In this cruel world full of constant threat, stress everywhere. There's a great need for us to always rejoice.
If it is not war, starvation, food shortages, Pestilences, lack of funds, then it is every other negative things that makes our heart tremble in fear or put us in anxious situation.
Hunger: many people have lost weight asa result of unbalanced diet, some have even passed away.
Pestilence: there are various deseases plaquing humans, some of this deseases do not have a known cure. Others sometimes are resistant to medicine.
War: many nations are at war with each other and some of these nations have weapons of mass destruction, these weapons are capable of destroying every living thing on planet earth multiple times over, [THOUGH NOT PROVEN].
There are may other reasons for fear and trembling as stated above.
Let us do all we can to always rejoice.
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