Challenges of Public Transport in Lagos: Issues and Potential Solutions

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Public transport, especially land transportation such as motorists, is the most common means of transportation in my community here in Lagos, and although Lagos is known to be the headquarters of traffic congestion in the whole of Nigeria, well, that isn't really the biggest plight I face in my community as the challenges of public transport, and in this article I'll be telling you what those challenges are and my proposed solution to normalize things.


The problems with our public transport here are enormous, from notably traffic congestion, like I said earlier, to bad vehicles that look like scrap and are not supposed to be on the road, to scarcity of fuel, increasing fee prices, and disturbance from multiple tax collectors. All of the later I mentioned literally make the drivers have no choice but to increase their charges, thereby making movement from one place to another more expensive by the day.

The biggest problem I think our public transport faces is the bad state of most of the vehicles here in my community. I'm totally not pleased with the conditions of this vehicle, be it bus, car, or tricycle; they're mostly just looking like what has been used for more than 30 years and has been involved in multiple accidents, and probably that's why there are lots of dent and bad parts on it, making the car look like scrap and like something that might injure you if you aren't careful.

Most of them don't have any safety measures, and they also park a lot of passengers, making everything fill the vehicle like we're set of frozen fish waiting to be transported from one place to another. It's just unsafe; being too close to other people can lead to easy transmission of germs, flu, and disease, but then it's what we've got, and we have no choice but to use it since we don't own vehicles of our own.


Other challenges, as stated above, are regarding the multiple tax collectors on the road making motor vehicles pay an exorbitant fee in tax for driving via that route. Sometimes I calculate the amount this driver pays for tax and add it to the amount of fuel they'll buy to run the vehicle, and I can't help but wonder how they survive because sometimes when you calculate it all, it's like they're spending over 60 percent on expensive on the road, and that doesn't even include what will go for vehicle maintenance when the need for that arises.

The last one on my list of problems that plague our public transport in my community that I want to talk about is regarding the increasing price of fuel. It's just ridiculous, and the value of fuel keeps increasing by the day. It's really a shame for us as an oil-producing nation to experience such. I mean, what's the point of being one of the top 10 oil-producing nations in the world and yet your citizens can't afford it?

The price of petrol has skyrocketed from about 160 naira to over 800 naira in the last year, and I still can't understand why it's so. This has led to an increase in charges for public transport, making it difficult for people to survive. I mean, a route I used to travel to and pay 2500 naira is now being charged for nothing less than 7000 naira.

We can't blame the drivers entirely for this, and that's why we're crying for the government to look into this and reduce the price of fuel, so the cost of living, including transportation, can reduce drastically, and that way everyone will be able to afford the public transport, not using over half of their wages on just transportation monthly.


Also regarding the bad state of the public vehicles, I think the government will need to come through in this aspect. The economy is going down the slope, and not many people can afford new and good vehicles, but if the government introduces good vehicles into the streets and gives them to those drivers to pay installmentally, I believe it will change the face of our road, and the former bad vehicles can either be scrapped to do other things or taken to a farm where they might be needed to transport crops and the like.

Regarding the multiple taxes, the government needs to do better and stop charging a motorized exorbitant fee, and it's even annoying when you'll see these drivers paying to about five to six tax collectors on the same route; it's annoying and not helping in any way. While tax is good, it shouldn't be too much, and I believe if they reduce that, it'll help our public transport. And beside, we don't even know who's from the government and who's just doing it as though they're government agencies, so I think a formal payment method would be better than the one we see on the road.

All photos used in this article are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lagos state, the center of excellence🤣
The center of madness,the more good roads the higher the supply of vehicles. Tax collectors with uniforms and without uniform are more than the earners🤔.
Hike in price of transportation, another headache 🤔
E don master us🤣

It's indeed the center of everything ranging from good to bad, but the we keep pushing.


You mentioned something interesting! It reminds me the time that I used to get public bus in Brazil...they were packed with people so especially during the winter I used to think "well probably I will get the flu after this trip" hehehe

Such an act is just annoying and also unhealthy, I guess I'll have no choice but to fine a way to get my own car.

I didn’t know Vick was in Lagos. My God, don’t even get me started with the condition of these public buses. In Accra, people hardly board buses anymore cos they are in terrible states. anyone who has money opts for Uber or bolt.

It’s poor people like me that use public buses.😭

The bus are just annoying, looking like what will crumble via a meer collision, we have no choice but to manage it since Uber and co are far to expensive.

We'll be alright dear.

But a rich man like you can afford Uber.🤭

Rich kini?

I'm just like you o, in fact you might even be richer than I'm.

😂😂😂that’s what you’re saying.

the quality of public transportation is diminishing rapidly as the day goes by.
the most annoying one of it all is the people that are supposed to maintain a smooth flow of traffic. instead of doing their jobs religiously, ignorance is bliss, as the go about, collecting the hard earned money of the struggling drivers. This act, coupled with the increasing price of fuel, and car parts, makes the drivers to increase the fee for transportation.

This is the sad reality of our community.

thanks for your lovely share.


It's a shame and we must collectively foam against it, but if cause not without the government taking the first step toward making our public transport safe a safe place for all.

sadly enough, the government's lackadaisical approach towards the ordeal is really suspicious.
Are they intentionally allowing all these things to happen? the bad roads is a tangible proof of the fact that they will pretty much, not want to solve these problems. they're prolly gaining from it. who knows?

There is nothing we can do except government takes action to reduce the cost of fuel, transportation and food most especially. It's so frustrating having to experience all of these and I also wonder how the drivers survive and cope too, it is why they keep adding more to their normal fare day by day.

Doesn't look like the government cares a bit about the situation, but we'll keep crying and hopefully they'll hear our cry and do something to change the situation of things.

Vic has finally exposed, some people planning to relocate eeeh, if they read this blog, they will just do about turn..lolz
multiple tax collectors is an insane issue...bad vehicle on the road is always a normal thing for them and they will always transfer people to another bus...high cost of fuel ..we are getting used to
This una Lagos get many headaches really

Lols I don't think they're still turn back, most people would be like if it's that bad why didn't you leave, that's just humans for you.

But when they come and see things for themselves they'll experience it first hand and understand the situation.

We can only pray things get better.

The truth is that those drivers are not to be blamed because fuel is getting costly more than it should be and more so most of the fuel is not pure according to what I heard from someone who drives in my area, then I realized that we can't blame drivers completely for the transportation fee that keeps getting higher.

That's absolutely true, they've to increase the price so they themselves can get something at the end of the day.

Hopefully the government will help us curb this situation soon.

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First thing I must mentioned from the pictures you shared that the road are neat and clean.
The increase of petrol price here is also a big problem. The price are sky raising and made the transportation cost much costlier.