The Ultimate Sacrifice: Contemplating Selflessness in a World of Chaos

in #hive-1538502 months ago

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Presently, the world is a mess, following different plagues that threaten its existence and that of every living thing on it. Understandably, we humans are one of the biggest threats to the world, as we've inflicted it with our wrath and destroyed it with our bitterness through war, plagued it with disease through our research, and put our fellow humans in abject poverty on our quests to attain wealth and power. All of these leave humans and the world at large at the mercy of what or who can savage it from these shambles we've put the world in, and then the big question is: if one man's life being sacrificed can restore the world back to normal in all aspects, will I or will I not willingly sacrifice my life for the wellbeing of the world and all that lives therein?

You see, like I said above, we humans are the perpetrators of most of the down slides in the world we're in today, from hunger to war and diseases. These are all brooded from our quest for power, fame, wealth, research, preservatives, and several other things, and all of these leave behind a blueprint of pain, death, and imminent extinction. Nothing is going to save the moment. Is there even anything that can change all of these, since almost everything gets at least a trait or two from those who beget them?

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Even the Bible says, and I quote, The heart of a man is evil; who can know it? That's to show how bad things are and how dangerous we humans can be, and a question like for one person to sacrifice themselves for the world to be restored back to normal seems almost like a waste of sacrifice, because in the Bible, this was done during the days of Noah, when he was asked to build an ark by God. According to that story, the world then was filled with many evils and plagues, and it was God's intention to wipe out all the bad people and have a new beginning with good people in the Noah family. Now, if we are all Noah's families and evil was wiped out through the flood, weren't we supposed to be good and live a good example?

My point is that it's pretty difficult for such to happen, and one person sacrificing themselves might not change anything, because those left behind will at one point or another trade knowledge, power, and wealth, and if it happens again, it'll be as though the person who sacrificed their lives did it in vain, but then it's what it's, let's just say it's possible, and if truely one person did sacrifice their life, then hunger, war, and diseases will be wiped out forever. Will I sacrifice my life?
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This might seem awkward or odd to say, but after thinking it through, I personally think I'll indeed willingly sacrifice my life for the good of the world and everyone who lives in it. I don't want my children or loved ones to have to undergo any form of pain or plague, as we've seen the world present to us at every given time, and as we can see, it's as though things are getting worse by the day, which means the days of our ten generations to come would be far worse. To prevent such from happening, I humbly lay down my life for the good of the world and everyone that lives therein.

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But on one condition, that in truth, pain, hunger, war, and diseases won't be a thing any longer from generations to generations, that'll make my sacrifices worth it and not be a waste, because the measures of the Noah flood seem like one, and I won't want to sacrifice my life for a short-lived peace but an everlasting one for the good of humanity and the world at large.

You can as well played this song as you read along;

All photos are taken and edited on canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Once we have that assurance of a life void of hunger, diseases and pains, we would gladly give it all to achieve such!

Yea that's indeed my thoughts on this as well, we can't just sacrifice without the sacrifices being effective.

Arey, we all sacrifice too… atleast some of humanity stood up against the evil, and for that many of them were wiped out.

In my country, like for writing truth, the journalist was put in jail! Activist were put in jail for standing up for people – like those who stood for the right of tribals to land as it got snatched by Corporates.

Activists lead still… inspite those dangers!

I would say look at the bright side… look at those of us who are fighting no matter what! And give them praise and support, join them and strengthen the movement.

Its not a sacrifice. Its for justice, for freedom, happiness, its our fight to not be slaves, we don’t mind dieing than living miserably or being part of that dirty part of humanity.

Yet… I say sacrifice is not needed, form communities, empower yourself, form asociations and then fight strategically with support.

It works … our country it has… we were so scared to write our views on twitter, or anywhere but there were people who did it and they won because the Government that formed was not dictatorial in the end… it has a good opposition and laws or stringent actions can’t be passed like that any more.

It's because of those journalists, youtubers who spread the word and awareness.

Have hope! There is good in humanity, just open up that space… hope it makes sense!

Be brave, but take calculated risks, your important because you matter… and you can be selfish but open up to do brave things beyond yourself, then you will feel great and it will hopefully be the right thing that's done.