A chapter ended

in #hive-1538502 months ago


Sitting on a seat in auditorium and watching a documentary of past glimpses , I was drowning in the atlantic of memories . Those clicks were depicting how we have spent these 5 years. How were we and how are we!!!
I was remembering the day when I entered the versity for the very first time and now it was the day when I was here for the last time.

Wet eyes,sobbing heart and ostentatious smile so that no one can notice what I was feeling despite knowing it’s not only me but all those around me are feeling same. There were mixed moments. There was pleasure of passing all the hurdles and achieving for what we stepped in .There was sadness in heart because we were about to depart from the non blood family we formed here. There was anxiety as well because the chapter of conforts and affection has ended and now it is time to start the chapters of needs and responsibilities.

The documentary was playing but I was reminiscing those chortling moments which I have had with my crazy coterie. Awaking till morning while doing some silly blathering to sitting on cafeterias for day long and discussing tens of topics. From teasing and mocking each other to fighting for each others with whom who dared to speak anything bad about us.I was remembering how we used to tease administration by stopping buses because one of us was not able to find seat on bus but along with that how we were a helping hand for many those who couldn’t speak even for themselves.



It is still unbelieveable that I have graduated from the institute I was fearing to enroll in . I can’t believe that I will not be able to meet those friends for months or years now without whom I don’t use to take tea even. This thought was breaking me from inside that now they will not be with me to fetch me out of any depressive mood through their silly gossips and shitty acts. I want to rewind time and pause it there to live thise moments little longer but that is not now.

I learnt many lessons of my life during my this five year journey. This was the happiest part of my life. A single silly friend is enough to make you laugh and when you have bunch of crazy friends then even you can’t control your guffaw.Room number 41 A was like a home which witnessed long discussions,crazy titters and baseless fights and argues with each other.

“Ohhh my Osman ,all that has ended now.You are alone again to start a new chapter of your life probably the hardest one. You will face now new people because old ones will be away from you. Don’t speak much while seeing off to them because sobbing heart will no longer be in control. Tears in wet eyes cannot be resisted . This time the hug will be the last one.But don’t be sad too much . Smile because you fulfilled the promise of ending up with dignity. Look at the proud face of your father sitting beside you. Is the spark in his eye not enough to delight you? Clean your eyes,calm your heart and get ready to take on responsibilities because the time has come to manifest your skills”

Above are the writer’s thoughts while attending his graduation ceremony. This is one of the hard parts of one’s life because you have to say good bye to your soulmates.
Below are few clicks from yesterday’s graduation ceremony







Congratulations bro on your big achievement.