Financial right informations

in #hive-1538505 months ago

Managing our finances can be a lot of trouble at times. Some individuals lack management in their finances, and that always leads to financial ruin. Knowing the right time to invest and to spend is the best way to avoid unnecessary lavishing of hard-earned money.

I believe investment is one way to prepare a stress-free financial future for one's generation yet to be born. Investing in the right and legit businesses will only lead to success in one's financial life. I understand that could be risky because some businesses look real, which they are not, but risk, I believe, is part of what makes one learn.

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Some people are in debt today because they didn't take the right and appropriate steps before investing in whatever business they invested in. This is why I believed the saying that "readers are leaders, and those who search for knowledge will never fail" from the onset. Do extensive research and underground investigation about the business you want to invest in. Sometimes, our intuition does help us differentiate right from wrong, but we just try not to pay attention to it, and in the end, it leads to regret.

My friend's fiance got scammed of #500,000 a few months ago over a business that was introduced to him as a means of investment. When he told my friend and me about it, I personally didn't see the genuineness of that business. I didn't get enough proof to convince me that the business is worth investing in, and I explained to him and also gave him reasons why he shouldn't invest; similarly, his girlfriend, who is my friend, explained to him not to invest. But as a man, he thinks it's all ladies talk, so he went ahead and invested, and after a month and a half, the business folded up and #500,000 was washed down the drain.

Over the years, when I started earning as an adult, I took my time to do feasibility studies on any business I wanted to invest in. And most of the businesses I've invested in over time have been in crypto, and as we know in the world of crypto, it's best to prepare for uncertainties. I've lost some and I've won some; some of my investments didn't yield good returns, while others exceeded my imagination.

Ignorance and a lack of adequate and appropriate information are the common factors that ruin an investment, causing financial decadence.

Lessons I learned

  • Access to the right information, at the right time, from the right source makes any investment yield a good reward and improve one's finances.
  • Spending to impress is a wrong idea only for fools; a wise person will not spend just to be praised but rather plan to spend, not spend to plan.
  • Covetousness and greed are two of the factors that create a loophole in one's finances. Many people today want to buy whatever they see with other people, even if it is not useful to them.
  • I've also learned that being prudent in one's finances and investing in legit businesses whose information is convincing is a gateway to financial liberation. In short, being disciplined in one's spending.

All these lessons have contributed positively to my financial life, and I'm still learning how to make the best of my finances for a successful financial future ahead. As we all know, there is seed time and harvest time. Some have used their seed time to impress and definitely have nothing to show for their harvest time. For this reason, earn legitimately, spend wisely, invest, and enjoy financial freedom.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Ignorance is a demons we should all be mindful of and for every business venture we truly need to do some digging before investing our monies.

Exactly momma

Investment and caution on greed/convetousness are very profound to a good financial management. Awesome post, weldone. 👏

Thanks for reading boss

Uwc 🙇‍♂️

500 thousand Naira in tbhs economy?
That's huge!🥲

Not all investments are to be involved in.
For me, I'm very skeptical in putting my money somewhere. I know life is all about risk but hey, I check the risk level first

Taking risk with sense

My baby be making me proud with her beautiful writing styles. Hehe

Most people are in debt today because of one reason or the other.

I'm happy to have read your points but I think greed in its sense can be a double edged sword. It can help a person grow and it can also bring a downfall. All depending on when and where utilized.

Exactly baby, thanks for reading

you are welcome

500k? What? This economy is hard for someone to start losing money due to scamming. You know, some people would want to try it out without heeding to advices until things go wrong. I hope he recovers from that loss.

You see, we need to learn lots of lessons surrounding financial literacy for our good. We should learn how to be filled with knowledge about finance, where to invest our money into and where not to.

Exactly momma

Before investing we must investigate what type of business is being offered, its market and its sustainability over time, as well as consult with other people. If the business seems very good and with returns in the short term, be sure that it is not! It is better to let it go.

Exactly boss

When it comes to investment the first thing to do is to research about everything that has to do with what you want to invest in because even highly verified investments fail sometimes.

You see that habit of spending to impress others is one of the things I hate the most because I'm always like what are you trying to prove? The most annoying part is that, the people he/she is trying to impress with money don't even care about the struggles he/she went through to get the money

Exactly no one cares. A guy once told me, he can't date me because I'm not social, just because he wants me to spend money on things I see as unnecessary. Like is that sense

WOW 😲. These are all wonderful points. We really need all of the education that can librate us when it comes to finance.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading boss