who don't
I agree with you nne

Yes. Correct cheating when you perform under the influence of drugs. Thank you 😊

Iwlc ma

As well as I know, sports are for entertainment, and taking drugs creates inequality and decreases the beauty of sports. Moreover, as you mentioned it is harmful to health also. It should remain banned all the time.

Exactly, it should. Thanks for understanding the concept of the post.

To me it's not good as people should do the sports based on their abilities and not drugs

You hit the nail on the head. Doing sports while on drug would make the sport deviate from fair play. It is cheating to those that don't use drug to perform.
I don't really understand the concept of supplements. Can you throw more light?

Supplements are those products that enhance something else. We have in various ways: like when one doesn't have the appetite to eat well, they find some dietary supplements like taking vitamins to help such a person. Another one is when a child isn't eating well, they get him lucozade boost to make him go hungry and eat. Same with drugs to relieve pain or make one feel good. But these things shouldn't be replaced permanently which could cause harm to such person.

Awesome... Thank you for the clear explanation. Indeed they should only serve temporary purposes. 🙏🙏🙏

It's my pleasure.

It becomes cheating when used in any sport because it gives an edge over other players. The health effects also is enough to say no to such drugs except for medicinal purposes.

Supplements, like the name are used in place of other nutrients in food needed by the body (for food supplements).

Health is important and so, one have to deviate from whatever that could hamper its functionality such as drug intake on a constant basis.