Too Many Damages With Very Few Benefits.

in #hive-1538502 months ago

Thinking about this prompt, I am suprised that I actually know about usage of drugs to boost performance, sport or for other work. I remembered vividly a time in my secondary school, I was in senior secondary school 2 and two out of the moat stubborn boys were talking about using drugs to achieve a task faster. One was Simeon and the other was Moses.

Just One Lie (9).png

Simeon: (started a conversation randomly with Moses) I have a big work to do after school today.

Moses: What work is it ?

Simeon: My dad had asked me to clear the grasses growing close to our house and I don't think I can finish it in a day.

Moses: Don't you have anyone to join you?

Simeon: No, I am the only one, besides, I have been told to do this 2 days ago.

Moses: Eyaaaahh (a form of expressing pity) You can just use Tramadol and you won't feel any pain while working. It will give you enough strength to clear all the grassses.

Simeon: Really, are you sure.

Moses: Of course, just make sure you use half. Break one tablet into two and use one halve, also make sure you go to sleep after doing the job.

Simeon: (smiling) Thank you bro, I've been worried that I will be too tired from doing that task.

(They both shook hands and went seperate ways. One to the class and the other went downstairs)

I have also witnessed many labourers talking about drugs to get ehanced strength to do their work and finish up with the day's work. I can say it is a common thing for them. Unlike those boys Moses and Simeon who used halve, these men use up to 1 and half to 2 tablets for their work. Imagine if they have to work for straight 8 days, that means they would use more than 13 tablets; how many more will they consumed in a month ?.

There used to be a big and popular football competition where I grew up. The youths then would prepare everyday, go for training, buy new gears for the competition. Every of their training is interesting to watch because they train as though it was the main day of the competition. I wondered how these guys show up everyday and never get tired of going for training, to me it was beyond passion or money. Not too long, I got to know from a friend whose brother is part of the guys, told me they use some drugs to stay fit. Though he said his brother said the drug was like paracetamol. ( It was obvious that my friend's brother lied to him and compared the drug to paraceramol which was common for treating headache)

Using steriods and other types of dope is very unhealthy to the human body. Firstly, one will surely get addicted to it and there will come a time when one would not be able to do without it. Secondly, some organs in the body will suffer the effects of these drugs, like the liver and kidney; they gradually get affected because the substances in the drugs are way much power for them to process. Someday, the organs wouldn't be able to keep up.

Using of drugs should not qualify the work of an athlete, it should rather disqualify them because it is no longer natural, something artificial has been introduced to their body system which altered some rate of reactions making them faster or stronger than their opponent.

Another reason why I strongly oppose this is because once it becomes a norms for athletes to use dopes for performances, it won't take long before it become a norm in the society. Remember these athletes are like role model and celebrity to countless youths out there. The probability that the youths, as fans, would emulate the use of drugs is sure 90%. Notice how what celebrities do and wear turn out to be the order of the day amongst youths ? That's exactly how drugs would be a norm then peer pressure would increase the number of people thay will give in to the use of drugs. Usage of dopes should be banned.

Thank you for reading till the end

The images used in this post were gotten from Canva

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You are so right. When these drugs are allowed, they become the norms in society making everyone think it is normal to use them not knowing these are substances when taken into the body disrupts the functionality of the system thereby damaging lots of things in them.

Your title have summarized the truth of this matter. Doping has only few benefits of endurance and strength for a few minutes or hours, but the consequences of doping can affect a generation, as some of these athletes are role models to the younger generation.

Right, it is a matter of time before people begin to emulate the use.

Thank you for engaging this post.

I strongly agree with you
They are role models to many young youth out their.
And they might end up wanting to do what there so called role models do just to belong.
Say no to drugs.

That is my biggest concern, doing what their role models are doing.

We just hope there be a change soon

People are over doing this drug of a thing. Tramadol to get power to clear grass. Haaaa!
God should just come and close this earth, let everyone go and rest😅

Doping is a mean of enhancing performance in the present and killing the body slowly cause the after effects do not show immediately but this wasn't the case for a young man who took 1000mlg of tramadol because his girlfriend came and he had high blood pressure and he died and after an hour of his death his manhood was still erect according to police report so it's steroids are organ killers and there's need to look into them to ensure controle cause some of them are actually treatment for some sicknesses

Another side, there are guys using this to enhance their sex performance. It just doesn't make any sense.

Thank you for engaging this post boss.