may be considered a violation of human rights |
The world is constantly changing with time. People have now learned to adapt themselves to modernity and the internet. But there was a time when people didn't know much about information technology and lived their lives within their own boundaries. You can't compare that time with the modern era, Because we are living in the golden age of modernity. Nowadays, nothing can be done properly without the internet.
Imagine a day without the internet, I think you would be lost in darkness. We constantly make maximum use of information technology from morning to late at night, and the internet is widely used in communication, information exchange, service sectors, medical fields, technical fields, and even agriculture. So without the internet, everything would come to a standstill in an instant. Moreover, we constantly collect news from inside and outside the country through the internet. Now, if someone suddenly shuts down the internet, we will be deprived of accurate news and There will be chaos everywhere.
A few days ago, our government suddenly cut off our internet connection and prevented us from getting accurate information. They committed some misdeeds that they were reluctant to make public, they did it only to stay in power. But it is an injustice, it is undoubtedly unjust to hide accurate news by shutting down someone's internet. Even shutting down the internet has caused them to incur the wrath of the general public and quickly lose their power. But why did they do it? Because they had ample opportunity to shut down the internet. Moreover, there is no strict law in our country that would bring someone under the law if they shut down their internet. What happened here is a clear violation of human rights.
We need to have a strict law on shutting down the internet and allowing people to use it. Now a question may arise whether the free use of the internet can harm the young generation. This is a completely wrong idea because no one can harm someone who understands their own good. We need to educate our youth about the proper use and necessity of the internet. They also need to be told that the Internet is not just a social media or gaming project, it is a virtual thing that can move the entire world forward on the path of information technology and prosperity.
Turning off someone's internet is like squeezing their mouth or throat, where a healthy person becomes blind. Therefore, it is important to include internet use as a fundamental right and ensure its free use. So please don't take away this unwritten fundamental right and don't blind people.
I am Shopnil Hasan, From Bangladesh. I am Mechanical Engineer. I work with machines as a profession and blogging is my passion. My hobbies are gardening and traveling to new places. I am nature lover. Love and Simplicity is my power ☘️