Please don't come for me based on the topic, I said what I said. The statement above is not true but also true (depending on the context). But quick question, what if the tests come out wrong, what would you do then? The brain is a very strong organ that if it accepts a fact, the entire body accepts it, and I guess that is why people go for 2nd and 3rd opinions regarding dome major issues. But an average Nigerian can't spend on those.
Before I go into the prompt in full, I can remember a time like that, I was friends with one person like that and then from nowhere, she told me she had hepatitis B. I knew it was severe but I didn't know much about it so I went to Google (first mistake). When I saw something like a symptom of is itchy throat, that was when my throat started itching me.
Note, when having any symptoms, never go to Google ooo.
So well, after I had finished diagnosing myself, I told my nurse sis about my friend and she started asking questions after which, she asked me to go do the test. I refused and it was a big fight then. The only saving grace was that I wasn't at home with them so they couldn't force me to do anything. I made up my mind that no drugs or test would tie me down in one hospital bed and that if I perish I perish and I am still here after 6 years (there was nothing wrong with me though, my head was just providing symptoms I saw on Google).
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Most people frequent the hospital if there is any slight change in their body and that is good, the money is there and if the money is there, I guess they can afford quality services this way, they can easily pick up whatever might be coming up. But do you also know, that regular exposure to rays can give you some things that were there before?
But as for me, I don't think I can spend #150,000 ($94) every month on check-ups. This doesn't also mean that I am living recklessly. I have started taking my health seriously by taking up some new habits like eating early, eating well, eating more fruits, drinking more water, reducing my sugar intake, avoiding energy drinks and soda (this one is a journey of a thousand miles oo) listening to aproko doctor (that's how I wanted to buy shawarma and after I agreed to 2 sausages, the next voice I heard in my head was his and him giving me that his glare). He also drops tips on how to check yourself up for cancer (breast and prostrate) amongst others and I have been checking myself out whenever I get the chance.
It is very good for one to know their status and all and I know that one day, I am going to do it (my spouse and I) because it is necessary. After all, that is a new phase of my life and I want to start it with me knowing my status. Also, my church mandates it during counseling.
But please, if strange stuff persists over a long period of time or you see some weird changes in your body, do not hesitate to seek medical advice or a check-up.