Lessons learned in 100 weeks

in #hive-1538507 months ago

The @hivelearners community is still in the celebration mood and so am I as a member of this prestigious community. If I'm to do a shout-out, my first shout-out will go to the hive blockchain for giving the hivelearners community the privilege of existing. And also shout outs to my onboarders who introduced the community to me. It's 100 weeks of consistency and interesting prompts worthy enough to be celebrated because I understand what it takes to keep a small group together not to talk of a community. So once again kudos to all the administration and members of the @hivelearners community. This 100 weeks is the beginning of a milestone for us all.


Wow, they are quite much but to mention a few, just as I said in our Monday heart-to-heart hang-out, I was once kicked out of the community because of less participation. And I decided to give it another trial but during that, @hivelearners taught me consistency and focus. I am the type that once things don't go my way, I do give up easily but both hive blockchain and hivelearners' community taught me to be consistent. My onboarder once told me if I want to make it on the hivelearners community, I have to give it my all to impress them that is the admins. That day, I told him, that if the stress was too much for me to handle, I would just give up on the community and make use of the ones with less stress".

Image designed by me using canva

Today I am glad I didn't give up because sometimes, it don't go the way I want them but yet the passion kept me pushing and just wanting to stay connected one way or the other. Another lesson I learned from the @hivelearners community over the 100 weeks of featured editions is quality engagement. Yes, I learned that. Engaging with other writers wasn't my thing when I began my journey on the hive blockchain because I believe mine is to write and once I feel good about it that's all that matters. But that was not a way to grow even in business not to talk of an international platform as this. In these 100 weeks, I learned the importance of quality engagement with the communities and other writers on the blockchain. @Hivelearners always emphasize engaging with other writers and that pushed me out of my shell. Today I am doing my best with engagement and I wish to do more.

Last but not least lesson that I will be mentioning today is the force and eagerness to try new things. You might be wondering how? I learned to make use of Canva for my designs during the 100 weeks of @hivelearners. I made a post towards the end of last year which I published in the community, I was given a good review by the admins and my fellow writers, and one of the things I was told by one of the admins was to try to create my designs for my posts. In doing this, it will make my posts more appealing to read and then I don't know what Canva was all about. On hearing this, I went to learn how to make use of it as a newbie from one of my bosses and I can say I am still learning but I guess I can do the elementary designs with the little I have learned.


In the space of 10 months, I think I have achieved what I thought it would take me a year or more to achieve. I set a goal for myself to be the best at the little that I do, and I can say I am. I don't feel inferior to others, I only learn from them to grow myself and that has been working well for me. I have achieved quite a lot in the sense that, my writing skills have improved, my communication skills have improved likewise my friends have increased both on the blockchain and outside the blockchain. The world loves knowledge and once you can be a carrier of a rare knowledge just as my name implies, you will be loved. That is an achievement for me, likewise, it has changed my financial status rapidly and I'm now an advocate of hive blockchain.


A proverb in my tribe says "The one who always asks for the way will never get lost", so definitely if you don't know the way and you don't ask, it's obvious you are going to get lost. The mistake I can say I've made is the use of inappropriate tags, and posting in different communities that don't relate to my posts. Those were my mistakes as a newbie but I think I know better now. I've asked several questions from my superiors and I've been given orientation on how to go about it, this was how I overcame my mistakes.


This is funny because when I got to know about Hive and was told I would be earning in dollars, that was like a dream come true for me. I saw it as an opportunity to get to my desired destination of wealth faster but that wasn't the case when I fully understood how it works. I also had this misconception that whatever I earned on my write-ups was mine, like one of my posts last year where I earned $92. That day was one of my happiest days on earth because I was flabbergasted and I was thinking yes, I have arrived until the payout day was completed. Then I had to ask my onboarder who explained how it works, so that was how I cleared all the misconceptions and got back on track. It's been wonderful being a member of this great community. Happy 100th week to @hivelearners featured editions.

Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.


Unfortunately, many Hivers do not set goals, only to write to earn. I'm glad you exceeded your goal within 10 months.
I used wrong tags and community also but thankfully, I moved on and learned my lesson.

Making 92 dollars for a fairly newbie is quite laudable and it's good you learned the breakdown of gross to net earnings

All thanks to a special man I met via hive who had been a pillar of support

Hi @rare-gem. In this walk through the community we have all made mistakes, but we have shown that we are able to correct them and improve our way of writing and change our concept of what to expect from Hive. Hive Learners is for me that I am in Venezuela (Latin America), an opportunity to evaluate other points of view and realize that there are many things in which despite the distances between countries and continents we are very similar. It is an honor to belong and learn in this community. Greetings.

You are right, thanks for reading

Great lessons I must say. I had a misconception about earnings too, it took many to explain the two earning processes before I could understand. I'm glad you learnt to be consistent.

Yes ma'am, I did. Thanks for stopping by

This is the reason why we are a family, we can correct ourselves and move on.
Thanks for sharing

You are welcome