My ideals

in #hive-1538504 months ago

Parents are the ideals for their children. From parents we learn about this world and view this world through their eyes. Parents dedicate their whole lives for the happiness of their children. As i said, parents are ideals for their children.So, children want to become like their ideals.

I have learned treasure of lessons from my parents. Their lives are books to me from which i can get immense knowledge. Parents go through all thick and thin situations, walk under sun and remain awake all nights just to provide comfort for their children. From surface, these lines sound bookish but it's reality. Whatever i am today! I am only because of my parents because they brought me in this world and gave all things which i wanted in my life.

Resistance and Resilience

Since my childhood, i have seen struggles of my parents. My father is true and fine picture of resistance and resilience. His passion is so firm that even at the age of 44 he is confident and struggling person. My father was not a businessman from start. Infact, he achieved status of businessman through a journey. Previously, he was a farmer and we use to live in a village. Gradually and persistently, my father gained that status on which he is sitting with glory. My father has seen every difficult and easy situation in life. In my memories books, i still remember that time when my father didn't had money to buy basic amenities of life. But, he didn't bent down and worked hard with all heart to achieve everything he wanted. I have learned hardworking and passionate attitude from my father.

Although, my father is not that much educated but he always guides me in a way that is far more professional than all professional counselors. He is the best in this world. He gave me lessons of moral and ethical values. He is epitome of compassion, love, ethics and moral values.

I was searching all the pictures of my childhood and i found this amazing photo.In this photo, my father is holding my hand and both of us are smiling.

Hopeful Eyes

My mama- a pure soul with beautiful heart. I have ever seen my mama face with hope. She is such a hopeful personality with optimistic mindset. I have learned that ; no matter how adverse situations are there but always remain optimistic and hopeful about situation. All through her life, my mama is hopeful about her children and about a best future. This trait is entrenched in my personality. I am clingy sort of person with my goals and objectives. Hope is the best thing in the world which keeps us awake in this beautiful life. There are tough and hard times but yearning for an easy time is "hope". There is shine in my mama eyes and that shine is actually shine of hope.

I am so grateful to Allah that i have such caring and amazing people in my life who always guides me in every situation.


Thank you so much for scrolling down.

every picture belongs to me


Parents are the biggest present of Allah. You are too lucky you have both of them. But I have lost my father about three years ago. This post makes me cry. I have tears in my eyes. God bless you and your parents Taha.

Don't cry- it was destined.
Hope for the life. You have one gem who is your mother and always try to make her happy.
Be happy in your life 💕🧬

You're exactly like your father in looks. And I hope you would also be like him in personality too and make him proud ✨

I already know the story of your father's consistency which brought him up to a successful life. And I see that clearly in you.

You are resistant to many things (but not to one thing which I can't tell here)

Yes, I remember that I narrated the whole story of my father's struggle. By the way, I am curious to listen your judgement.

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts about your parents. It's clear that they have had a profound impact on your life, shaping your values, and instilling in you a strong work ethic, resilience, and optimism.

Your father's journey from farmer to businessman is truly inspiring. His resilience, determination, and hard work serve as a powerful example of what one can achieve with dedication and persistence. It's evident that his influence has played a significant role in your own approach to life and your goals.

Your mother's optimism and hopeful outlook, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to her strength and positivity. The hope and optimism she embodies have clearly influenced your own perspective on life.

Your parents' teachings and examples have shaped you into the person you are today, and it's wonderful to see such gratitude and appreciation for their efforts. They seem to have provided you with a strong foundation of love, support, and valuable life lessons.

Your post is a beautiful tribute to your parents. Thank you for sharing your reflections and for reminding us of the important role parents can play in our lives.

It's a beautiful, thoughtful and brief comment which I ever got!
You have summarized my full blog into these nice words.
Thank you so much for paying so much attention to my blog.

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