Reduction of a day will fatigue further

in #hive-153850last month

When I was a kid we used to have half a day on the last working day of the week i.e on Friday. I used to think why to come back school just for three hours? When I grew up I realized that it was just school life when I could enjoy that half day. That half day would no longer persist in my life. I will have to work on the fifth day as well just like I used to do on the remaining four days even sixty days as well in some cases.
Life doesn't remain remain same. It alters its course very rapidly.

The question under ponderance is whether five working days with ordinary work hours are good or shortening days and prolonging work hours will be better. To answer this there is a need to understand different attitudes of people. Some are very efficient, they can do work vigilantly for hours and can complete hectic work by working long. On the other hand, there are those who can not focus on their work for long and get fatigued after some time. They tend to increase the duration of time to perform it well. So here there comes difference in answers just due to diversity .

Along with this nature of work also matters. When my father owned a pharmacy, he couldn't even celebrate any single day in a week as a holiday. The pharmacy used to be open 18 hours a day for a whole week. We rarely enjoyed the company of our father at that time as he used to be there at the shop. Similarly, all those who own such businesses that have direct relation with the public can not close them and hence can not have holidays just like bakers and super stores remain open on festive as well.

If the question comes to me , I will not take so long ti answer. I know me . I believe that we must perform our tasks properly and vigilantly. We must not show a lethargic or passive attitude towards our work. So i will pick five days with ordinary hours rather than four days with long working hours because work with boosted energy is done properly. If energy gets down, we just want to pass that work without caring for its critical nature. I can not do this to my work . This is cheating to one’s duty.

Moreover, the continuous work brings fatigue which can’t be relieved by the rest of three days even. Man’s mind can’t focus for long. It needs short break lapses and moderate work routine to not get exhausted. If you will suppose it to work more than its capacity, it will degenerate after a while.

Notwithstanding, after two days holidays , Monday feels so onerous as we become habitual of that leisure routine. So what will be monday after three days rest? Surely cumbersome.So keeping in mind above reasons I will obviously pick 5 days with ordinary hours rather than irritaating my mind for many hours for the sake of reducing one day only.

This is my post for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w124e3


I agree that having a balanced schedule with breaks is important since burnout is a real issue, and we all need time to relax and recharge.