Happy weekend dear friends 🥰❤️.
Freedom is one big right humans will want to enjoy because its that power one has to do whatever that is desired, but if this concept is allowed to be unlimited, then the rules and regulations that is always a guideline to how things should operate will not be functional in this aspect.
The concept of freedom if allowed to enable people do what they choose to do at all times without questions will lead to that free will of decision making of not caring if anyone will be hurt. This in other words means people will live without control since their will be no rules and regulations binding them. We can not live in a society without laws because that will indeed create so many dangers especially for the weak who cannot defend themselves
Living in a society with strict rules of laid down regulations means that even if we see ourselves as not totally free due to how those who crosses boundaries are punished, we should understand that every society should have regulations as this will help create avenues to check action of law offenders while also r restricting many to do the right thing when making decisions.
The choices we make in life most times comes from what we believe in as humans. And the number one factor is our environment regarding what has influenced our upbringing generally. Then the people who we have one dealing with or the other. And how has the society been as we continue to make our personal decisions? All these are factors that determine our choices of actions. But above all, who we are when it cones to knowing what is right and wrong.
I strongly believe that if humans should operate by obeying the rules and regulations , knowing when to take the right decision and acting accordingly without being selfish and irrational, then this should be the free will everyone of us needs because most times we go overboard stepping on other people toes because we have the power.Society can not operate this way.
However, abiding by the rules and doing what is right is the only way we can be free and stay clean from the law because if rules are not laid down, the society will be in a mess totally from the hands of oppressors. We know as well that many are out there who does not want to live by the rules. Like on the street of Lagos where begging has continued to rise everyday. The beggar will at least ask you to help him out in a gentle manner instead of attacking you or collecting your hand bag openly knowing you can accuse him of stealing. Our free will lies in our choices and actions .
This is my response to the #hiveleaners featured content for week 152, edition 03 tagged “THE CONCEPT OF FREE WILL”.
Thank you for reading friends 🥰❤️🌹
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