We all have that one or two persons who we call friends and who are always there for us no matter what may be. Okay what do we understand by the word FRIENDSHIP?, well I think we all know that friendship is a state of being friends, while we can define a FRIEND as someone who one can lean unto, this friend usually is an outside relative, a friend is someone you can rely on, even in difficult situations.
Actually, for this category, I might have to go out If the meaning I just gave( I.e, a friend being someone outside your family), For me my number one friend is my hubby, not because of the normal saying that your husband should be everything for you, No, my husband has been my friend even before we got married, we did and still do things together. Before we dated, he was someone who I could freely talk to about any thing no matter what that stuff may be, it is he that I have been more close to than any other person.
From my gallery
I and mercy have been friends since we were 12 years old, so I would say she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, she's more than a friend actually, we share things, and even in times of need we are always here for each other, she more than a friend to me, she's now like a sister to me, cause she an orphan, so I automatically involve her in anything i and my sisters are doing, cause shes part of us.
Things I can communicate with my other sisters I freely do so with her and she also does same to me.
She's my best friend because she means a lot to me, I can't plan on something without telling her, she has been there for me numerous times and I like to give her the kudos, she has been a friend indeed, she shares all her happenings with me, even when some of them might change our lives forever, she has been a good friend turned sister @constanceitohan , shes everything I want in a person, and also my husband so much likes her, shes the only friend he has fully approved for me, I don't know why but they just click. Even when she visited he didn't say no to her, but another person was a no.
Let's see, I am not much of an adviser but this is what I would say, before making someone your very best friend, make sure you are right that the person is trustworthy and he or she is dependable, he or she is someone you can rely on, cause that's what a friend is all about. When you are friend with someone whoo is not happy about your happiness, theeeeey cant be called friend, so choose wisely. A friend is someone who rejoice and cry with you at your good and worst times.
Thanks for reading
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