The state of fading away in life. [Numb and empty inside]

in #hive-1538506 months ago

Few weeks ago, our esteemed Prime Minister organised a talk show with school kids before they go for their academic exams. It was a live TV telecast where any children can put up the question. He is in habit of doing so since last few year. I believe it was a fantastic move by the Prime minister to boost the morale of the children and motivates them to attend the examination in positive frame of mind. Many kids are in habit of taking exam stress which ultimately results in suffering from depression. Our Prime Minister always wanted the children to focus on avoiding the stress and appear the academic exams with ease. Such talks and motivational words alwsys helps children to recover from unwanted stress and focus on their exams.

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Depression is a common mental health problem that involves a low mood and a loss of interest in activities. It can be seen in with many people. Nowadays with the rapid changing lifestyle and competitive world it is now getting common among various individuals. People carrying so much stress for each and everything that ultimately make thrm fall victim of depression. Scintifaclly speaking, depression can be defined as :
"Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in things and activities you once enjoyed".

The impact of life events, life conditions and various life changes make people to move on the course of depression. Everything is related to our mental status. The better it is , the better life would be. However due to various turn of events in life, people get in tye state of mind, where everything looks infertile and they loose interest in their life. The impact is so harsh that sometime it may end up with fatal results like suicide or some unplanned move in life. Depression can be caused by a complex interaction of social, psychological, and biological factors.

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My Depression phase

Life is unpredictable and anything can happen at anynpointbof time. A person may fall victim of depression at any stroke of life events. It happens to me few months ago where, I loses interest in everything. I even sidelined myself from #Hive or even meeting any family events. If I recall correctly, it was an unpleasant phase, where I lost my Dad and his absence created a huge vaccum in my life. His dying moments keep bothering more and that over thinking push me to a corner where everything was looking dark and unpredictable. It was combination of over thinking as well as mental stress that leads to my depression. What I learned that, I kept behind the door for most of time, incised to sleep lot, I avoided my meals, avoided meeting anyone and many similar events, where I completelly barred myself from the outside world. I losses all interest, going through rough patch. and it was crucial phase losing the loved one, after so much at stake is really painful. And that event shook me very hard.

My Recovering cycle

Depression is very harsh things in life. The sooner a person seeks support, the sooner they can recover. And I belive my uncle took note of that of changes in my life. His timely intervention allow me to come back to myself in a polite way. He alwsys pushes my cousin to accompany me. He never let me to be alone As loneliness is a major factor, that pushes a person to the boundary of isolation. He further, made sure of my meals and diets. He made me to talk and did many things to entertain. It was tough time but that is what make family very importsnt in everyone life. The people around me helped me to recover faster. Further, ibgetbregular with my writing habits on #hive which helped me to express better And todsy, I am in good mood.

Depression has no family.

Different causes can often combine to trigger depression in people life. An upsetting or stressful life event, such as bereavement, divorce, illness, redundancy and job or money, studies worries, are major causes of depression. The motive of Prime minister talking to school kids is to reduce their exam tension and stress. Studens, often fell Grey to depression and took aggressive steps in life. Having a mindful chat helped them to stay healthy.

Afterall, everything boil down to a healthy mind. The better it is to avoid and live a happy life.


Namaste @steemflow

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Depression is a very harsh phase, great to hear you've made your way through it

Wow, good to hear about your experience. We can usually see from that there is something that serves as a "trigger" for the disease. But it is so complex that sometimes it just appears, and there is precisely medical help to help decipher it and seek improvement. Greetings @steemflow

Those triggers were very instant and unexpected. May be due to over thinking which leads to pushing us to a dark corner where it get hard of getting back

My mother suffered from depression on two occasions, I have seen what she has been through, but fortunately she has recovered. I still keep an eye on her health at all times. A great topic @steemflow

Depression is a sudden trigger it can happen to anyone may be the real cause is that we sometime tend to over think on certain matters which eventually leads to pushing us too back.

Exactly, the mind is also treacherous, better to follow the heart.
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