Whereas many people connect blockchain with cryptocurrencies, the hive ecosystem has a diverse set of possible uses and activities, including the empowerment of communities worldwide. The Hive blockchain successfully performed a free health outreach at Agona Bedomase in Ghana today. This effort highlights blockchain technology's ability to have a beneficial social effect and enhance access to healthcare in marginalized regions.
The Hive Ghana Community under the supervision of @mcsamm and @collinz organized the health outreach event, which was attended by a group of blockchain enthusiasts who are enthusiastic about utilizing technology for social benefit. The event was held in the local town center and was open to the public. This neighborhood is filled with a population of individuals who cannot afford essential healthcare services like eye care, diabetes, and blood pressure, which are provided for free today by Hive.
To ensure the success of the event, the Hive Community Ghana collaborated with local healthcare experts and individuals to deliver free eye examinations, blood pressure checks, and diabetes testing to the villages. In addition, the crew supplied free medicine and spectacles to individuals in need. The event was well-attended, with over 250 individuals getting eye examinations and medicine and more than 100 receiving free glasses and hive supplies.
Hive Health team
Overall, the Hive blockchain's free health outreach program in Ghana highlights blockchain technology's ability to have a beneficial social effect and enhance access to healthcare in underprivileged populations. By doing so, we demonstrate the potential of hive technology and welcome the rest of the world to join us. Thank you to all of the major media outlets that were there to cover the event. We also like to thank the health team, which is supervised by in-house doctor @nattybongo. Thank you to @awuabenjamin, @zicogh, @kreativita, and @ for volunteering for the event.
Project : Hive Health Outreach
Location: Agona Bedomase (Ghana, West Africa)
Date : 01/05/23
Changing lives with hive.