What made you hate flies? Is it her body or her character...

in #hive-1538503 years ago

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This species is one of the most famous insects, this happens because its expertise in adapting to its environment is very great, so that all groups of humans know it very well, its prowess in adapting is able to conquer a life. This happens as long as an area does not have a very cold temperature like the continent of Antarctica.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

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Very visible fame can make humans annoyed with every activity in their daily life, if a group of ants come and inhabit human food, but when the ants move to another location, the rest of the food can still be used and can still be consumed. Even though the presence of ants in a food also has characteristics such as the character of a fly, when it is in a food, namely standing on the food while consuming it.

Everyone hates every fly presence. For humans they should not be in a food, perching on the leaves is not liked, such is the visible hatred of humans for flies.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

Differences in the presence of flies and ants in a food object, both want to taste the existing food, provided that food is obtained. The presence of flies in a food not only reduces the food he wants, but the fly also adds some things that come from his body and then is left behind along with food scraps.

Well, herein lies the problem that occurs so, they get a bad notification.

What do they leave behind and what is the process?

If we examine more deeply, it turns out that there are many things that we need to discuss about these criteria. But I'll mention a few things that answer the question and give it a bad title.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

Among others

Flies carry bad things from the outside into new things found

What does it mean! ...

If flies are on an object (food), then the food that has been tracked by the fly should not be feasible and good for re-consumption, because its presence has added to the contamination of the food. Chronologically, on each fly's feet there are very small fine hairs (human vision), on these legs there are hundreds of feathers as a useful tool for flies to recognize each landing. Its usefulness is as a reliable detection tool as well as a feeler in turning off its purpose. By having these feathers, flies are very good at detecting an object of choice after being tracked by smell.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

The fluff, has caught some liquid in the form of bad bacteria or viruses, as a result of landing in a dirty object or objects that contain various other bad things. Humans know it as bad bacteria and bad viruses that can make the human body sick when the bacteria and viruses enter the human body.

While bad objects such as bad bacteria and bad viruses are found in every dirty object such as carrion, feces, pus, and several other fluids found in every human environment. Flies themselves really like it either in the form of liquid or otherwise. The liquid participates and continues to stick to the fur and will transfer to all objects that will be made the next landing.

The various types of diseases that follow will participate in each object. So this is where the fault of the fly when it is in a clean object such as food and drink.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

The longer the fly stays in an object, the more bacteria it will produce

In this case, we always keep an eye on the existence of an object, or an object that has become food. Meanwhile, raw materials in the form of vegetables (raw materials) are neglected, even though viruses and bacteria carried by flies are basically found in every food ingredient. In general, food raw materials such as those mentioned above are often forgotten.

The longer the fly stays on the plant, the more bacteria and viruses will move to the object. If you see in the field, it turns out that flies stay longer on plants in silence, rather than perching on ready-to-eat food, this is influenced by the absence of human activity. The longer the fly is attached to an object, the more bad bacteria and viruses will spread. Moreover, vegetables that contain wood sap, automatically viruses and bacteria will join the sap that cannot be cleaned with water.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

So everyone will remove the outer skin when consuming fruit with certain objects, then wash it clean, then it is ready to be consumed. This activity that has been going on for centuries automatically teaches us to always live clean even though we eat fruit. At the same time, it teaches us about the behavior of insect species, especially flies, in spreading a danger of bad bacteria and viruses attached to the outer skin of plants.

This means that flies not only spread bad bacteria or viruses on ready-to-eat food, but also spread them on every plant and fruit.

(¬Chrysomya megacephala or house fly ®2022¬)

If someone asks why people hate flies, is it their body or character? So it can be answered that, what people often hate about flies is the behavior that comes from its character which comes from its body, then spreads through food, then bad things arise if humans consume it. Is it certain objects, in the form of food, both ready-to-eat food and plants and fruits that will become the raw materials for human food.

Take care of your food both plants, fruits and ready-to-eat food

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Krue Seumangat!

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