God Provides, But Do We Plan?

in #hive-1538505 months ago

Two years ago, my mates and I were trekking down the roads of Akwuke community, where we had been posted for community health nursing.

We had since discussed how concerning it was that the people here were popping out kids with no care in the world and no regard to their financial situation.

Not long after, we came across a pregnant woman. From the looks of her bump, she was nearing full term. We noticed she had five other little ones trailing after her as she walked down the street.

We gave one another a look, as if confirming our previous discussion.

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One of us then approached the woman and inquired about the kids. She replied, rather proudly, that they were all hers. We inquired about her husband’s occupation, and she said he loaded sand from a nearby beach into trucks for sale while she made Zobo and Soy milk (both local drinks) and sold them to people.

So it is not the most ideal situation to be bringing in yet another child—a liability.

When we asked how she planned to provide for her litter, she only replied, “The God that gave them to me will take care of them.”.

I think the above statement sums up the general mentality surrounding kids and procreating. The majority of people who are uneducated believe that no matter their financial or emotional situation, procreation must go on and that God will provide.

Now I am, in fact, a Christian and believe wholeheartedly in God and in his teachings. I know that He does make provisions for his people. But should you then purposely place yourself and your unborn kids in precarious situations because of this?

I believe it is synonymous with placing your finger over a flame and trusting that because God protects his people, you are sure that the flame will not hurt you. It makes no sense.

But people simply don’t care. It is how they were probably raised, so they don’t see anything wrong with continuing the cycle of hardship.

While there is a significant portion of the population that is educated and doesn’t think this way, it seems as though it is a cause for legitimate concern.

I believe it would benefit the country at large if the government became actively involved and created a law or passed a bill that would effectively regulate and balance out the rate of childbirth in the country.

For example, if low-income households were allowed just two offspring, I believe that household would be a much happier one. The parents would be satisfied with the fact that their income is enough to cover the basic needs of the kids: food, shelter, and clothing.

Plus, they may have enough time to provide the kids with adequate love and attention, which will in turn create a secure personality in the children, therefore improving the quality of people in the nation.

Thirdly, this will give the parents the opportunity to invest properly into their children's education and financial future, therefore setting them up for success in the future.

Thank you for reading🥰

Images used are mine except stated otherwise...


I dont believe in the giving birth to countless kids and putting the burden on God.
This is one of the reason we have so many wayward kids around because there is no one to supervise them or control their action. No parent gave them the essential love and attention needed to help them grow up well.

That is very true. When you have more kids than you can count, it becomes extremely difficult to properly provide adequate attention necessary to each of them while also providing for their basic needs.

Thanks for stopping by dear!

Very true.
You are welcome and thanks for the nice write up too

That statement they make is really surprising to me sometimes, God provides so you will just be bringing them out as if you don't go through any pain to do and as if you have a good enough job that God can bless you through 🤦‍♀️

A control is needed, really!

That statement they make is really surprising to me sometimes

My dear it is really unfortunate. And this mentality is more common than we think. Working in the health sector really exposes one to just how rampant this crisis really is.

Thanks for stopping by Merit, your comment made me smile😊. I hope you're good?
Have a nice day!

Seeing children litter around like pieces of paper usually saddens my heart. Good planning is definitely needed when one want to start a family. God will just help us in this part of the world because a lot of people aren't getting things right.

They aren't getting things right at all.
The sad part is, when you try to advice them, they get mad because apparently it's none of our business. But when push come to shove and they find themselves in financial problems, they look for people who planned their lives well to beg from.

Thanks for stopping by dear, I appreciate the comment!

Lol, as in ehhh it's just so annoying.
You are welcome sis

You are right, God provides but it disheartening that we don't plan for the children we are giving birth to.

It really is disheartening!

Thanks for stopping by dear!

You are welcome

Indeed, education on contraceptive methods is necessary for the population. We can notice that many people do not plan to have children and leave the future of their generations in God's hands. It is sad to witness this situation.

It is in fact sad. And you're right. These people need a thorough education on the different contraceptive methods, plus the dangers of having multiple kids.

Thanks for reading through and dropping a great comment. I appreciate

Can you imagine,maybe by now she should have other two to the six. That mentality of the more the better is not a healthy one at all.

People need to be sensitized about the whole thing, even the economy should be enough to create the awareness. Your post makes lots of sense

That mentality of the more the better is not a healthy one at all.

I couldn't agree with you more. These people need to start thinking with their brains.
And the worst part is, when you try to advise them, you start to look like the bad person.

Thank you for stopping by dear. I appreciate the comments!

You are right, God provides but we need to plan and take care of the number of kids we need to have. Good planning is good

It is dear

The majority of people who are uneducated believe that no matter their financial or emotional situation, procreation must go on and that God will provide.

That's the pure mentality of many people especially in the rural areas. You will see children with malnutrition, yet the mother is still pregnant of another.

Quality education and quality living generally will be deprived of some children whose parents are low income earners
Regulation will be a dream come true

That's the pure mentality of many people especially in the rural areas. You will see children with malnutrition, yet the mother is still pregnant of another.

And if left unchecked, the cycle of poverty and illiteracy will keep going on and on.
It is really a pity.

Thank you aunty Nkem for stopping by, your comment has made my day!

The pleasure is mine 🤗

Low income families and wanting to have so many kids is something we just cannot understand, I really cannot blame it on illiteracy because the economy is already teaching all of a lesson.

I get your point there. There are the set of people that at first they are financially buoyant and can accommodate children, but along the line something happens and all of a sudden they cannot provide anymore. I think those are the exceptions to the rule.

Thanks for dropping such an intuitive comment.